» Tasks with the letter z for preschoolers. Automation of sound and a file cabinet on speech therapy on the topic

Tasks with the letter z for preschoolers. Automation of sound and a file cabinet on speech therapy on the topic

He lives in a dense forest,

He himself is round and prickly.

Guess who it is?

Well of course it is....

It’s easy for us to recognize him,

It's easy to recognize:

He's tall

And he sees far.

Long-legged, long-necked,

Long-billed, gray body,

He walks and wanders through the swamps,

There he looks for frogs and catches them.


What common? Yes, the letter Z!

1. Verbal snail.

Very interesting idea - check it out Rybitskaya Elena Viktorovna

3. Repeat after me a series of syllables:

Zha-zhu-zhu-zhi, zhi-zhu-zha-zho

Wait-wait-wait-wait, wait-wait-wait

4. Find words starting with the letter F ()

5. The hedgehog tailor sewed the clothes. Name and write down the names of the clothes, and indicate the sound Z in the words.()

6. The animals came to a large puddle to drink. Only those animals whose names begin with the sound J are thirsty. Draw them a path to the puddle. Does the word "puddle" have a J sound? ()

7. Read the syllables( , more )

8a. I will name words, if you hear the sound Zh in a word, clap your hands ()
= jacket, shirt, T-shirt, scarf, vest, hat, shorts, breeches, trousers, trousers, socks, jeans
==How can all these words be called in one word? Cloth

8b. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands” if you hear the sound Z ()
= f, m, b, f
= zha, ha, zhu
= Zhenya, belly, milk, bed, giraffe

9. From a series of words, choose a word with the sound Ж ()
= mouse, frog, toad
= things, vegetables, acorns
= spring, clothes, car
= hedgehogs, mice, puppies

10. Game "Who is attentive." I name the word, and you say where the sound “w” is in the word: at the beginning, middle or end. ()
= snakes, swifts, cat, scissors, heron, hedgehogs, snowflake, skis, beetle, castle, fox, pencil

The calf saw the hedgehog and said to him:
- I will eat you!
The hedgehog didn’t know that calves don’t eat hedgehogs, he got scared, curled up into a ball and snorted:
- Try! ...
With his tail raised, the stupid calf jumped around the hedgehog and, butting him, licked him on the right side.
Oh! Oh! Oh! - the little calf roared and rancomplain to mother cow:
The hedgehog bit me hard on the tongue!
The cow slowly raised her head, looked thoughtfully at her foolish son and began to continue chewing the grass...

35. Use a yellow pencil to paint over all areas with the letter Z ()

Differentiation of sounds Ж and Ш
* source #1

1) Insert the missing letters Ш or Ж into the words, underline the “extra” word on each line

_uba, vi_nya, _uk, kalo_a, gru_i, aba_ury, _urnal, _irny
_a_ki, _ur_al, _i_ki, _a_da, _i_a, _taniki, _u_elitsa, po_i_e
can_e_b, _me_b, _ari_b, go

2) Zhanna and Masha have a birthday. Give gifts for Zhanna with the letter Z, and for Masha - with the letter Sh ()
(you can place 2 dolls on the table, put the letters Zh and Sh next to them to indicate who’s name is. When naming words, you can move chips to the dolls)
= beetle, hedgehog, hat, chess, knives, tire, fur coat, car, bear cub, skis, ears, mouse, cat, acorns

3) “Get in order” Help the snake and the beetle sort out their things. Remember that a beetle owns objects whose names contain the sound Z, and a snake owns Z. ()

4) What word will you get if you replace the sound Ш with the sound Ж? ()
= ball - heat
= ears - snakes
= pole - gesture
= shawl - sorry
= sew - live
= sewed - lived
= waves - smears
= Lyosha - lying down
= Lusha - puddle

I suggest you and your child, with the help of my materials, study the ABC in a simple and accessible form together with your child.

On this page you will find interesting tasks about the letter “F”.

So, I will list what will need to be done with the baby:

  • Circle the objects that begin with the letter “F”. Color the large and small letters “Zh” blue.
  • Write a small letter “zh” in a circle under each picture and circle the first letter “zh”. Discuss who is shown in the pictures? What letter do all these words start with?
  • Color the picture, find out who is depicted in it, insert the letter “w” in the word “firebird”.
  • We are learning to write the letter “Zh” - you need to circle the letters zh with multi-colored pencils, and then
  • color the giraffe and draw black spots on its back.
  • We learn to write large and small capital letters “Zh” - we trace the dotted lines.
  • We are looking for five letters “F” among other pictures. (Letter game for attentiveness).
  • Help the toad Klava from the cartoon about Luntik collect all the letters “F” - carefully circle the dotted lines.


Learn how to pronounce the letter “Zh” correctly

Alphabet Baby from Aunt Owl about the letter Z

Educational cartoon on the topic

Good day, my dears!

Today I only post practical material to learn the letter "F". There is no need to repeat the techniques I have already described in previous posts.

Letter "F"

Funny poems

This letter is wide and looks like a beetle. And at the same time it looks like a beetle

Makes a buzzing sound: w-w-w!

The Firebird is not an easy bird.

The Firebird is a golden bird.

Long-legged crane

Waiting for mom by the road.

They were scared of the bear cub. The hedgehog and the hedgehog and the little hedgehog, the little siskin and the little siskin,

Swift with a swift and a haircut.

From above, like an important count,

The giraffe was looking at me.

A beetle flies over a meadow

He's tired of walking

* * *Silently the beetle sat in the ditch, Silently the beetle crawled along the grass.

And when he flies -

It will buzz, it will hum.

. * * *The beetle-bug answered the lesson. Instead of the words “the stream is murmuring”

He wrote “bug buzzes.”

G. Vieru

It's hot... The harvest... At the boundary A sheaf will stand like a letter AND,If a sheaf is like a belt,

We will tie it with a spikelet.

V. Stepanov

This - AND, and this is TO.

A whole beetle and half a beetle.

A. Shibaev

The beetle buzzes:

- I walked and walked,

I found a yellow pebble.

- It's an acorn! You're wrong, -

The giraffe says to the beetle.

“Well, hang it on a branch,”

The beetle says to the giraffe.

A beetle is buzzing in a tin can - The beetle does not want to live in a tin can. The life of a beetle in captivity is bitter.

I feel sorry for the poor beetle!

V. Lunin

A fat beetle met a giraffe.

The giraffe beetle did not notice.

Yu. Kushak

Look at this: letter AND

Looks like a beetle

Because she has

Six beetle legs.

V. Kozhevnikov

The snowflake has become a letter AND,

The sun won't melt it anymore!

E. Tarlapan

Tongue Twisters

1. The crane would be friends with the toad, if only

I would like the friendship of this toad!

2. Hedgehogs and grass snakes lived in the living corner.

3. Zhora has a beetle, Rosa has a beetle.

4. The pie is good, there is curd inside.

5. The fly buzzed and the spider buzzed.

6. The iron lock is rusty.

7. It’s terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.

Pure talk

Zhu-zhu-zhu - let's give milk to the hedgehog.

Zha-zha-zha - the hedgehog has needles.

Zhi-zhi-zhi – hedgehogs live here.

Zhe-Zhe-Zhe - the rain has already passed.

Jo-jo-jo - meadow, snowball, pie, cottage cheese.

Proverbs and sayings

1. Live for people, people will live for you.

2. Where friendship is valued, enemies also tremble.

3. Living life is not a field to cross.


Game "Who is bigger?"

1. Think of words starting with the letter “F”.

Firebird, giraffe, jabot, vest, journalist, gendarme, rogue, juggler, jury, pearl, jockey, foal, railway worker, painter, crane, home, lodger, life, rod, magazine, priest, acorn, greedy.

2. Name the animals, birds, insects, reptiles, amphibians whose names contain the sound [ and].

Hedgehog, giraffe, crane, grass snake, beetle, toad, swift.

3. Think of any words with the sound [ and].

Flag, animal, heat etc.

Game “Who is more attentive?”

1. Find the same sound in the words: snakes, swifts, hedgehogs, snowflake, beetle, skis.

2. Stand up (raise your hand) every time you hear the sound [ and] in words: cat, scissors, heron, skis, suitcase, brush, castle, hanger, hedgehog, fox, mice, beetle, wolf, pencil, roof, snakes, shield.

Game “Say the Word.”

Game "Rhyme".

Come up with rhymes for the word bug. (Bow, branch, spider.)

Game "Syllable Auction".

1. Think of words with a syllable lady.

(Lark, heat, sting.)

2. What word will you get if you add the sound [ and] to the words:

aba, - uk, - izn, - ongler, - aloba,ar, - give, - eat, - silt, - silty, - rumble?

Game "The letter is lost."

Find the missing letters in the words:

lu - a, stu - a, sa - a, ro - b, lo - ka, but - ka etc.

Game “The fourth one is extra.”

Identify the extra word:

Crane, acorn, giraffe, hedgehog.

Beetle, lark, snake, fat.

Game "Syllable Lotto".

Come up with words with syllables:

Zha – heat, toad, lark.

Zhu – beetles, cranes.

Zhi – giraffe, lived, fats.

Game "Sound Lost"

Having dropped the doll from my hands,

Masha rushes to her mother:

- There's a green one crawling there l uk (bug)

With a long mustache.

Game "Ladder".

Game “Several from one word.”

Game "The Word Is Lost"

Make as many new words as possible from the letters of a given word.

Lark – crow, thief, leather, pitch, crane, ditch, mink, bark, knife.


TASK 1. Write the names of these animals in the boxes.

Task 2. Guess the riddles and fill out the crossword puzzle

1. It’s like a Christmas tree covered in needles. (Hedgehog.)

2. The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden.

Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village. (Fox.)

3. He sleeps in a den in winter under a huge pine tree,

And when spring comes, he wakes up from sleep. (Bear.)

4. Who wanders around angry and hungry in the cold winter? (Wolf.)

5. Made a hole, dug a hole.

The sun is shining, but he doesn't even know it. (Mole.)

6. During the day he sits like a blind man,

And only in the evening - for robbery. (Owl.)

7. Small stature, long tail,

Gray coat, sharp teeth. (Mouse.)

8. Jumping along the branches, but not a bird,

Red, but not a fox. (Squirrel.)

9. Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest,

It walks boldly and easily, with its horns spread wide. (Elk.)

10. In his forest chamber he wears a colorful robe.

He heals trees, knocks - and it’s easier. (Woodpecker.)

11. You can’t say the word “screw” to me

I'm not a cat, but... (lynx.)

12. White in winter, gray in summer.

He doesn’t offend anyone, but he’s afraid of everyone. (Hare.)

Task 3. Name the girl’s name, which consists of the first sounds of the names of objects. (Zhanna.)


And so my dears in the section learning letters additional material has appeared on getting acquainted with letter "F"

I wish you successful learning of letters! Please leave your comments if you found it useful practical material and artistic expression, this article.


Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson in a preparatory group with physical training

“Journey to the land of the sound and letter Z”

Objectives: Correction of phonemic disorders in children of the preparatory group. Introducing children to the letter and sound J.

1. Correctional and educational:

Teach children to answer questions accurately and completely;

Form a lexical and grammatical structure;

Exercise children in sound-letter analysis and word synthesis;

- automate the sound "Zh" in syllables, words, phrases;

2. Correctional and developmental:

Development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception;

Development of logical thinking, attention;

Development of fine movements of the fingers;

3. Correctional and educational:

Formation of a positive attitude towards participation in the lesson;

Ability to listen to peers and speech therapist;

Cultivating friendly relationships, cultivating perseverance,

Equipment: tape recorder, recording of an original song about the letter Z, sound diagrams, aquarium, fish with pictures (beetle, giraffe, pajamas, grass snake, knives, hedgehog), 3 buckets, train cars, plot picture of a family of hedgehogs, wax, plasticine backing, computer , presentation with the sound Zh, cardboard gnome and giant, su-jok balls with springs, cards with shaded letters Zh,

Progress of the lesson

The song sounds: The letter Z, the letter Z, the letter Z buzzed,

The letter Zh, the letter Zh invited you to visit

Zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha come in kids,

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu I'm waiting for a magical land.

1. Organizational moment

Children enter the office to music (a song about the letter Zh), the letters Zh, pictures with the sounds Zh (beetles, bees, etc.) hang on the walls.

Speech therapist: Hello guys, sit down, listen carefully to the text and determine which sound is most common?

A friendly family lives on the lawn: a hedgehog, a hedgehog and a hedgehog. Hedgehogs catch beetles and snakes, and hedgehogs bask in the hot sun and wait for dinner. After dinner, the hedgehogs huddle and fall asleep under a blackberry bush.

What sound was repeated?

That's right, J.

Introduction to the topic of the lesson

And you probably guessed that today in class we are going on a journey through a fairyland, where we will get acquainted with the sound and letter Z. A lot of new things await us: interesting meetings, tasks, and of course, games.

But for our journey to be successful, we need to remember how to pronounce the sound Zh correctly.

2. Characteristics of the sound

Let's make the sound J.

How should lips, teeth, tongue look when we pronounce the sound Zh?

The lips are rounded, the teeth are close together, the tongue is “cupped” behind the upper teeth, the lateral edges are pressed against the molars.

What is he like?

Consonant, hard, sonorous.

Why, how did you determine that it is consonant, voiced?

Let's check it out: let's play the game "Headphones". “Let’s put on the headphones,” (cover our ears with our hands) and pronounce the sound Zh, do you hear the noise in the headphones?, yes, that means we have correctly determined that the sound Zh is ringing.

You and I pronounce syllables, words with the sound Z, but can we see the sounds?

No, we see and write letters.

What letter represents the sound Z in writing?

Let's become wizards and turn the sound Zh into the letter Zh.

Together with the children we recite the poem:

We put on dresses to the sounds,

We turn sounds into letters.

3. Exercise for developing fine motor skills of the hands and memorizing the visual image of the letter.

Let's make the letter Z out of wax.

This letter is wide and looks like a beetle.

And at the same time, it’s like a beetle makes a “buzzing sound.”

4. Exercise to develop attention.

Find the hidden letters Z and circle them.

5. Automation of the sound Ж in syllables and words.

Let's buzz along with the funny bug. (slides)

Now let's play the game "Say the Word":

Zhu-zhu-zhu - we’ll give milk... (to the hedgehog).

Zha-zha-zha - two are sitting on a branch... (siskin).

Same, same, same - we live on the third... (floor).

Zhi-zhi-zhi - they swim in the sea...(walruses).

6. Speech therapy exercises

The hedgehog is preparing for records. (hands on belt)

Let's play sports; (raise your hands in front of you)

The hedgehog is straining its paws.

Raises the barbell upward. (raise your arms up with tension)

Holds 1,2,3,4,5,

You can lower the barbell. (we lower our hands)

The hedgehog squats low, (squat)

And he walks on the pebbles (we walk)

Comes back.

Relaxation is pleasant. (exhale, wave your arms)

7. Development of fine motor skills using Su-jok therapy

Good-natured, businesslike,

Covered with needles

Can you hear the patter of nimble feet?

This is our friend... (hedgehog)

Each child is given a Su-jok ball. We take out the springs and put them on each finger one by one.

This hedgehog wants to sleep

This hedgehog jumps into bed

This hedgehog took a nap.

This one has fallen asleep a long time ago.

At least this one is not sleeping yet,

But he lies quietly.

Hush, hush, don't make noise,

Don't wake up the hedgehogs.

8. Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes -ik, -ok and augmentative -ishe.

A gnome and a giant came to visit us and you need to turn objects into very small ones, like the gnome's, and into very large ones, like the giant's.

I will speak:

A man has a mosquito, and you answer: a gnome has a mosquito, and a giant has a mosquito.

9. Consolidating the skills of isolating a given sound from words; determining the place of a sound in a word.

And now we’ll go fishing:

Many different fish swim in the pond.

The cat will catch ginger with his fishing rod

Little fish

And on it is a picture.

Name the picture.

Find F in the word quickly.

Place the fish in different buckets.

Children must determine where the sound Ж is at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word and put it into buckets.

Words: beetle, hedgehog, snowflake, crane, skis, snake.

10. Summary of the lesson.

Well done! You have completed all the tasks.

What did we do today?

What did you like most?

What were the difficulties?

Today everyone worked well in class and I give you the letters that you made.

Poems about the Letter Z

This letter is wide
And it looks like a beetle.
And at the same time, like a beetle,
Makes a buzzing sound:
F - F - F - F - F - F - F!

F has so many legs
As if the letter could crawl.
The letter Z is for sure
A beetle's shadow on paper.

Life, chewing gum, the word wait,
Well, you also need to know
Zhenya, Zhanna, puddle,
S - well, in winter, cold.

A beetle sits on a leaf
He buzzes in his own way,
He invites guests to his place,
Show how Zh sings.

The beetle has long wanted to get married,
It's no good living without a wife.
I would take a ground beetle into the house,
And the two of them would buzz.

A beetle is buzzing over the road,
The foal is running
And the Giraffe in a bright jacket
Puffed: - It's hot today!
And the beaver juggles
Acorns like a Juggler!

The beetle fell and could not get up,
He is waiting for someone to help him.

I met a hedgehog in a thicket:
How's the weather, hedgehog?
And we went home, trembling,
Hunching, cowering, two hedgehogs.

Riddle about the Letter Z
Zhenya was playing around
Played in the blinds:
Opened and closed
He gave them no rest.
But they were already saved -
Turned into a letter... (F)

“Journey to the land of the sound and letter Z”

Objectives: Correction of phonemic disorders in children of the preparatory group. Introducing children to the letter and sound J.

1. Correctional and educational:

– teach children to answer questions accurately and completely;

– form a lexical and grammatical structure;

– to train children in sound-letter analysis and word synthesis;

automate the sound "Zh" in syllables, words, phrases;

2. Correctional and developmental:

– development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception;

– development of logical thinking and attention;

– development of fine movements of the fingers;

3. Correctional and educational:

– formation of a positive attitude towards participation in the lesson;

– ability to listen to peers and speech therapist;

– fostering friendly relationships, fostering perseverance,

Equipment: tape recorder, recording of an original song about the letter Z, sound diagrams, aquarium, fish with pictures (beetle, giraffe, pajamas, grass snake, knives, hedgehog), 3 buckets, train cars, plot picture of a family of hedgehogs, wax, plasticine backing, computer , presentation with the sound Zh, cardboard gnome and giant, su-jok balls with springs, cards with shaded letters Zh,

Progress of the lesson

The song sounds: The letter Z, the letter Z, the letter Z buzzed,

The letter Zh, the letter Zh invited you to visit

Zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha come in kids,

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu I'm waiting for a magical land.

1. Organizational moment

Children enter the office to music (a song about the letter Zh), the letters Zh, pictures with the sounds Zh (beetles, bees, etc.) hang on the walls.

Speech therapist: Hello guys, sit down, listen carefully to the text and determine which sound is most common?

A friendly family lives on the lawn: a hedgehog, a hedgehog and a hedgehog. Hedgehogs catch beetles and snakes, and hedgehogs bask in the hot sun and wait for dinner. After dinner, the hedgehogs huddle and fall asleep under a blackberry bush.

-What sound was repeated?

- That's right, J.

Introduction to the topic of the lesson

And you probably guessed that today in class we are going on a journey through a fairyland, where we will get acquainted with the sound and letter Z. A lot of new things await us: interesting meetings, tasks, and of course, games.

But for our journey to be successful, we need to remember how to pronounce the sound Zh correctly.

2. Characteristics of the sound

Let's make the sound J.

– How should lips, teeth, tongue look when we pronounce the sound Zh?

The lips are rounded, the teeth are close together, the tongue is “cupped” behind the upper teeth, the lateral edges are pressed against the molars.

-What is he like?

- Consonant, firm, sonorous.

- Why, how did you determine that it is consonant, voiced?

- Let's check it out: let's play the game "Headphones." “Let’s put on headphones,” (cover our ears with our hands) and pronounce the sound Zh, do you hear the noise in the headphones?, yes, that means we have correctly determined that the sound Zh is ringing.

– You and I pronounce syllables, words with the sound Z, but can we see the sounds?

- No, we see and write letters.

– What letter represents the sound Z in writing?

- Let's become wizards and turn the sound Z into the letter Z.

Together with the children we recite the poem:

We put on dresses to the sounds,

We turn sounds into letters.

3. Exercise for developing fine motor skills of the hands and memorizing the visual image of the letter.

- Let's make the letter Z out of wax.

This letter is wide and looks like a beetle.

And at the same time, it’s like a beetle makes a “buzzing sound.”

4. Exercise to develop attention.

Find the hidden letters Z and circle them.

5. Automation of the sound Ж in syllables and words.

- Let's buzz together with the funny bug. (slides)

– Now let’s play the game “Say the Word”:

Zhu-zhu-zhu - we’ll give milk... (to the hedgehog).

Zha-zha-zha - two are sitting on a branch... (siskin).

Same-same-we live on the third... (floor).

Zhi-zhi-zhi - swimming in the sea...(walruses).

6. Speech therapy exercises

The hedgehog is preparing for records. (hands on belt)

Let's play sports; (raise your hands in front of you)

The hedgehog is straining its paws.

Raises the barbell upward. (raise your arms up with tension)

Holds 1,2,3,4,5,

You can lower the barbell. (we lower our hands)

The hedgehog squats low, (squat)

And he walks on the pebbles (we walk)

Comes back.

Relaxation is pleasant. (exhale, wave your arms)

7. Development of fine motor skills using Su-jok therapy

Good-natured, businesslike,

Covered with needles

Can you hear the patter of nimble feet?

This is our friend... (hedgehog)

Each child is given a Su-jok ball. We take out the springs and put them on each finger one by one.

This hedgehog wants to sleep

This hedgehog jumps into bed

This hedgehog took a nap.

This one has fallen asleep a long time ago.

At least this one is not sleeping yet,

But he lies quietly.

Hush, hush, don't make noise,

Don't wake up the hedgehogs.

8. Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes –ik, -ok and augmentative –ishe.

– A gnome and a giant came to visit us, and you need to turn objects into very small ones, like the gnome’s, and into very large ones, like the giant’s.

I will speak:

A person has a mosquito, and you answer: a gnome has a mosquito, and a giant has a mosquito.

9. Consolidating the skills of isolating a given sound from words; determining the place of a sound in a word.

- And now we’ll go fishing:

Many different fish swim in the pond.

The cat will catch ginger with his fishing rod

Little fish

And on it is a picture.

Name the picture.

Find F in the word quickly.

Place the fish in different buckets.

Children must determine where the sound Ж is at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word and put it into buckets.

Words: beetle, hedgehog, snowflake, crane, skis, snake.

10. Summary of the lesson.

Well done! You have completed all the tasks.

– What did we do today?