» Vitaly Panamorenko: such surprises await us... Feeding troughs of the country Sobyaniya: Director of Mosvodokanal Alexander Ponomarenko directs financial flows into the pockets of his immediate circle? Business Mayor Sergei Ponamarenko

Vitaly Panamorenko: such surprises await us... Feeding troughs of the country Sobyaniya: Director of Mosvodokanal Alexander Ponomarenko directs financial flows into the pockets of his immediate circle? Business Mayor Sergei Ponamarenko

moscow-post.com - 09/11/2014 17:37

On the eve of the elections, competition on the Internet is intensifying. It did not bypass the Moscow region town of Dzerzhinsky. So, on September 8, 2014, an interesting article by Alexander Markov, “Panamo-pont,” concerning the mayor of the city, Vitaly Panamorenko, was published on the “Blog of an Independent Journalist.”

The editors found him curious. Without undertaking to affirm or deny the veracity of the facts presented, we reprint it without any “cuts,” leaving the right to judge to our readers.


Vitaly Mikhailovich Panamorenko (old surname Ponomarenko) - Head of the city of Dzerzhinsky, Moscow region.

It will be difficult to find out the true biography of Vitaly Mikhailovich Panamorenko. In fact, his biography was posted during the elections. But they say that this is a fake biography. Even the last name is not real!

Fake Man

Vitaly Mikhailovich’s surname at birth was different, although similar to the current one - Ponomarenko - like many in Ukraine. They say that there is V.M. Ponomarenko allegedly committed a crime - he killed a man. While driving while drunk, he hit and killed a pedestrian. He faced trial and severe punishment.

Rumor has it that from the court V.M. Ponomarenko was able to pay off, but smart people advised Vitaly Mikhailovich to disappear quickly.

Emigrant Werewolf

Vitaly Mikhailovich changes his last name - Ponomarenko to another, similar one - Panamorenko. And soon he moves to neighboring Russia, running away from a fair trial in his homeland.

In Russia, the newly minted emigrant citizen Panamorenko settles closer to the capital and starts a construction business with the help of relatives - his brother, Moscow official and businessman Alexander Mikhailovich Ponomarenko (http://www.kommersant.ru/factbook/192629).

Russophobe oligarchs

These brothers: Ponomarenko and Panamorenko have a reason to dislike Russia, Russians and everything Russian. But business and power come first. They seized power - as best they could. But this is not enough for the brothers! Because any oligarch strives with all his might to expand his business.

In Panamorenko’s construction business, the main thing is the land needed for development. And there is never enough land for this; I want more and more! As F. Ranevskaya said in the role of the Stepmother from the movie “Cinderella”: “The kingdom is not enough, there is nowhere to turn around!” Here is V.M. Panamorenko is already trying on the crown of the head of Dzerzhinsky, united with Kotelniki.

Panama's henchmen

Having seized power in the city, the Ukrainian “Werewolf” placed his henchmen in the administration. Now his former guards, as well as his brother's guards, became city officials.

Appointments to positions are made on the basis of proximity to one’s own person, regardless of the level of education and qualifications. People without education are appointed to responsible positions of heads of departments, departments, leading administration specialists, heads of municipal enterprises and institutions, some of them have previous convictions.

S.A. Trutnev, the director and owner of the enterprise OJSC Itex, was appointed first deputy of the administration. Corruption factors were revealed during his work as director of Itex OJSC. He did not fulfill contracts for the maintenance and repair of public roads in the territory of responsibility of RDU-7, the chief engineer, and subsequently the manager, whose son Trutnev A.S. stood in snowdrifts and drowned in mud.

Kuzin P.I. was appointed deputy head of the city for housing and communal services. - Director of DMUP "FSK". He does not pay rent for his two-story apartment on the street. Poklonnaya. Its second floor (attic) was occupied by him without permission during the completion of the construction of the house by the forces of DMUP "FSK".

Bayrakov D.V. - the right hand of the head. Appears as assistant to the head and head of DMUP "DISK". Without higher education. Previously convicted of petty theft of Snickers. He heads the pseudo-chamber of commerce and industry, consisting of structures affiliated with the mayor of the city.

Mr. Ovsyankin was appointed to the position of Deputy. Director of DMUP "FSK". He also does not have a higher education. Previously, he acted as a foreman in a house whose residents had repeatedly written complaints against him regarding complete incompetence and inadequacy. An article about this was published on the Two Hundred Ru website.

Former city council deputy S.M. Dubin was previously dismissed from the position of director of the service organization DMUP "EKPO", however, despite the presence of a negative audit report, which established numerous violations of the current legislation in the circulation of funds of the enterprise, he was reinstated immediately after the election of Panamorenko as head of the city as a token of gratitude for your support.

The current head of the city of Dzerzhinsky, Panamorenko, provides his accomplices with land plots without formalizing documentation and illegally organizes parking lots. There have already been appeals to law enforcement agencies regarding these facts; a pre-investigation check is underway.

new broom

After sitting in the chair of the city head for three months, Panamorenko appropriated the deeds and achievements of his predecessors, which he reported to residents at an event on the occasion of his 100-day reign. And he applauded himself.

The smug mayor loves to applaud himself.

Panamorenko removed the entire professional staff of the administration, municipal enterprises and institutions. He simply kicked out most of the previous experienced and hard-working officials.

The directors of Lyceums 3 and 6 were fired, and then illegal appointments were made to these positions. The approved procedure for the competitive selection of heads of educational institutions was canceled, and instead a corrupt hiring procedure was adopted with numerous violations of the law, which caused a protest from the prosecutor's office. Direct threats of prosecutorial checks against the former director of Lyceum No. 6 were made live on local TV.

The hospital's chief physician and the head of the nursing unit were fired due to an acute shortage of medical personnel at all levels. Smirnova E.G. was appointed as the new chief physician, who brought V.M. Panamorenko took an “oath of allegiance” for European-quality renovations done at the expense of the city in her apartment, which, by the way, was provided to her by the previous administration.

The director of the ROSS Management Company who dared to contradict Panamorenko has been fired. They began to threaten him over the phone, and recently he was severely beaten and suffered a traumatic brain injury and concussion. The persecution of his family members continues to this day: unknown persons of criminal appearance meet his child from school and ask him to “say hello to dad,” and his wife is threatened in the elevator on the way home and from home.

Thieves want to be in law

Panamorenko, who came to power and became the head of the city through bribery and deception, and is close to the local organized crime group, is now trying to bring his accomplices into the city Council of Deputies using the same methods.

The mayor of Dzerzhinsky left some people in the administration in place and bought them out. Now, by the same means - promises and bribery - he wants to create a Council of Deputies obedient to him and groveling before him.

To this end, Panamorenko is already taking certain steps. He voluntarily appointed himself secretary of the local branch of the United Russia party, from which he had previously been expelled, and is running his candidates on the party list, as well as in all single-mandate constituencies.

The City Council of Deputies needs Panamorenko to have full power. So that no one will stop him from robbing the city treasury down to the last penny, and robbing the residents completely.

Candidates for themselves

Many of Panamorenko’s new appointees have now become “people’s candidates” and, by hook or by crook, flattery, bribery and intimidation of voters, are striving for power in the city Council of Deputies. However, no one gave them the title “people’s”. They appropriated this title to themselves and appointed themselves candidates for deputies of the city council. Everything around is “folk”!

“People’s” (as HE calls himself) head of the city Panamorenko, part-time “people’s” secretary of the local “people’s” branch of United Russia, appeared with his “people’s” support in the “people’s” programs of “people’s” United Russia candidates, and part-time - his direct subordinates.

And here Panamorenko violated clauses of the election legislation, which state the inadmissibility of using administrative resources and direct support of candidates by officials.

Panamorenko so tirelessly praises his United Russia favorites that they have already turned from “folk” to “dressy”. Or “mummers” as they are already called in the city.


Promyslov Maxim - head of the Energetik House of Culture

Sergey Dubin - director of the EKPO enterprise

Persikov Oleg - head of the youth center "Leader"

Smirnova Elena - chief doctor of the city hospital

Dmitry Bokov – Director of the Information Center DMUP

Ilya Kochanov - director of the organization affiliated with the mayor, VIP-Project LLC

Ustinova Galina - director of the central library

Ovsyankin Alexey – deputy director of the municipal financial and construction campaign

Nelly Gagarina - member of the hand-made Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Trutnev Alexey - head of RDU-7 Mosavtodor

Konstantin Garbuzov - coach of the Orbita Youth Sports School

Moiseenko Anatoly – head of the security service of the Vesta-SF company

Ilya Morozov – Deputy Head of the Security Service of REK LLC

It seems that Panamorenko is planning to push almost his entire subordinate administration into the Council of Deputies! Vitaly Mikhailovich wants to get a completely obedient, pocket City Council that will work exclusively on his orders.

And if someone suddenly doesn’t listen, he will be deprived of his bonus or fired from his job. For Panamorenko, doing this is a piece of cake! He fired almost everyone who worked in the city administration before his arrival. But these were experienced professionals who thoroughly knew the entire city and the problems of its residents. And these were the ones whom the residents trusted.

Cuckoo and roosters

Well, a new Head - a new broom. By the way, this story is reminiscent of the behavior of a tossed cuckoo, which pushed its potential rivals out of the nest.

In their place, Vitaly Mikhailovich recruited workers on the principle of personal devotion and spinelessness. All of them are united by only one quality - the absence of their own opinion. And instead of their own opinion, this new administrative choir is trying to sing psalms of praise to their boss in the manner of a rooster.

In response, Panamorenko pours oil on the candidate heads of the United Russia court members, praising each one’s “great contribution to the development” of something. “Why, without fear of sin, does the Cuckoo praise the Rooster? “Because he praises the Cuckoo!”

This is the city of Dzerzhinsky today!

Videos with the heroes of this article are available in the “Blog of an independent journalist” at the link http://journalist1977.blogspot.ru/2014/09/blog-post_3.html

This text was found on the Internet and reprinted verbatim from the article “Panamo-pont” by Alexander Markov, published on September 8, 2014 in the “Independent Journalist’s Blog” at

Five years ago, Sergei Ponamarenko was killed in the capital. Three times Shakhty mayor, he is remembered for his status as the youngest mayor in Russia in 1997, a politician who received the nickname “Moidodyra”, the initiator of high-profile innovations, after the implementation of which Shakhty was talked about throughout the country, one of the striking examples is the MFC.

You can treat his person in different ways: condemn or approve. But hardly anyone will say that Ponamarenko was indifferent to the life of his hometown. Last year, on the fourth anniversary of the death of Sergei Anatolyevich, a KVU journalist managed to interview his widow Irina for the first time. In it, she talked about how Sergei Ponamarenko was in the family, with his family and friends, and how he worked for the development of the city of Shakhty.

...-Do you think that after Sergei Anatolyevich passed away, the city lost a lot?
- I want to say right away that my opinion may be subjective, but he was born for the city. The miners were lucky to have him. In a short period of time, he did so much - a temple, a bridge along Sovetskaya Street, an ice skating rink, the MFC, a green corridor, the City of the Future, Arbat.
I remember how he told me, referring to Shevchenko Street: “Listen, what do you think, if we make a pedestrian zone on this broken roadway?” I admit, I was a little pessimistic, but I would like to. He knew how to bring his ideas to life. Now his colleagues recall: “Sometimes, some task will be announced, and they sit and think, how are we going to do this?” And he began to tell on his fingers how to achieve his goal. Indeed, everything worked out - he knew how to bring the idea to life. If I had stayed, I think it would only have a positive effect on the city...

...-Are you satisfied with the results of the investigation into the crime that was committed against your husband?
- Not entirely satisfied. I believe that the most important judgment will be in heaven...

Read the full interview.

During the time that passed after the murder, residents remembered Sergei Anatolyevich more than once - they held memorial evenings. What is the Shakhty mayor remembered for? We are publishing the life story of a famous politician, which contains key points from the biography, as well as rare photos from the archive of the editorial office of the weekly magazine “At Your Service”.

Photo from the editorial archive.

In the photo: Sergei Ponamarenko was elected to the post of mayor of Shakhty three times.

Did you see something interesting or unusual? Film this event on your phone and share your information with the whole city! Send messages, photos and videos to the editorial office, to our groups "

I still want to tell you about this... Lately, it has been very surprising, pleasing and encouraging to me...

So, in order...

It all started a month and a half ago, when the news appeared in the media that the ex-mayor of the city of Shakhty, Sergey Anatolyevich Ponomarenko, had been shot dead at a gas station in Moscow... This news caused the city of Shakhty to buzz... Friends and acquaintances from their small homeland began to vie with each other tell me what tragedy happened in “this Moscow of yours”...

The reason for such extensive attention to the news was not banal, but our, Russian, desire to be the first to convey the news and enjoy the effect produced... The reason is different: this was the first and, in my memory, the only mayor of our city who was truly LOVED... This there was a mayor who was actually CHOSEN by the PEOPLE for a second term!

In his first term, he was the youngest mayor in the entire Rostov region, at least... He took on the city very energetically and during his reign managed to do a lot for our small city... Then there was some other mayor, whom appointed by the upper authorities from Rostovugol. This is a very powerful city-forming organization, which at that time was already in convulsions, but fiercely maintained its “ruling” positions, finishing off everything that could still be stolen with the help of its appointed drunkard mayor.

Against the background of the absolute inaction of the appointed Rostouglevsk mayor, people especially often remembered the young and energetic Ponomarenko with kind words.

And so, when she ran for a second term, we, in our small, apolitical city, had record turnout. People readily and sincerely voted for Sergei Anatolyevich. Even my mom.

Ponomarenko returned and began to energetically manage the city economy, restore order, decorate the city, hold unprecedented events for young people... And at the same time, obviously, he made enemies for himself... Very strong enemies.. When he left his post They began to poison and throw mud at them. They opened a criminal case, banned leaving the country, etc., etc. For the last year and a half, the guy, as they say, walked under God... And then he was killed.

The whole city mourned, even despite the fact that in recent years the idea that Ponomarenko was a thief, a bribe-taker and a criminal grabber had been persistently cultivated...

His funeral was a clear demonstration of respect for this man.. My mother told me that the whole city came out into the street to see him off.. Crowds of people..

And the story of farewell did not end there.. Yesterday, my fellow countrymen showed me a group that they created on Odnoklassniki “In Memory of Sergei Anatolyevich Ponomarenko.” There, Shakhty residents post photos of Ponomarenko, alive and from the funeral.. They exchange information and memories about this man.. And on days was 40 days. People went out to the main city square, quietly prayed, lit church lights and tea candles in memory of him... And when it got dark, they launched paper lanterns in the shape of hearts into the sky...

My friend was there.. She said that there were few people only because on the eve of the memorial evening the cops called the group coordinator and threatened him not to gather people... The group had 6,000 people signed up (!) and many, having learned later that it had passed This is such an evening of remembrance, we were very sorry that we did not know and could not attend...

I think this is amazing.. I have never seen anything like this before.. This is a sad but amazing demonstration of public recognition and respect for the former mayor. I wonder how many mayors can boast of such an attitude among their citizens?

This man always surprised me... Both during his life and now after his death...

This was the first mayor who really thought about the city and its residents... And not only thought, but also did a lot. He was very demanding of himself and others. Those who worked on his team (many of whom I know personally) respected him greatly. Despite the fact that he was very young. They recognized that he was very strict, but fair.

Sergei Anatolyevich was an ordinary young man and an unusual mayor. He regularly went to the gym and swimming pool, took care of himself, was always fit and sober. And he even wore braces at one time.

In general, I was amazed by all this.. I am in such a pleasant (if this word is appropriate in this situation) shock for the second day... My fellow countrymen made me very happy... The memory of a person lives on, people remember and love.. This is very worthy and wonderful.

Irina Nikolaevna first told reporters about what Sergei Ponamarenko was like for her.

April 4, 2012. Information reports are full of news - the mayor of the city of Shakhty, Rostov region, Sergei Ponamarenko, was killed in Moscow.

When the editorial office learned about what had happened, the journalists didn’t believe it - Ponamarenko? Are you kidding! But after a couple of hours, family friends and colleagues, with a trembling voice, breaking into tears, confirmed that the ex-mayor of the city of Shakhty was gone.
And with it went the era of “Moidodyr”, high-profile innovations, after the introduction of which the Shakhty was talked about throughout the country (what is the MFC alone worth!).

Today, four years later, residents often call the editorial office - people fondly remember the times of Sergei Ponamarenko’s reign. For the first time, his wife Irina Ponamarenko agreed to tell the weekly KVU about how he was not for human eyes, how he was moving towards his goals.

I walk into the spacious, bright office of the Prague fitness club. From the threshold I notice portraits of ex-mayor Sergei Ponamarenko - drawings, photographs. There is a beautiful woman at the table. All these years it has been closed to the press and journalists. Next to Irina Nikolaevna is the eldest son Evgeniy - a copy of his father.

« I was ready for anything with him»

Irina Nikolaevna, thank you for agreeing to meet. Tell us how you met Sergei Anatolyevich?

You are the first to ask me about this. How did we meet him? This was during my student years. We entered the Shakhty Technological Institute, where I saw him for the first time. Surely, this was a man who was impossible not to notice - smart, neat. We met. And, of course, in the process of our communication I realized that this is the man with whom I am ready to do anything - start a family, have children, share everything...
After a short pause, my interlocutor notes:
-Such a conversation is exciting for me.
-When did you get married?
-In 1988, before that we dated for some time. Then Evgeniy was born to us. (Irina Nikolaevna smiles). And then - Vladislav and Sofia. Sergei Anatolyevich and I were together for 24 years before the event that happened. At the end of November 2012 we would celebrate our silver wedding.

A son was born after the first elections

- Why did Sergei Anatolyevich decide to become mayor?
-You see, he was such a person... he was always burning with ideas, sometimes, I didn’t have time to move away from one of his ideas, which he embodied, when a new one was born.
One of them was the idea of ​​running for mayor. I was scared, I didn’t believe it... The young guy... Does he really think it will work out?.. To be honest, there were doubts about this... But I, naturally, supported my husband, I saw how he was “burning.” Whatever Sergei Anatolyevich would undertake - this concerns his career, various sports and much more - he was very thorough and scrupulous about each process, bringing everything to perfection. I understood that the success of the events that he started was guaranteed.

-In 1997, the whole country was talking about the fact that the youngest mayor of Russia was elected in Shakhty.
-It's impossible to forget. The election campaign fell on New Year's Eve; I remember it was a snowy winter. We decided to choose surprise tactics. Huge posters were specially ordered from abroad. Have you thought about what to write on them? Together we came up with the phrase “I trust people.” Only personal funds were used, those that he earned on his own. And after the New Year, these posters were hung all over the city: on the building of the current Pension Fund on Sovetskaya, on the bridge at the entrance to the city from Mayakovsky and in other places. He met and talked a lot with city residents, talking about his plans to make the city better and cleaner. It took a lot of strength, he lost a lot of weight, but it was not in vain, people believed the young guy and he did not deceive.

After the first elections, our second son was born.

It’s hard to argue with the fact that while your husband was heading the city, a lot was done in Shakhty. How did he cope with the decision to resign at the beginning of 2011, since he was simply forced to resign as head of the city?
-He was the initiator of many things - sometimes I see in Rostov, in Moscow the inscription on the buildings “MFC”. I understand where this is coming from. He was ahead of his time, it was important for him that his work was appreciated by the leadership and residents of the city... and appreciated. He held a position where you will not please everyone, and bold reforms are not always accepted by everyone.
If we talk about the beginning of 2011, then apparently the moment came when, during one conversation, he had to ask: “Is everything I do necessary? »
I was ready for any answer...
As a very strong person, I took everything that was happening courageously and with dignity: “If it’s not necessary, then I’m leaving.”
For Sergei Anatolyevich it was not a problem to find a use for himself. By that time he had reached a level where he was ready to do something else. He did not hold on to his place, although the city was always dear to him.

-The team left with him then?
- Of course, many supported him and treated his choice with understanding. I think that there was still dissatisfaction in his soul. When a person tries, wants to do something better, understands what happens. But when it is not in demand, disappointment appears.

-Do you think that after Sergei Anatolyevich passed away, the city lost a lot?
- I want to say right away that my opinion may be subjective, but he was born for the city. The miners were lucky to have him. In a short period of time, he did so much - a temple, a bridge along Sovetskaya Street, an ice skating rink, the MFC, a green corridor, the City of the Future, Arbat.
I remember how he told me, referring to Shevchenko Street: “ Listen, what do you think, if we make a pedestrian zone on this broken roadway?“I admit, I was a little pessimistic, but I would like to. He knew how to bring his ideas to life. Now his colleagues recall: “ Sometimes, he voices some task, and they sit and think, how are we going to do this?“And he began to tell on his fingers how to achieve his goal. Indeed, everything worked out - he knew how to bring the idea to life. If I had stayed, I think it would only have a positive effect on the city.

« The highest court is in heaven»

- I can’t help but ask, are you ready to remember that day - April 4, 2012?
-No, this is very difficult for me.

-Are you satisfied with the results of the investigation into the crime that was committed against your husband?
- Not entirely satisfied. I believe that the most important judgment will be in heaven.

Sergei Anatolyevich was a very religious person, he took a direct part in the construction of the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
-Certainly. Father George came to him with the idea of ​​restoring the temple. Do you remember there used to be a tram depot on this site? If you think about it, it’s blasphemy when a tram enters a temple. Sergei Anatolyevich supported the idea, we all see what is in this place now.

Evgeniy, a question for you - why didn’t you follow in your father’s footsteps? You never had such a thought - to become mayor. Do you see yourself in politics?
-A person must come to the position of mayor of the city and to politics in general after gaining some experience.

« He knew how to forgive and did not take revenge on anyone»

- How do you remember your spouse today?
-His most important traits are masculinity, intelligence, kindness, determination and a great sense of humor. Despite the fact that there were all sorts of moments in life, he knew how to forgive, never harbored a grudge, and did not take revenge. Sergei Anatolyevich could make a person understand with one glance that there was no point in continuing the conversation and could defuse a tense business meeting with a joke. Of course, he also had enemies, and working in such a position it was simply impossible not to have them.
During our family life, I have never heard a single rude word from him, let alone raise his hand.

- You have three children, what family values ​​were important for Sergei Anatolyevich?
-Family, children, home comfort - all this was the main thing for him, but there was not always enough time for it. Now I’m analyzing and thinking - how did he manage to do everything? Manage the city, communicate with people, play sports - football, hockey. He led a healthy lifestyle, fasted to cleanse the body, did yoga, did not smoke, and did not abuse alcohol. He loved to eat at home, especially fish dishes, and generally preferred healthy food, fruits, and vegetables.

Sergei Anatolyevich paid great attention to the sports sphere of the city, trying to emphasize that Shakhty is a city of Olympic champions. Are there any undertakings that he wanted to implement, but did not have time?
-I think he had a lot more of them. For example, he wanted to make an autodrome, a modern platform for passing car driving tests according to international standards; expensive equipment was purchased for this, but this idea was not destined to come true. ..

-What are you doing today?
-Family, the business that was left to me. I have to run it at a decent level, my son Evgeniy helps me. At the end of this summer we plan to open a large fitness club, which will have no equal in the city.
Our meeting is coming to an end, I ask the traditional question:
- Irina Nikolaevna, what else would you like to say?
-There are no values ​​in life for the sake of which one could deprive a person of the main value of “LIFE”. Love each other, give kindness and smiles.

From the editor

Irina Nikolaevna brought several family albums to the meeting. They contain dozens of photographs. Here is City Day - first, a photo on Lenin Square - a huge crowd of citizens, and in front of them is the famous singer Leonid Agutin performing. I turn the page, there is actor Mikhail Boyarsky not posing for the camera, but talking passionately about something with Mayor Ponamarenko. The album also contains personal and family photographs from field trips, holidays, and corporate events. A photograph of Sergei Anatolyevich with his daughter Sofia catches my eye. And in all the photos, the mayor smiles with his “trademark”, open smile, and there is a twinkle in his eyes - this is how he walked through life and this is how the Shakhty residents remember him.

Sergei Ponamarenko was born in Shakhty on June 5, 1965.
In 1991 he graduated from ShTIBO with a degree in " Economics and organization of consumer services" Doctor of Economic Sciences. 1992–1996 - headed the firm “Nix” LLP (private private enterprise “Vegetable Oil Plant”).
1997 - first elected mayor of Shakhty. He became the youngest mayor in Russia. In six months the city was restored to order and cleanliness. The Shakhty residents nicknamed him “Moidodyr”.
2001 - General Director of the Ulyanovsk aviation-industrial complex "Aviastar", then Deputy General Director of OJSC "Donskoy Tabak". From December 2003 to February 2005 - Director of Shakhtinsky Flour Mill LLC.
He resigned as a deputy in March 2005 after being re-elected to the position of mayor of the city of Shakhty.
In March 2010, he was again elected to the post of mayor of the city. February 2011 - resigned.
He was interested in motorsports, alpine skiing, and was the captain of the Shakhty hockey team “Snake”.

In the photo: This is Irina Nikolaevna’s favorite photo. Here she and her husband are happy and carefree.

Interviewed by Ekaterina Ivanova, photo from the personal archive of the Ponamarenko family.

Important clarifications were made by the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation when it reviewed the results of the parents’ dispute about which of them the child would live with.
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Ministry of Labor and Social Development

The winners of the All-Russian competition “Best Hotels in Russia - 2015” were recently announced. In the “4 stars” category, the competition was won by the Palmira Palace resort hotel, located on the southern coast of Crimea in the places where the residences of members of the royal family used to be. But here’s the strange thing: the hotel owners did not express any public joy about this, and in general made every effort not to advertise their victory! Although back in 2010, when Palmyra Palace received the title of the best hotel in Ukraine, the event was turned into a real celebration with a wide PR campaign and numerous speeches to journalists by the hotel’s co-owner Maxim Ponomarenko.

The explanation for this sudden silence is simple. The real owner of the best hotel in Crimea is Maxim’s father, the head of Mosvodokanal, Alexander Ponomarenko. For 20 years, he has been pumping Moscow's budget funds into companies controlled by him, his relatives, partners and patron - the vice-mayor of Moscow Petra Biryukov. All this time, Ponomarenko preferred to invest his share in the purchase of real estate and farms in Ukraine and Europe. After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, Ponomarenko found himself in an awkward situation and in every possible way avoided mentioning his person in connection with Russian Crimea. Otherwise, you may end up on the sanctions lists - and then goodbye to all European real estate and business in Ukraine.

How Teploenergo warmed the families of Ponomarenko, Balikoev and Biryukov

Alexander Mikhailovich Ponomarenko was born in 1961 in the city of Dzhankoy, Crimean region, Ukrainian SSR. In 1984, he graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute with a degree in industrial heat and power engineering, and got a job as an engineer on duty at the Mosenergo Heating Network (later this enterprise became the Moscow Heating Network Company OJSC). Over 10 years of work, Alexander managed to rise to the rank of head of the 2nd operational district of Mosenergo, and perhaps this position would have become the pinnacle of his career. If not for one successful acquaintance. The second operational district provides services to the Eastern and South-Eastern administrative districts of Moscow.

Since 1991, the permanent prefect (until 2015) of the South-Eastern Administrative District was Vladimir Zotov, and his “right hand” then was the sub-prefect of the Vykhino district, Pyotr Biryukov. This couple arranged all the work in such a way that if budget money goes to any companies performing work in the district, then these should be exclusively companies controlled by the officials themselves, their relatives, friends and relatives. The same applied to utility workers and their contractors - otherwise the district authorities simply will not accept the work and will identify or find all the numerous deficiencies. Alexander Ponomarenko instantly found a common language with Zotov and Biryukov, and became a close friend of the latter. Or maybe even more. In private conversations, Alexander Mikhailovich likes to confidentially report that he is connected with Pyotr Biryukov by certain ties of kinship.

As a result, back in the 1990s, Alexander Ponomarenko was involved in numerous corruption schemes for “cutting” budget funds, in which Zotov, Biryukov, other officials, and representatives of Heating Networks were involved. All these schemes finally took shape by 1998-1999, when Biryukov was already working as deputy prefect of the Central Administrative District. Then he quickly became the prefect of the Eastern Administrative District and a minister of the Moscow government, and in 2007 - first deputy mayor Yuri Luzhkov. In this post, among other things, he oversaw the work of the Moscow Heating Network Company (MTK).

At the same time, the career of his protégé Alexander Ponomarenko was also growing. It is clear, with the direct participation of Biryukov, who always had great connections at the top of the capital’s government. Alexander Ponomarenko quickly became deputy director for general issues at Teplosety.

As for the corruption schemes involving Ponomarenko, they were simple. A circle of contractors involved in the repair and maintenance of heating mains was formed. They can be divided into two blocks. The first are companies whose founders were relatives of the then head of Heating Networks Urusbiyya Balikoev, mainly his son Valery. The second are companies controlled by Alexander Ponomarenko. These include the groups of companies “Liniya+” and Management Company “VESTA-SF”, which includes 15 different companies.

Alexander Ponomarenko was a personal founder of Line+ and the parent company of Management Company VESTA-SF. And in the companies included in the management company "VESTA-SF", the founders were either his wife Nina or his brother Vitaly. However, sometimes the Ponomarenko and Balikoev families “mixed” among the founders of the companies. There is nothing surprising in this - the Balikoevs and Ponomarenkos can be called friendly clans - after all, they always “saw” budget money together.

golden sewer

Such an extensive presence of Ponomarenko’s firms and his relatives among the recipients of contracts from Heating Networks was simply explained. Everyone knew that behind Alexander Mikhailovich was the figure of a major metropolitan official, Pyotr Biryukov.

As a result, firms associated with the Ponomarenko family annually received contracts worth 2.8 billion rubles or more. And in 2008 Ponomarenko took the position of head of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. However, the schemes for “family development” of budget money did not change, and the interests of the Balikoev family were still taken into account.

In 2012, Pyotr Biryukov found a new profitable position for his protege - Alexander Ponomarenko was appointed director of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal. This did not happen by chance. Just the day before, the capital’s authorities decided to allocate tens of billions of rubles from the budget for the reconstruction of sewer networks by 2018. Well, Pyotr Biryukov decided that Alexander Ponomarenko would be able to use this money successfully and profitably. For convenience, already in 2013, the State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal was transformed into an OJSC.

As soon as Alexander Ponomarenko headed Mosvodokanal, he, under the strict leadership of Pyotr Biryukov, transferred to this structure all those schemes that had been successfully developed in Heating Systems-MTK. True, small changes were still made to them. So that not everything is so obvious, the true owners of the contracting companies were hidden in offshore areas and behind the backs of the “nominees”.

One after another, dozens of previously unnoticed firms began to win tenders for government contracts and receive subcontracts. For example, such as Iridium LLC (received contracts from Mosvodokanal for more than 700 million rubles) and PET LLC (received government orders from Mosvodokanal for 360 million rubles).

There are two founders in these structures - Energoengineering SM CJSC and the private limited liability company AGENCY INVESTMENTS B.V. (Netherlands). The sole owner of Agency Investments is Valery Urusbievich Balikoev, the son of Ponomarenko’s long-time partner Urusbiyya Balikoev. As you might guess, Ponomarenko himself is behind Energoengineering SM CJSC, despite the fact that the company is registered in the name of a certain Maxim Makeev. Just as he is behind a group of other companies that receive money from Mosvodokanal. For example, for Stroy-Kontrakt LLC, which is currently carrying out work under a billion-dollar contract for the reconstruction of the Novo-Lyubertsy Canal.

Brother 2

Well, where did Alexander Mikhailovich Ponomarenko’s brother Vitaly go, who was specially summoned from Ukraine in the 1990s to head the companies that received funds from Heating Systems? He also grew up over the years and became the mayor of the town of Dzerzhinsky near Moscow.

Vitaly is a man with a difficult fate. He once showed up in Russia with a passport issued in Ukraine, where his last name was written as Panamorenko. And this is not the passport officer’s mistake at all. Just in native Crimea Vitaly repeatedly had troubles with the law, according to some sources, he was even involved in a case of a fatal accident. In Moscow, he decided to start life from scratch. And so that the sins of the past would not interfere with her, he changed his last name.

In the 1990s, brothers Alexander and Vitaly settled in Dzerzhinsky, near Moscow. There they began to register all their numerous companies. And of course, we enlisted the support of the right people in this city - both from representatives of the criminal world and from officials.

Alexander then flew up. But Vitaly became close friends with the “authorities” from Dzerzhinsky and began to develop his own branch of the family business for the development of budget funds.

Vitaly Panamorenko’s company “Rivit”, under the patronage of the “authorities”, began to receive orders from the Dzerzhinsky authorities for various works and was increasingly gaining momentum in the city. And in 2014, the “brothers” decided that Vitaly was already “ripe” for something more. And Panamorenko became the mayor of Dzerzhinsky. “Rivit” was re-registered to Vitaly’s wife Margarita. Now this company is the largest recipient of municipal funds for landscaping and general construction work.

Crimea is not theirs

Each corrupt official decides for himself where to invest the billions of rubles that were generated as a result of the use of budget funds. Alexander Ponomarenko, like many of his colleagues, has been investing part of his funds in real estate in Europe (primarily in England) and Ukraine for many years. For the first direction, there is a family Cyprus offshore company NA EMERGING EUROPE HOSPITALITY AND DEVELOPMENT LIMITED. And the son of the head of Mosvodokanal, Maxim, is now working in the second direction. He graduated from the prestigious City University in London, and from Foggy Albion began to often visit Ukraine. After all, there was something to keep an eye on. In Ukraine, the Ponomarenko family created a dozen companies that bought up various real estate properties and even the agricultural enterprise AIC Ecosad.

The most notable object of the family is the luxurious Palmira Palace hotel in Crimea. For almost 10 years, Maxim Ponomarenko was a prominent media person in Ukraine, who made every effort to develop the tourism business of Independence. He admired the laws adopted by the Verkhovna Rada in the media, organized all sorts of congresses of representatives of the Ukrainian tourism industry at Palmyra Palace and otherwise promoted the interests of Ukraine and its tourism business.

But as soon as Crimea became part of Russia, Maxim Ponomarenko was literally “washed away” from the public space. The Ponomarenko family avoids any mention in connection with its activities in Russian Crimea. Moreover, father and son are trying to ensure that their enterprises are not seen as sympathizing with Russia. For example, their agro-industrial complex “Ekosad” demonstratively refused to take part in the All-Russian Forum “Organic Agriculture in the Russian Agro-Industrial Complex” held in Crimea. And in return, articles appeared in the Ukrainian media about the prominent role the Ukrainian authorities, led by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, played in the development of organics and the Ecosad agro-industrial complex.

Such distancing of the family of the head of Mosvodokanal Ponomarenko from events related to Russian Crimea, quite understandable. After all, you can end up on the sanctions lists, and then all the family’s European real estate and all investments made through NA EMERGING EUROPE HOSPITALITY AND DEVELOPMENT LIMITED will be under the threat of being “frozen.”

Alexander Denisov