» Herbs around the world 2. What types of plants are there? Here write your story about the beauty of plants

Herbs around the world 2. What types of plants are there? Here write your story about the beauty of plants

Plants can be found anywhere in the world: in hot deserts, high in the mountains, in forests and meadows, in swamps and even at the North Pole. Their diversity is very great, and each plant is unique and inimitable. Let's look at what types of plants there are and how they differ from each other.

Main plant groups

All plants, regardless of their size and habitat, are structured the same and have common parts: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. But there are many more differences, and first of all, this relates to appearance. All plants can be divided into 3 main groups:

  • Trees

A tree is a perennial plant with one large trunk (stem) covered with bark. From the stem there are many branches on which leaves grow, flowers bloom and fruits grow.

The height of trees can be very different - from 2 to 100 m. Among the trees there are real centenarians who live for hundreds of years.

Trees, in turn, come in two types: deciduous (birch, oak, maple) and coniferous (spruce, pine, cedar).

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Some trees grow upward, and some - in breadth. The thickest tree on the planet is the baobab. This tree does not grow too tall, but the diameter of its trunk is simply huge and can reach 9 m! In addition, the baobab is a real long-liver and can live up to a thousand years.

Rice. 1. Baobab

  • Shrubs

Instead of one large trunk, shrubs have several thin and small trunks. Their sizes are more modest, and rarely do any shrubs reach 5-6 m. In forests they form the undergrowth - one of the lower tiers.

This group of plants includes hawthorn, juniper, gooseberry, and currant.

  • Herbs

Herbaceous plants do not have a strong trunk - their stems are soft and flexible. Grasses do not live long - with the onset of the first cold weather, their leaves and stems die off because they are not adapted to winter frosts.

This group of plants is the most common: there are much more herbaceous plants on the globe than shrubs and plants.

Among the grasses there are real giants, capable of reaching 30 m in height. This bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants on earth: in one day this grass can grow up to 75 cm. Bamboo is not only a very tall and fast-growing plant, but also very strong. In ancient times, swords were made from it, which were in no way inferior to steel weapons.

Rice. 2. Bamboo

Cultivated and wild plants

All plants can be divided according to another criterion: they grow in the wild or are cared for by humans.

  • Wild plants - these are herbs, shrubs and trees that grow on their own in forests, meadows, and do not require special care.
  • Cultivated plants - those that are specially grown by a person, for which he constantly looks after. This is necessary to get a high yield of grains, vegetables or fruits.

In addition to wild and cultivated plants, there is another separate group - indoor plants. They are grown for decorative purposes to decorate the room. Indoor plants include dracaena, ficus, cactus, azalea and many others.

1. Draw a schematic diagram of a tree, shrub, or herbaceous plant. Test yourself using the textbook.

2. Fill in the gaps in the text.

U deciduous plant leaves in the form of plates.
U coniferous plant leaves in the form of needles.

3. Give examples of plants (at least three in each group).

a) Trees: birch, spruce, pine
b) Shrubs: raspberries, currants, sea buckthorn
c) Herbs: dandelion, bellflower, chamomile

4. This task was prepared for you by Seryozha and Nadya’s mother. The names of three groups of plants are hidden here. Find them and fill in the squares with letters with pencils of different colors.

  • Trees
  • Shrubs
  • Herbs

5. The Wise Turtle asks if you know the names of these plants. Number the pictures according to the captions. Test yourself with the help of the atlas-identifier “From Earth to Sky.” Color in the picture the herbs that grow near your house.

  1. Bird's buckwheat
  2. Yarrow
  3. Burdock
  4. Podorozhnyk
  5. Motherwort

Yarrow, burdock and motherwort grow near my house (in the country).

In the book Green Pages, read a story about one of these plants (your choice). Prepare an oral report.

Bird buckwheat is often called “ant grass.” This plant can be found on the streets, in courtyards, and on sports fields. Many birds feed on it.

6. Here write down your story about the beauty of plants.

Nature always amazes with its diversity, and it especially amazes with the diversity of plants. More than 320,000 plant species are now known, and of these, 280,000 species are flowering plants!

Tiny algae that can only be seen with a microscope and giant skyscraper-sized sequoia trees that live for several hundred years, soft mosses and prickly spruce trees, familiar daisies and exotic lady's slippers - these are all representatives of the plant kingdom.

Each of these hundreds of thousands of plant species is special, different from the others, and each has a unique beauty that can be admired and admired.

And here paste one of your photographs showing the amazing beauty of plants.

What types of plants are there?

Plants are very diverse. Among them there are.
trees, shrubs, herbs
Herbs, or herbaceous plants, have soft, succulent stems. In trees and shrubs - hard, woody. A tree has one thick stem extending from the root - the trunk. The bush has several rather thin stems - stems.

Trees and shrubs are deciduous and coniferous. Deciduous plants have leaves in the form of plates, while coniferous plants have leaves in the form of needles (needles).

Draw a diagram of a tree, shrub, or herbaceous plant.

Fill in the blanks in the text.
Deciduous plants have blade-shaped leaves.

Coniferous plants have leaves in the form of needles.

Give examples of plants (at least three in each group).

a) Trees: linden, spruce, birch, apple, chestnut, poplar

b) Shrubs: raspberries, barberries, currants, lilacs, junipers, elderberries

c) Herbs: wormwood, timothy, foxtail, sage, mint, parsley, basil

This task was prepared for you by the mother of Seryozha and Nadya. The names of three groups of plants are hidden here. Find them and color the squares with letters with pencils of different colors.
The Wise Turtle asks if you know the names of these plants. Number the pictures according to the captions.

1. Bird buckwheat. 2. Yarrow. 3. Burdock. 4. Plantain.

5. Motherwort.

In the book "Green Pages" read a story about one of these plants. Prepare an oral report.
The word plantaglucid comes from the word plantago. This is what all plantains are called in Latin. And the word plantago arose from the word planta - foot.

This once again reminds us that we are walking on a wonderful medicine, unwittingly trampling it underfoot. What else is wonderful about plantain? Yes, at least the fact that we trample and trample him, but he does not disappear.

Here write down your story about the beauty of plants.

Plants are an amazing world that exists next to us and helps us. We eat many plants. There are plants that help us recover from diseases - medicinal plants. Thanks to plants, we breathe clean air. And the plants are just very beautiful. How beautiful a flowering meadow looks in spring, and how beautiful and fragrant are the flowering fruit trees. It’s good in hot sunny weather to sit under the crowns of spreading trees, think about something and enjoy the fragrance of flowers and herbs.

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The world around us, grade 2 Topic: HERBAL PLANTS OF THE FOREST Belik Elena Sergeevna primary school teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 87" Seversk

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Perennial plant, 50-150 cm in height. The leaves are palmate, 5-7 divided with a serrated edge. Purple-blue flowers with a petal-shaped calyx, forming a dome-shaped helmet, under which there are 2 elongated nectary petals. The inflorescence is a multi-flowered terminal raceme. The fruit is three-leafed. Blooms in June-August. Grows in damp forests and mountain meadows. Ornamental medicinal plant, poisonous. In similar habitats, mainly in the mountains, a similar species with yellow flowers grows. Wrestler blue

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Crow's eye four-leaf Perennial herb with a long scaly rhizome. It blooms in May, the seeds ripen in July-August. It grows mainly in broad-leaved forests, usually in shaded places, as well as in coniferous and mixed plantations, but does not achieve good development there. Poisonous plant.

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Angelica silica A biennial or perennial plant that dies off after fruiting. The stem is hollow, up to 200 cm high, with a bluish coating, with a few branches in the upper part. The petals are white or pinkish on the outside. The fruits are brown. It blooms from mid-summer to late autumn, the fruits ripen from August. It grows in damp forests, in clearings, clearings, forest edges, grassy swamps, and along the banks of reservoirs. A good honey plant.

Creeping tenacious Perennial herbaceous plant from 8 to 35 cm in height, with long creeping rooting shoots and erect flowering stems. The leaves are oval. The flowers are blue or blue, forming a dense spike-shaped inflorescence at the top of the stem. It blooms in May–July, the fruits ripen in June–August. It grows in forests, mostly deciduous, on forest edges, clearings, and in thickets of bushes. Honey plant.

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Zelenchuk yellow Perennial plant, 15-45 cm in height. Shoots are erect or ascending. The leaves are crenate; the lower ones have long petioles, obtuse, heart-shaped - ovate, the upper ones have shorter petioles, sharp. The flowers are yellow, with red specks on the lower lip. Blooms in May – June. In damp forests and bushes.

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European hooffoot is an evergreen perennial herbaceous plant with a cord-like creeping rhizome and a creeping, rooting branched stem. The seeds are spread by ants. The plant has a specific smell. Blooms in April-May; the seeds ripen in June. In coniferous, broad-leaved forests and coniferous-deciduous shady forests. Poisonous plant. Preparations from rhizomes and leaves have long been used in folk medicine and veterinary medicine.

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Drupe is a perennial plant with creeping shoots and erect flowering stems about 20 cm high. The leaves are trifoliate, with long petioles. The flowers are white, five-membered, collected in groups of 3-10 in apical umbellate or racemose inflorescences. The fruits are not numerous drupes (usually 1-6), large, bright red, barely connected to each other. Blooms in May–June, bears fruit in June–July. The fruits are eaten raw and processed (juices, fruit drinks, jam). Honey plant.

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Stinging nettle is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 1.5 m high, with long horizontal rhizomes. It blooms and bears fruit all summer. It reproduces by seeds (one plant produces up to 22,000 seeds) and by vegetative means. Forms extensive dense thickets. It grows near dwellings, roads, fences, vacant lots, etc. Characteristic of disturbed damp forests. Valuable food and medicinal plant. Green cabbage soup is cooked from young leaves and shoots in the spring. They are used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for hypo- and avitaminosis. Nettle preparations are used as a hemostatic and wound-healing agent and are included in choleretic preparations. In folk medicine it is also used as a hair strengthening agent. A valuable fodder plant, especially for pigs and poultry. Boiled shoots of young nettle increase the milk yield of cows and increase the percentage of fat content in milk. The stems can be used to obtain fiber for making rope and coarse fabrics. The leaves and rhizome were formerly used to produce green dye for wool.

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Cobweb burdock Biennial plant 60-100 cm high, with a fleshy spindle-shaped root. The stems are powerful, green or reddish, furrowed, highly branched, cobwebby pubescent under the baskets. The leaves are large, ovate. The so-called “burdock oil” is obtained from the roots, which is used to strengthen the hair on the head. Young fleshy stems, freed from the skin, are edible.

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Creeping buttercup A perennial herbaceous plant from 10 to 40 cm in height, with creeping, rooting shoots. The stem is thick and juicy. The leaves are long-petiolate, trifoliate, leaflets with petioles. A flower with five protruding sepals. It blooms from spring to late summer; accordingly, the fruits ripen at different times. In the middle zone, this is a common plant of damp meadows, swamps, sparse forests, and dirt roads. Poisonous plant.

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Lungwort obscure Perennial herbaceous plant with a height of 8 to 30 cm. Flowers with a pink corolla at the beginning of flowering, later turning blue. It blooms in April - May, the fruits ripen in May - June. Grows in forests, ravines, and bushes. Decorative early spring plant. A good honey plant. The leaves are rich in ascorbic acid and other vitamins, edible, suitable for salad.

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Common cornflower A perennial herbaceous plant with a short rhizome, 15-60 cm high and a basal rosette. The marginal false-lingulate flowers in the baskets are very long, white, and do not form seeds. The middle tubular flowers are yellow in color and produce normal achenes. It blooms in May-August, the fruits ripen in June-September. It grows in meadows, forest clearings, forest edges, roadsides, in sparse forests, and clearings. People throughout Russia usually call nivyanik “daisy”.

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Snake knotweed (serpentine) A perennial herbaceous plant that forms a thick, serpentinely curved rhizome up to 1-1.5 cm in diameter. The flowers are pink, small, collected at the top of the stem in a dense, large, cylindrical, spike-shaped inflorescence 1.5-6 cm long and 1-1.5 cm wide. Blooms from late May to late June. It is a good honey plant. Used for acute and chronic intestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea of ​​non-dysenteric origin. Externally, preparations from snakeweed are used for diseases of the mucous membranes, in particular for stomatitis, gingivitis and other diseases of the oral cavity.

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Siberian hogweed is a perennial tall, rigidly pubescent herbaceous plant 90-150 cm high. The leaves are large, with three to seven broadly ovate lobes. The flowers are small, greenish-white, with five free petals. The flowers are collected in complex multi-rayed umbrellas. Blooms in June-August. Flowers provide nectar and pollen to bees. Herbal infusion and decoction or infusion of roots improve poor digestion, have an astringent, antispasmodic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic effect. An infusion of the herb, and more often a decoction of the roots, is used internally for disorders of the stomach and intestines, skin diseases, and especially for convulsions of various origins, epilepsy and other nervous diseases. Externally, an alcohol tincture of the roots is used for toothache, and a decoction of the entire plant with roots is used in the form of lotions for scabies and, in the form of poultices, for tumors. Steamed leaves are used for poultices for joint inflammation and rheumatic pain.