» You can't crush genes with your finger. You can't crush genes with your finger Ren TV program You can't crush genes with your finger

You can't crush genes with your finger. You can't crush genes with your finger Ren TV program You can't crush genes with your finger

I have to use hairdressing services several times a year. This happens in different countries and I am not always happy with what I have done.
Very often you come across crooked masters.
But there are also successes. If we get lucky.

Have you ever cut your own hair?
No, not everyone is capable of this.
And I have no problems. I can easily correct my haircut after getting the hands of a “pro.”
I'm not a hairdresser, God forbid.
I would never become one.
Not mine.
Everything is much simpler.
Or more difficult.
Although I love cutting hair and have been cutting all my friends’ heads for many years in a row.
More than twenty years ago, I even went to a friend’s house and took lessons.
At that time I couldn’t understand what, why and where.

And so, after the hundredth haircut of my closest heads, I asked my closest head a question, and, after rummaging through my memory, I finally found the answer.
Turns out!! And I always knew it, but I couldn’t put it together.
My dad's grandmother had her own school - a hairdressing salon in Kronstadt, and this was not in the twentieth, but in the nineteenth century. More precisely, in the 1890s.
And dad was just a boy then.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, in 1910-15, dad studied in Oranienbaum, at the Officer Rifle School, his grandmother - my great-great-grandmother - lived in Kronstadt and dad spent every weekend with her.
And his grandmother’s school was a hairdressing salon, and there the boys, my father’s peers, learned the basics.

Dad became friends with one for many years.
It was later that he became the most famous make-up artist at Mosfilm.
And in his youth he made up Chaliapin himself and, out of friendship, invited his friend - my dad - backstage.
My childhood memory clearly remembers the name Arkady Anjan.
But in the days of the Internet, the search engine returns the name Anton.
And I'm starting to doubt who is right.
My childhood memory recalls one name.
The network gives something else.
But that's not the point.
There was such a famous make-up artist Anjan.

And these are the episodes from childhood - I’m 11-12-13 years old, a film starts on TV, the credits roll and dad says - here, here - make-up artist Arkady Anzhan.
And every time he tells the story of his friendship.
Having grown up, I caught myself making this gesture several times - the beginning of an old film and, reading the credits, seeing a surname familiar from childhood, I told my children this story.

And my story is that my great-great owned a hairdressing school.
And my answers to the questions were answered a long time ago.
This is my hobby.
I love cutting hair.
I easily trust my thick hair in my hands.
And only I know what suits me and what doesn’t.
And when I sit in the barber’s chair, after a few minutes I understand that I will be fooled once again.
And all for only one reason - well, they didn’t have such a great-great...

And I had it.
And everything falls into place.

Those who read it thought, how old is that dad and that aunt.
My answer is that my dad would have turned 124 this year.
And my aunt, that is, I, is in the prime of her life.
And “I am as old as I am winter”



Perhaps Arkady Anzhan changed his name - that’s understandable. For example, my friend introduces herself as Zinaida Semyonovna, while she is Samuilovna.

As for my haircut, I have a bob, so I don’t go to the hairdresser. I would like to try something different, but it’s technically difficult: no one will hold a mirror for me, and you can’t do a neat haircut with one hand. And then you have to go to the hairdresser regularly - it’s expensive. I cut my men’s hair at home (even their beards), because they are afraid to go to public establishments.
Now I don’t like cutting hair anymore, but before I used to just hunt for girls in the dorm.

In old films - I remember - in the credits it was - and dad showed - Arkady Anzhan...
and I showed it to my children...

Thank you for reading and understanding me))

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Pairing and characters: Alexander Vershinin/Miroslava Gorelova\Kirill Viselsky/Alexandra Orlova Rating: R- fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Angst- strong feelings, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character; fan fiction contains depressive motives and some dramatic events."> Angst, Humor- humorous fanfic."> Humor, Drama- conflicting relationships of heroes with society or with each other, intense and active experiences of various internal or external conflicts. Both successful and sad resolution of the conflict are possible."> Drama, Hurt/comfort- one character suffers in one way or another, and the other comes to his or her aid."> Hurt/comfort , Educational Institutions- a significant part of the fanfic takes place in school or around school or student everyday life."> Educational institutions Warnings: Death of the main character- fan fiction in which one or more main characters die."> Death of a main character, OOC- Out Of Character, “Out of character” is a situation where a character in a fic behaves completely differently from how one would expect based on his description in the canon."> OOC, Violence- description of actions of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence, Obscene language- the presence of obscene language (swearing) in the fanfic."> Obscene language, WMD- An original male character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters)."> WMD, Ozhp- An original female character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters)."> OZHP Size: planned Maxi- a big fanfic. The size is often larger than the average novel. From approximately 70 typewritten pages."> Maxi, written 48 pages, 10 parts Status: in progress
Reader Awards:

Not yet


Award fanfic "You can't crush genes with your finger"


Sasha is the only child in the family, and his parents dote on him. He always had everything, so he grew up as a “golden boy.”
Mira is the daughter of his parents’ best friends and, despite the fact that her parents always did everything for her, the girl grew up not at all spoiled.
Even in adolescence, she and Sasha began to quarrel, and a good relationship was lost forever for them. Or not? After all, now they will study at the same university, where Sasha, as the eldest, will have to look after his “sister”.


to all readers of the fanfic "Puppeteer". dears, thank you ^^ without you there would not have been a second part)

Publication on other resources:
Author's Notes:

The first part - http://site/readfic/2492703
images of heroes:
Sasha Vershinin - http://photo-men.com/wp-content/gallery/benjamin-eidem_1/benjamin-eidem-1.jpg
Miroslava Gorelova - http://images.webpark.ru/uploads54/121026/rqzhevolosie_devushki/rqzhevolosie_devushki_37.jpg
Kirill Viselsky - http://best-dem.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/0426.jpg
Alexandra Orlova - http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/beloshytska/17320125/11119/11119_900.jpg

Once upon a time, back in 2000, when Danya was still only in the project and we didn’t know about him, his future father and I were walking along the streets of Moscow. Well, or they were just walking from somewhere, it was a long time ago, I don’t even remember. But I remember that it took us to some market.

And so I’m walking through the market and come across a table with videotapes. And then the idea comes to me to buy some movie to while away some evening. Again, I don’t remember what kind of film it was, for the life of me. Well, since I’m an easy shopping person, I choose a cassette, take out the money, buy it, and we move on. Danka’s father and I had only just started dating, it was our third or fourth date. And this newly minted gentleman naturally spent the next forty minutes blowing my mind about this spontaneous purchase of mine.

Why did you buy this film? You don’t even know what kind of film this is, is it worth watching at all? - this worthy representative of the Jewish people told me with a smart look (nothing personal, everyone knows how much I love Jews, so don’t be offended) - Do you understand that this is money down the drain? Do you want me to tell you how to buy video cassettes?

According to Danka’s father, videotapes should be purchased in the following way. First, I had to decide what kind of film I wanted to watch (the Internet was underdeveloped at that time, and therefore I was asked to do this by asking my friends). When the epoch-making choice is made, there is still no need to rush into buying, you never know who liked what. You need to ask your friends for this tape in order to get acquainted with the film masterpiece in person. And only after this will it be possible to think about whether I need this tape, or whether one viewing (for free) is enough.

I don’t remember how much a cassette tape cost at that time, but obviously not fabulous money; I could easily afford such an expense, even without being very wealthy. Do we need to explain to anyone why we didn’t live long with this sweet, thrifty and very reasonable man? Well, to be reproached every time with every spontaneous purchase made with my own money... I, of course, could not bear this. Well, yes, God bless him, the father of my child, that was a long time ago. And it’s unlikely that I would have remembered this if it weren’t for my son...

I wanted to go to the cinema here. I don’t really like cinema, but it hits me once every six months. I just feel like going to see some movie. And now I’m very interested in one of the films, let me think I’ll go see it. I have a beloved man and a best friend who are wonderful to everyone, but such events are not particularly respected. Zimina and I simply don’t agree on tastes, and therefore dragging her into the film I want is a failure. And Max just prefers to sit, drink, and chat. No, I periodically drag Max out to such events, but every time I listen to his suffering: “Zhen, what about him? Should we go somewhere? Let’s just sit and drink some cognac?” In short, I thought, I thought, and I approached Dana with this proposal. Well, why? He regularly goes to the cinema with a friend, why should he go to the cinema with his mother? But, as it turned out, Danya does not go to all cinemas and not to all films.

Doesn't remind you of anything? I even heard daddy’s intonations. And what a shame. Danya doesn’t remember his father, he didn’t communicate with him in his life and he couldn’t adopt his worldview. This is how you believe in genetics.

By the way, I still dragged Danka to the film, after all, am I a mother or not? Yeah, I listened to him lament about the prices (Mom, a morning session for 310 rubles is very expensive). But I’ll write a little later about what movie we watched there, and what Danka and I think about it.