» Provincial Observer - LiveJournal. Alasheev, Nikolai Nikolaevich Alasheev new appointment

Provincial Observer - LiveJournal. Alasheev, Nikolai Nikolaevich Alasheev new appointment

Last Saturday v.i.p. The head of the Smolensk city administration, Nikolai Alasheev, together with MK correspondents in Smolensk, went to the Ice Palace to skate and talk about the Japanese language, sports and family values.

Nikolai Nikolaevich, when did you learn to skate?
- I learned to skate about 12 years ago. But subsequently there were no special opportunities to hone my skills. With the advent of the Ice Palace in the city, fans of this sport can only move upward. By the way, ice skating is a great way to relax and recharge your spirits. You can come here, relax, have a good fall, then get up and slide across the ice again, having great fun. And look - the joyful, happy faces around prove this.

We are in an informal setting, I don’t want to talk about politics, let’s just talk about life. Once Vladimir Putin was asked the question: “Who are you, Mr. Putin?”, and who are you, Mr. Alasheyev?
- I come from a working-class family, born in the city of Syzran, Samara region. My father headed a design bureau at a defense enterprise, my mother worked as an engineer in the same bureau. I graduated with honors from a specialized secondary school, where a number of subjects were taught in English. Then he entered the Moscow Military University, which he also graduated with honors. And then the Motherland sent me to serve in the Far East. Served at the headquarters of the Pacific Fleet.
After leaving the Armed Forces, he studied business administration for a year at Tokyo State University. Then he started doing business, created from scratch and then managed the Krasny Vostok company in Vladivostok. In general, I have been associated with this city for almost 17 years. Over time, he moved to Moscow and then to Smolensk.
For more than two years he headed the municipal unitary enterprise Smolensky Zadneprovsky Market. For me it was a good business school. At that time, somewhere in the middle of 2009, the enterprise was unprofitable, the ball was completely ruled by crime. We managed to change the existing state of affairs, achieve good tax figures, reconstruct trading floors, and as a result, the market put a lot of money into the city budget.

Your parents worked as designers, why didn’t you follow in their footsteps?
- When I was choosing a path in life, I decided, why not try something new? My parents did not interfere with my choice; they gave me complete carte blanche in choosing a profession, and I took advantage of it. I always wanted to be on the cutting edge, to try something risky. That is why I entered the military university. Military service involves danger and risk, and this risk is always for the good, in the name of serving the Motherland.

You studied Japanese. Why? How did you learn this exotic language?
- In many ways, this choice did not depend on me. At the military university they counted: “first, second, third, line up!” - and there was a breakdown into language groups.
And the feeling of exoticism instantly disappeared when I had to study the language for 4 hours a day, memorize 50 hieroglyphs daily - a huge number of lexical units, and even a certain feeling of anxiety appeared. As they say, steam came out of my ears from the tension. I had to learn Japanese in an offensive mode, and it is fundamentally different from those language branches that surround our Russian language.

Learning a language implies not only knowledge of its sound or graphic structure, but also penetration into the culture of the country. How has Japanese influenced you personally?
- You know, studying a foreign language, in particular Japanese, within the framework of only an educational institution greatly reduces the opportunity to fully get to know the country and get to know its traditions better. Therefore, at the military institute, complete immersion in culture did not work out. It was a completely different matter when I studied in Japan.

What do you remember most about Japan?
- First of all, I was interested in the mentality of the Japanese and their language, and I was also always surprised how a population comparable in size to the population of Russia lives on such small islands! Imagine, they get along perfectly. It would not hurt us to learn from the Japanese how to treat each other and their compatriots kindly.

What are your family values?
- It seems to me that family values ​​are the same for all people. The main thing is that the family hearth is warm, that our children are waiting for us, that our beloved wife is waiting, that our parents are not sick and do not need anything.

Are you married?
-Yes, I’m married, I have a son, and recently a daughter.

Do you have a favorite dish?
- Lazy cabbage rolls with sour cream, my wife cooks them perfectly.

What's your favorite book?
- “The Old Man and the Sea” by Hemingway. This small book is read in one breath and expands your worldview. It gives you the opportunity to break away from routine affairs and look at your life philosophically, to reevaluate it in some way.

What's your favorite movie?
- Among domestic films, I really like “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” He encourages us not to give up and move forward when faced with failures.

Do you have a life motto?
- In my opinion, any motto narrows the worldview; I like to capture the entire range of possible goals and move towards them at the same time.

At the picket in defense of Readovka, you said that you regularly go for morning jogs there. What other sports do you do?
- Running is the most optimal warm-up before a working day. As for other sports, I'm not consistent here. I received my first junior rank in athletics and classical wrestling; at the university I was involved in officer all-around events and defended the honor of the university. Now there is simply no time to do anything seriously.

In connection with the latest events in the administration in Smolensk, there is talk that a “curse,” so to speak, hangs over the chair of the head of the city administration. Aren't you afraid of this and how will you correct the situation?
- Curse is a pagan category, and I am an Orthodox person. It seems to me that you just need to work, be conscientious and make a lot of efforts so that you are not ashamed of what you do.

Today, a serious struggle has broken out for the seat of the head of the city administration of Smolensk, which has already reached the federal level. If you take this position, what will you do first for our city?
- The budgetary possibilities of Smolensk do not allow us to implement everything that we would like to do. Therefore, based on these conditions, I will make every possible effort to bring the lives of Smolensk residents to a new level. And, by the way, I want to emphasize: I am not trying to get this position in order to “pinch off” anything. I came to work. For example, I know how to stop infill development. I will do everything to ensure that as many sports facilities as possible appear in our city. After all, sport plays a huge role in a person’s life. In general, there are a lot of plans. But I’m a realistic person - let’s not make plans for the future, everything has its time.

The guest of the next edition of Sergei Novikov’s author’s program “Dialogues” (a joint project of the newspaper “Smolensk News” and the television company “Phoenix”) was the head of the administration of the city of Smolensk Nikolai Alasheev. We bring to your attention a newspaper version of this conversation.

– Hello, Nikolai Nikolaevich.
– Hello, Sergey Vitalievich.
– I welcome you to the “Dialogues” program. Well, it just so happened that today is your birthday (the conversation took place on December 19 – ed.), so I congratulate you and wish you success in all your good endeavors.
- Thanks a lot.
– You are 45, but I must say, you look much younger. Is it genes or exercise in the morning?
- Thanks for the compliment. If this is indeed the case, then so be it. I profess a healthy lifestyle and believe that this should be the norm for everyone. It’s not for nothing that they say “a healthy mind in a healthy body.”
– There is a proverb: “If youth knew, if old age could.” You are now at such an age, I remember from myself, when you already know and can do a lot, but you can also do a lot. But this is also the time when it is already possible to draw some conclusions. Is your current position what you want to do? Is this the place you want to occupy?
– You know, I won’t say that this is a position for which I, as they say, would hold on with my teeth, something without which I could not imagine my future life. I approach this sensibly, without unnecessary emotions, but with an understanding of the enormous responsibility that lies with me. I like to take over and deal with it.
– You were born in Syzran, this is the Samara region, you graduated from the Moscow Military Institute, and received a specialty as a translator from English and Japanese. Then the army, although not for long, and then 17 years in the Far East - work in various commercial structures. So about this period. There was information in one regional newspaper that you were on the operational wanted list there, in the Far East, and were involved in a number of criminal cases, and under serious charges. Strange as it may seem, there was no reaction from you. Why?
“I regard such malice as the barking of a dog.” And as you know, the dog barks, but the caravan moves on. And he goes forward. As for the essence of the issue, this is only operational information. There's no business.
– Are these facts not true?
– You know, there are specific people behind this. I don’t want to evaluate the activities of any services, these are the actions of specific people. And in the 90s, none of those who ran any kind of business, who took an active position in life, were immune from rumors, suspicions, from assessments in such tones.
– There must have been very serious circumstances that forced you to cross the entire country and end up in Smolensk. What's happened?
- These are family circumstances. The family needed to change their place of residence, and Smolensk was chosen. So I had to find a use for myself here. Here, I found it.
– Your career in Smolensk began with the Zadneprovsky market. Who advised the then mayor to appoint you as director?
– There were comrades who considered it necessary to introduce me to Eduard Kachanovsky, and he invited me to take this, frankly speaking, unenviable position at that time. Such positions are called “execution positions.” Before my appointment, the entire economy, all management there was carried out on a conceptual basis. I don’t think there’s any need to explain what this is. I began to apply normal, transparent legal structures, and the results were immediate. When I arrived, there were only a few million rubles in the account, but by the time I left there were already more than 40 million. And this, by the way, is government money.
– Nikolai Nikolaevich, out of your 45 years, you worked for one year as the head of the administration of the city of Smolensk. December 27th will be one year old to be exact. How has this year changed you? Have you become tougher or, conversely, more diplomatic?
– It’s hard to judge yourself from the outside. But nevertheless, analyzing, delving within reasonable limits, without bringing it to the point of absurdity, in myself, I can note that I have probably become more diplomatic. But this diplomacy stops working where specific tough decisions need to be made. I implemented this in a situation related to the collection and disposal of garbage, with the unscrupulous activities of individual management companies, the so-called “oosheks”. I would like to emphasize with satisfaction that this was done with the full support of the regional administration.
– Our newspaper “Smolensk News” writes almost daily about city problems, so I don’t consider it necessary to focus on them today. However, since we’re talking about them, I’ll ask, what would you give yourself, or rather your team, credit for this first year in your position?
– You said very correctly – to the team. Some newspapers have repeatedly reproached me for the lack of a team. If they meant new people, then, excuse me, who will go to positions in the city administration with salaries of 12-16 thousand, 20-25 thousand rubles? This did not happen, and the team was formed from those specialists who had previously worked in their positions. Some of them, due to their inertia, were transferred to a lower position. But there were also those who, having correctly perceived my high demands, began to work much better in the same positions. If earlier the legal department, for example, acted on the principle “as long as they are not held accountable,” now it takes an active position in upholding laws. And if you noticed, not a single permit for infill development was issued. That infill development, which Smolensk residents are quite rightly outraged by, is an inheritance that my team and I inherited from our predecessors. And here, indeed, often nothing can be done. But just rely on the consciousness of this or that developer. Generally speaking, we are not ashamed to look the people of Smolensk in the eyes. There was a breakthrough in certain areas, serious changes for the better began, and I think the city residents felt it.
– I must say, and this is not a compliment, that indeed there have been obvious changes for the better in waste collection, in preventing infill development, and in relationships with management companies. It is unlikely that more could have been done in one year. In such a position, a year is nothing at all.
Nikolai Nikolaevich, once in one interview, when you were still a deputy of the City Council, you expressed confidence that the future of Smolensk will be connected with the names of Danilyuk and Lazarev. Let’s not talk about Konstantin Grigorievich - it’s already hard for him. But as for Alexander Nikolaevich Danilyuk, does this confidence still remain in you? Or weakened?
– You know, the deputies of the City Council give an assessment of Alexander Nikolaevich’s activities. I am not a deputy today. And I would not like to somehow evaluate his activities.
– Briefly and very clearly. Nikolai Nikolaevich, you are not an economist, not a lawyer, you have not worked in government structures. Whose opinion do you rely on? What is your decision-making algorithm?
– Of course, I rely primarily on the opinion of experts. But I want to say this here. All this year I have been exploring those areas and industries where I feel gaps in my knowledge. And today neither the budget, nor the principles of its formation, nor any other economic topic is “terra incognita” for me. Of course, there are processes that I, simply based on common sense, do not need to delve into very deeply. Yes, this is impossible. There are specialists, there are structural divisions. My business and my responsibility is to organize the work. But I can assure you that today I already understand the scope of activity of each of the divisions to the extent that I need, and maybe even more. And the fact that “neither an economist nor a lawyer” is not about me today.
- Wonderful. You know, our governor Alexei Ostrovsky has recently often said that he is forced to “manually manage” the city. And garbage collection, and timely snow removal, and not only this are recorded as an asset of this very “manual control”. Doesn't this bother you?
– The criticism is quite constructive. And the main thing is that criticism is supported by concrete help. He criticized, but he also helped.
– You really have become a diplomat over the past year...
– This is not diplomacy, this is how it is.
– Have you established any kind of human contact with Alexey Vladimirovich?
– I’ll say this: we paint our aspirations, anxiety, and concern about the state of affairs in the city in the same colors. There is a coincidence of points of view here. My argumentation is accepted, and criticism only spurs me on, and does not demoralize me, because it is constructive. As for “it jars or doesn’t jar,” then don’t worry about me, if necessary, I will express my point of view on this matter to the governor. And I would like to say one more thing. I believe that power needs to be strengthened. There must be one strong leader in the region, around whom all power of various branches and levels should be centralized. I also say this because I am impressed by Governor Ostrovsky’s point of view on many issues. Only with unity of power can serious problems be solved, including such as attracting investment. And with our meager budget, this is extremely important.
– By the way, about the centralization of power. Regardless of the personality of Alexander Danilyuk, you have come to the conclusion that many have already come to, including me -
that the head of the city should be the head of the executive branch, and not the legislative branch? Again, not regarding the personality of Nikolai Alasheev specifically. This was the case before and it was correct.
– You know, I don’t think about this before going to bed and don’t wake up tormenting myself with the thought of the structure that exists now. I proceed from the fact that it was this design that called me to fulfill the duties of head of the city administration. It is in this format that I function, and politics and economics are ultimately made by people occupying certain positions - no matter what their name is. The role of personality in history has not been canceled.
– A small specific question: why is your first deputy still with the prefix “acting”? Is this just in case?
– I will leave this question without detailed comments, I will only say that this prefix will be eliminated in the near future.
– Nikolai Nikolaevich, the 1150th anniversary of Smolensk is just around the corner. “SN” has written many times and will continue to write about the progress of preparations for the anniversary, about all the difficult problems that exist. And I have this question: isn’t it in the interests of Smolensk residents to separate two holidays - the next anniversary of the liberation of Smolensk and City Day?
– Let’s ask people, and we will understand.
– This is important because, in my opinion, these are two completely different holidays. We will not go anywhere from September 25 and it is on this day that we pay tribute to both those who liberated Smolensk and those who died during the war. But City Day is completely different. And it must be celebrated on weekends, during the warm season.
– Undoubtedly, there is a rational grain here. If there is such a point of view, today I will order our resources to organize a survey, and based on the results we will decide, and everything will be honest, understandable and transparent. Anyone who wants to speak will have the opportunity to do so. We will make a decision based on the survey results. Is that normal?
- Yes, sure. And more on this topic. There are a little over 8 months left until the anniversary. Do you and your team have a clear preparation plan for today - monthly, quarterly, weekly?
– I have a complete picture of what needs to be done and what is not being done, but this is not within the competence of the administration. Well, teach me how to force a contractor to fulfill his obligations under the contract if he does not? Maybe, in the style of the 90s, come with a bat and show him where the crayfish spend the winter?
- Yes, everything was simpler then.
“We can’t go this way.” Failure to fulfill their obligations under contracts of such companies as “Resurs”, “SU-197”, SSK and a number of others pulled down the results of disbursing funds for preparation for the anniversary.
– The same notorious 94th law...
– You know, and within the framework of the 94th Law, it is possible, through the clear and full implementation of their powers by structural divisions, in particular the municipal procurement department, industry departments that prescribe technical specifications, to prevent those contractors from implementing serious projects that, in addition to the sign “ Horns and hooves have nothing. But these companies all came before me, and all I have to do is call them to responsibility and implement what they started earlier. Not to mention the fact that, in general, both the choice of objects for the 1150th anniversary and the choice of goals for the use of budget resources leave, to put it mildly, much to be desired.
– Nikolai Nikolaevich, you are for me, as for a journalist, the 11th mayor. Everyone has their own fate, everyone left in their own way, but two of your closest predecessors, unfortunately, left due to corruption cases: Eduard Kachanovsky is serving his sentence, Konstantin Lazarev -
awaiting sentencing. Have you received offers that are usually called tempting?
- Undoubtedly.
- A lot of?
– Their number has recently begun to decrease, as people began to understand that they came to the wrong place with corrupt proposals. Let me give you one example. Kolkhoz Square. As you know, the previous head of the administration signed a lease agreement for this area with a certain, I can say, very serious company, behind which quite serious people stood and stand. Without false modesty, I will say that it was I who managed to ensure that this agreement was terminated. Because the main thing for me is the interests of Smolensk residents. To be fair, I will say that the deputies also supported me by making the necessary decision. Otherwise, a real transport collapse would inevitably arise here.
– Nikolai Nikolaevich, I wish you to remain in the same positions, I wish you success and, bringing our conversation full circle, – once again, Happy Birthday to you.
- Thank you. It is very nice to receive congratulations from you. On the eve of the New Year, I would also like to wish you success, interesting interlocutors, the same atmosphere conducive to frankness that always reigns with you. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in your program.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Alasheev(December 19, Syzran, Samara region) - Russian politician, head of the Administration of the city of Smolensk from December 27 of the year to May 22 of the year. Head of the city of Smolensk since November 10.



  • In 1991 he graduated from the Moscow Military Red Banner Institute. Qualification – translator-referent in Japanese and English.
  • Tokyo State University - Business Administration Course.

Before entering politics

Political career

Deputy of the Smolensk City Council of the IV convocation.

Initiatives and bills

Membership in party organizations



Married, has two children: a son and a daughter.

Additional Information

  • Conflict with Alexander Nikolaevich Danilyuk
  • Fight for a green square

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Excerpt characterizing Alasheev, Nikolai Nikolaevich

“It felt so good to tell everything today; and hard, and painful, and good. “Very good,” said Natasha, “I’m sure he really loved him.” That's why I told him... nothing, what did I tell him? – suddenly blushing, she asked.
- Pierre? Oh no! How wonderful he is,” said Princess Marya.
“You know, Marie,” Natasha suddenly said with a playful smile that Princess Marya had not seen on her face for a long time. - He became somehow clean, smooth, fresh; definitely from the bathhouse, do you understand? - morally from the bathhouse. Is it true?
“Yes,” said Princess Marya, “he won a lot.”
- And a short frock coat, and cropped hair; definitely, well, definitely from the bathhouse... dad, it used to be...
“I understand that he (Prince Andrei) did not love anyone as much as he did,” said Princess Marya.
– Yes, and it’s special from him. They say that men are friends only when they are very special. It must be true. Is it true that he doesn't resemble him at all?
- Yes, and wonderful.
“Well, goodbye,” Natasha answered. And the same playful smile, as if forgotten, remained on her face for a long time.

Pierre could not fall asleep for a long time that day; He walked back and forth around the room, now frowning, pondering something difficult, suddenly shrugging his shoulders and shuddering, now smiling happily.
He thought about Prince Andrei, about Natasha, about their love, and was either jealous of her past, then reproached her, then forgave himself for it. It was already six o'clock in the morning, and he was still walking around the room.
“Well, what can we do? If you can’t do without it! What to do! So, this is how it should be,” he said to himself and, hastily undressed, went to bed, happy and excited, but without doubts and indecisions.
“We must, strange as it may be, no matter how impossible this happiness is, we must do everything in order to be husband and wife with her,” he said to himself.
Pierre, a few days before, had set Friday as the day of his departure for St. Petersburg. When he woke up on Thursday, Savelich came to him for orders about packing his things for the road.
“How about St. Petersburg? What is St. Petersburg? Who's in St. Petersburg? – he asked involuntarily, although to himself. “Yes, something like that a long time ago, long ago, even before this happened, I was planning to go to St. Petersburg for some reason,” he remembered. - From what? I'll go, maybe. How kind and attentive he is, how he remembers everything! - he thought, looking at Savelich’s old face. “And what a pleasant smile!” - he thought.
- Well, don’t you want to go free, Savelich? asked Pierre.
- Why do I need freedom, Your Excellency? We lived under the late count, the kingdom of heaven, and we see no resentment under you.
- Well, what about the children?
“And the children will live, your Excellency: you can live with such gentlemen.”
- Well, what about my heirs? - said Pierre. “What if I get married... It could happen,” he added with an involuntary smile.
“And I dare to report: a good deed, your Excellency.”
“How easy he thinks it is,” thought Pierre. “He doesn’t know how scary it is, how dangerous it is.” Too early or too late... Scary!
- How would you like to order? Would you like to go tomorrow? – Savelich asked.
- No; I'll put it off a little. I'll tell you then. “Excuse me for the trouble,” said Pierre and, looking at Savelich’s smile, he thought: “How strange, however, that he does not know that now there is no Petersburg and that first of all it is necessary for this to be decided. However, he probably knows, but he’s only pretending. Talk to him? What does he think? - thought Pierre. “No, someday later.”
At breakfast, Pierre told the princess that he had been to Princess Marya yesterday and found there - can you imagine who? - Natalie Rostov.
The princess pretended that she did not see anything more extraordinary in this news than in the fact that Pierre had seen Anna Semyonovna.
- Do you know her? asked Pierre.
“I saw the princess,” she answered. “I heard that they were marrying her to young Rostov.” This would be very good for the Rostovs; They say they are completely ruined.
- No, do you know Rostov?
“I only heard about this story then.” Very sorry.
“No, she doesn’t understand or is pretending,” thought Pierre. “It’s better not to tell her either.”
The princess also prepared provisions for Pierre's journey.
“How kind they all are,” thought Pierre, “that now, when they probably couldn’t be more interested in this, they are doing all this. And everything for me; That’s what’s amazing.”
On the same day, the police chief came to Pierre with a proposal to send a trustee to the Faceted Chamber to receive the things that were now being distributed to the owners.
“This one too,” thought Pierre, looking into the police chief’s face, “what a nice, handsome officer and how kind!” Now he deals with such trifles. They also say that he is not honest and takes advantage of him. What nonsense! But why shouldn’t he use it? That's how he was raised. And everyone does it. And such a pleasant, kind face, and smiles, looking at me.”
Pierre went to dinner with Princess Marya.
Driving through the streets between the burned-out houses, he was amazed at the beauty of these ruins. The chimneys of houses and fallen walls, picturesquely reminiscent of the Rhine and the Colosseum, stretched, hiding each other, along the burnt blocks. The cab drivers and riders we met, the carpenters who cut the log houses, the traders and shopkeepers, all with cheerful, beaming faces, looked at Pierre and said as if: “Ah, here he is! Let's see what comes out of this."
Upon entering the house of Princess Marya, Pierre was filled with doubt as to the justice of the fact that he was here yesterday, saw Natasha and spoke with her. “Maybe I made it up. Maybe I’ll walk in and not see anyone.” But before he had time to enter the room, in his entire being, after the instant deprivation of his freedom, he felt her presence. She was wearing the same black dress with soft folds and the same hairstyle as yesterday, but she was completely different. If she had been like this yesterday when he entered the room, he could not have failed to recognize her for a moment.
She was the same as he had known her almost as a child and then as the bride of Prince Andrei. A cheerful, questioning gleam shone in her eyes; there was a gentle and strangely playful expression on her face.
Pierre had dinner and would have sat there all evening; but Princess Marya was going to the all-night vigil, and Pierre left with them.
The next day Pierre arrived early, had dinner and sat there all evening. Despite the fact that Princess Marya and Natasha were obviously pleased with the guest; despite the fact that the whole interest of Pierre’s life was now concentrated in this house, by the evening they had talked everything over, and the conversation constantly moved from one insignificant subject to another and was often interrupted. Pierre stayed up so late that evening that Princess Marya and Natasha looked at each other, obviously waiting to see if he would leave soon. Pierre saw this and could not leave. He felt heavy and awkward, but he kept sitting because he couldn’t get up and leave.
Princess Marya, not foreseeing an end to this, was the first to get up and, complaining of a migraine, began to say goodbye.
– So you’re going to St. Petersburg tomorrow? - said oka.
“No, I’m not going,” Pierre said hastily, with surprise and as if offended. - No, to St. Petersburg? Tomorrow; I just don't say goodbye. “I’ll come for the commissions,” he said, standing in front of Princess Marya, blushing and not leaving.
Natasha gave him her hand and left. Princess Marya, on the contrary, instead of leaving, sank into a chair and looked sternly and carefully at Pierre with her radiant, deep gaze. The fatigue she had obviously shown before was now completely gone. She took a deep, long breath, as if preparing for a long conversation.

“You can’t sit idly by while they try to deceive people”

Svetlana Savenok


The noticeable lull in the “irreconcilable confrontation” in the city government is an excellent reason for a substantive conversation with the head of the Smolensk administration, Nikolai Alasheev. Substantive because we are not talking about City Council intrigues, not about the “bomb” that one of the deputies has been “carrying within himself” for three months, but about what worries us, the residents of Smolensk. Therefore, this conversation with Nikolai Alasheev is exclusively about our “earthly” problems.

— Nikolai Nikolaevich, not so long ago a “leftist” newspaper with “scarecrows” about the situation in “Zhilishchnik” was distributed through mailboxes in Smolensk. They are trying to convince people that Zhilishchnik is bankrupt, and everyone needs to run away from this management company. I quote: “creditors compete for the opportunity to snatch at least part of their money from a dying organization.” I would like to clarify the situation. Is there any reason to worry for residents of houses served by Zhilishchnik?

— On the one hand, I would not like to comment on the propaganda literature you are talking about. On the other hand, we probably shouldn’t brush aside the fact that there really was an attempt to “work out” the population, an attempt to sow panic... And although, monitoring the situation by calls to the “hotline”, I realized that people can perfectly distinguish this kind of fiction from realities (here the orderer of this leaflet miscalculated), nevertheless, I consider it necessary to provide clarification. Because on this wave, some businessmen began to offer residents of apartment buildings to change their management company (Zhilishchnik, in particular) and switch to servicing LLCs, HOAs, Zhilburo, and so on.

Regarding the situation with Zhilischnik, I will say the following. The main problem that Zhilishchnik has is its credit history. We are talking about illegal, in my opinion, management decisions, as a result of which the company took out bank loans at rates that absolutely do not fit into the logic of common sense.

— That is, the result of such lending in the form of current financial difficulties was quite predictable? And is it possible to talk about artificially creating difficulties for Zhilischnik?

— I will refrain from value judgments. The qualification of this decision is a matter for law enforcement agencies. I can only operate with facts. There are a number of decisions of the City Council on providing municipal guarantees to one or another enterprise for lending. One of these solutions is guarantees for lending to Zhilischnik at a certain percentage. Therefore, indeed, there are serious financial difficulties now. Accordingly, one of the tasks of primary importance that the city administration is solving is to prevent Zhilischnik from going bankrupt.

— How can this problem be solved?

“This way we don’t pose the question - there is no time to argue “is this possible at all?” We have to solve the problem, period. Other options are not considered because they are fraught with the creation of social tension. Judge for yourself: Zhilishchnik currently has 2,200 apartment buildings under its service. This is more than 2/3 of the entire Smolensk housing stock. Therefore, the bankruptcy of this enterprise can lead to destabilization of the situation in the service sector of apartment buildings. I repeat, solving this problem is extremely important for us.

— You mentioned different-sized LLCs and HOAs that are trying to fish in troubled waters... And especially, as we understand from communicating with our readers, this problem is relevant for residents of the center, for houses where there is free space that can be rent out for very good money. By the way, we conducted a journalistic investigation into one of these LLCs, and as a result, it stopped the attempt to “take over” the house.

- Yes, there really is a problem here. Unfortunately, certain businessmen, taking advantage of the legal illiteracy of residents, are trying to arrogate to themselves the right to use common areas in their own interests. I studied the situation at several houses (after receiving calls to the hotline). And I can say that in almost all cases approximately the same scheme operates. Lawyers are hired to convince residents to sign the “Owner’s Decision” to create an HOA (or transfer to some kind of LLC). “Owner's decision” is a document written in small print on several sheets. As a rule, few people study it. Meanwhile, it states that all money from the rental of common premises goes to the account of a specific person who manages it. But the owners have no control over these funds. But the main point (which the residents are not told about) is that this HOA (LLC) did not initially plan to engage in maintenance and repair of the house - it has neither workers nor special equipment. In the best case, it will enter into a service agreement with the same “Zhilischnik”. That is, another link appears in the consumer-supplier chain. Therefore, I would like to draw the attention of Smolensk residents to such situations and advise, at a minimum, to carefully read the documents that they are asked to sign. For my part, I instructed the head of Zhilischnik about the need to carry out explanatory work. You can't sit idly by while they try to deceive people.

— There is a feeling that fertile conditions for such pseudo-management companies are created not so much by legal illiteracy as by the apathy of the population.

- You are absolutely right. I constantly communicate with people, and I have an understanding that this apathy is caused, among other things, by the improper fulfillment of their obligations by the structural divisions of Zhilishchnik. Alexander Mikhailovich and I [ Kovalev, head of Zhilishchnik OJSCed.] there was a very tough conversation on this topic, I hope certain conclusions will be drawn. But we must understand that those companies that play on the shortcomings of Zhilishchnik’s work have neither the technical nor the technological capabilities to provide the services of a management company. Therefore, we will not put up with a situation where management companies do not do enough work and focus primarily on collecting money from the population. I think that an “epidemic” in this sense will not happen in the city. I assure you that the administration is taking all measures provided for by law in this direction. And in this case, I am not “campaigning” for “Zhilishchnik” and in no case do I want to “target all management companies (LLCs, including) with the same brush.” Competition in the market is necessary; this is the key to quality service to the population. The administration only welcomes it and will provide management companies with any assistance (that does not contradict the laws) in this direction. But! Only bona fide companies. We discussed this topic with Alexey Vladimirovich [ Ostrovskyed.], therefore, I see my task as ensuring that only those management companies that provide a high level of services to the population work and develop in Smolensk. I understand that this is not a matter of one day, but with the support of the governor we will achieve exactly this. We will put things in order in this area. And I ask residents, before signing an agreement with a new management company, to inquire about whether it has the technical capabilities and labor resources for quality service (and, ideally, to get feedback from residents of the buildings that this company serves).

— Nikolai Nikolaevich, another topic that was once “blazing” is garbage removal. Can we say that the garbage problem in Smolensk has been completely resolved?

— I would not operate in absolute categories. Of course, I won’t say that the situation with garbage removal is absolutely stable. But it has changed significantly, and residents see it. I monitor the situation and see that photographs of overfilled containers sometimes appear on the Internet, but these are still isolated episodes. For each signal, we figure out whose area of ​​responsibility it is, what kind of management company is responsible for this site (and today there are 37 such companies operating in the city). That is, proper control over their activities regarding waste removal is ensured today. I said earlier and I repeat now: they will leave if they can’t cope. There are legal levers for this. Fortunately, now the city administration has become much more comfortable working in the area of ​​tightening control over the activities of management companies, because there is full support from the region, and close interaction has been established with the housing inspection. This is very important for us.

— Another question, the relevance of which is inspired by the approach of autumn and, accordingly, the beginning of the heating season. Considering the tension in relations with Quadra over the debts of Heating Networks...

“Currently, we have a constructive, working relationship with Quadra; I want to pay tribute to the support that the region provides to the city. Therefore there is no tension. There is intense work to enter the heating season as planned, without incidents. So that, as a year ago, there would not be areas, blocks and houses that “fell out” of the planned heat supply schedule. All consumers who pay in good faith should receive the full service required by law. And today I see no reason to worry that the start of the heating season will be delayed. Of course, no one is immune from force majeure (especially considering the degree of wear and tear on the networks), but compared to previous years, ongoing repairs are being carried out even ahead of schedule. And, I note, without the “stupidity” that accompanied the replacement of heating networks before: when, when repairing roads, asphalt was first laid, then it was immediately “opened up” to replace the pipes of the heating main. If you noticed, there are no more such cases in Smolensk. All we had to do was come to an understanding of the need to coordinate all repair work schedules. Now all these approvals take place online.

“Let’s hope that it will be so, we will enter the winter without shocks.” But still. “If anything” - is the hotline still working directly with you? Over the years, people have become accustomed to the fact that the most reliable way to solve a problem is to contact the highest leader in the city directly.

— My “hotline,” as I said above, is operating as before. But I want to note that this is not the only way to solve the problem in the housing and communal services sector. The city administration has a unified dispatch service, has its own “hot lines” and all structures working in the housing and communal services sector - Gorvodokanal, Heating Networks, Zhilishchnik - they work around the clock. By the way, I will say that currently the work of dispatch services has been completely reformatted, and now not a single call, not a single signal goes unattended. And those who called probably managed to notice that there are no more egregious cases (characteristic of the previous period) when a person calls and they are rude in response, and in principle there cannot be. I can say this with full responsibility.

— At the end of this conversation, there is one more “sore” issue: the repair of the facades of houses, at least those that are in the hospitality zone and on the route of official delegations that will come to us to celebrate the city’s anniversary. During his recent visit, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak (at that time he was still in charge of preparations for the 1150th anniversary of Smolensk) looked at the progress of construction of a cultural and exhibition center on Przhevalsky Street. And, frankly, it was a shame that opposite this “construction site of the century” there was a house whose walls were literally “crumbling” - the plaster, or even the brick would fall. Has the issue of financing façade repairs been resolved?

- Yes, the question is indeed very pressing. According to preliminary calculations, it is necessary to allocate about 1.5 billion rubles for these purposes from three sources (federal, regional and city budgets). Everything related to the city portion of the financing will be implemented in full.

Yesterday the XX conference of the regional branch of United Russia took place in Smolensk. I was there, but somehow nothing smart comes to mind about this. An ordinary party conference with a predictable, standard scenario. The newspapers and television will tell you everything in detail. I bring to your attention a small photo sketch.

It is symbolic that the United Russia conference was held in the assembly hall of the medical academy. Somewhere nearby there was another conference of dentists. So the “medicinal” associations were on the surface. Moreover, our regional party cell has recently been not at all healthy. To be precise, since August 21 she has not been there at all. I present to you the main doctor, the new face of the party, self-made agrarian and vice-governor in one bottle, Igor Lyakhov. Our, so to speak, chief party therapist. Kamanin will help him. By the way, pay attention to the Hippocrates quote in the background.


  • March 25th, 2012 , 03:18 pm

In my opinion, today's discussion at the Smolensk forum claims to be a political sensation on a local scale. User Omniscient (banker Pavel Shitov writes under this nickname) openly admitted. I quote:

If you choose between Maslakov and Alasheev, and even during the pre-election period - Alasheev, of course, is an order of magnitude higher, but the elections are over, completely different skills and approaches to work are needed, and not just shaking your fist over your head with the words “Comrades, forward! For the Motherland !". But I see neither the ability nor (most importantly) the desire to do household work. At Alasheyev's, in my opinion, there is an impression that all you have to do is yell at everyone and scare them with some of his mythical connections, and everything will work out in the household, everything will work itself out...
And the staff is not full - there is no first deputy, for example, and those who are considered the first deputy are not vested with any powers. They sit in their places and just get paid without bringing any benefit. This is what they call - I couldn’t get the administration to work...

Of course, rumors about the conflict did not arise today. Regulars of the corridors on Oktyabrskaya Rev. are well aware of them. 1/2. They say there were attempts to evict the City Council staff and the Chamber of Control and Accounts from their offices. Unheard of! The very first public evidence that the friendship is over - "Who knows what kind of newspaper this is, will understand what it is about.

Thus, the man who for the last two years had a decisive influence on the balance of political forces in Smolensk openly admitted: the Alasheev project failed miserably. The question remains unanswered: at what point did the patron lose control over his protege? It seemed to many that Alasheev was so tightly integrated into the system built by the banker that he would never get out of it. It turns out that no. So, Far Eastern ties and patronage in Moscow turned out to be stronger? Or is Alasheyev, in principle, incapable of thinking rationally and acts like Eduard Kachanovsky acted on the eve of the elections, succumbing to the excitement of military action? Or maybe the inherent conflict inherent in the “two-headed” city management system is to blame? When two mayors with the same starting resources are ultimately doomed to a showdown, who is more important? I think all these factors played a role. Although we should not forget about the personalities of our opponents. Danilyuk is a systematic, conformist, devoted follower of his patron. Alasheev is a passionate, impulsive, tough person who was trained in the dashing 90s and, it seems, has inherited schemes and methods for solving problems from those times.

As the Omniscient stated, In my opinion, with such work, in a month or two it will be clear to everyone in Smolensk that he needs to resign, after which it will happen somehow quietly... So, “quietly” most likely will not work. Experience shows that from the moment the political influence of Pavel Shitov was established quiet the chapters never left. I seriously cannot imagine that the resulting political impasse would not lead to some resonant consequences. There is a year and a half left before the city's anniversary. It seems to be quite a lot, given the transience of the local elites, but not much considering what has not yet been done. It is obvious that the conflict must be resolved to the point of no return, when, in the wake of the upcoming celebrations, Smolensk will be in the center of everyone's attention. It is unlikely that anyone will say now how it will be resolved.

Against the backdrop of what is happening, yesterday’s event looks interesting - the regional conference of “A Just Russia”. As reported in the blog of the party press secretary krasnovski , The Head of the Hero City of Smolensk Alexander took part in the conference and delivered a welcoming speechDanilyuk. The head of the Smolensk Administration, Nikolai Alasheev, also conveyed wishes for successful work to the conference participants. This is how the conflicting parties forgot about the contradictions and merged in their love for the new political force.

Discussion at the Smolensk forum with banker Pavel Shitov

  • December 14th, 2011 , 07:10 pm

Today, clarity has emerged regarding the list of candidates for the post of head of the Smolensk administration. Despite all the “execution” of these positions, the number of people wishing to become “suicide bombers” is not decreasing. The documents were submitted by three people who need no introduction - Nikolai Alasheev, Sergei Maslakov and Vladimir Vinogradov, as well as X-Men - commandant Vladimir Moskalev, legal consultant Vitaly Smirnov and musician Raisa Ermishina.

  • December 5th, 2011 , 11:54 pm

And although the idea of ​​stability is still on the lips of some politicians, the reality has changed. As a person directly involved in election affairs, I received the first alarm bell that everything was not going as it had been a year or two earlier at the end of September. These were data from a sociological survey commissioned by one of the deputies of the Smolensk City Council in the Industrial district of the city. The results of United Russia and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation turned out to be virtually the same - around 20%. I thought that some unimaginable statistical error had crept into the data... Previously, studies on the 2009 mayoral and 2010 city council elections did not give the party in power less than 30%. Some studies generally showed a rating of 40%. The convincing positions of United Russia were recorded during polls in Yartsevo and Roslavl in the fall of 2010. Almost half of the thousand respondents in each locality were ready to vote for the party in power.

Two weeks before the elections, I conducted a survey again, this time in Smolensk and six regional centers in the region. More than a thousand people were surveyed. Results: United Russia - 24.5%, Communist Party of the Russian Federation - 17.4%, A Just Russia - 14.5%, LDPR - 12.8%. As we can see, the trend was clearly defined and did not change before the elections. The opposition has gained weight and moved closer to the party in power. The protest electoral field turned out to be too spacious this time, and, as practice has shown, there was enough space for all oppositionists. Naturally, I was not the only one who received similar results. The Department of Sociology of Smolensk State University also conducted monitoring. According to rumors, they were never paid for the work they did due to “the results of United Russia being too low.” They say other polls showed better results. But, as practice has shown, pessimists were realists.

And a few more words about sociology. Of course, I understand that polls on online forums are not representative. But the failure of the party in power, shown by forum members, speaks volumes. To be honest, I didn’t expect such a left-wing bias from “advanced Internet users.”


  • November 13th, 2011 , 09:42 am

I bring to your attention a short video filmed yesterday in Readovka Park. What happened reminded me of the performance of Eduard Kachanovsky in mid-March 2009, when he arrived at the site of cutting down trees for the construction site for the Hyperglobe in the park of the 1100th anniversary of Smolensk. We all know how it all ended then. Now Nikolai Alasheev is making promises. Let's see if history repeats itself this time.

  • October 31st, 2011 , 09:54 pm

In the photo: Chairman of the regional council of supporters of the United Russia party Viktor Chertkov hugged Nikolai Alasheev.

The ranks of United Russia also include the deputy chairman of the regional council, Nikolai Martynov, and the future Socialist Revolutionaries Sergei Lebedev and Alexei Kazakov. The administration is confidently led by Konstantin Lazarev, who will very soon become a member of the regional political council of the party in power. Nikolai Alasheev, by the will of his senior Moscow colleagues, was returned to the ranks of Edr and, despite the efforts of a handful of ill-wishers who did not allow him into the local political council, he is about to take a place in the regional leadership of the party.

It’s a pity, of course, Maslakov. The man was closer than ever to his goal - leading the administration of Smolensk. Several sweeping personnel decisions made the day before (minus Dolgy and Polozov) should only have emphasized his status as a leader who had come to power seriously and for a long time. But no. The finale is near. On Wednesday, the City Council will deal with him like a rooster and a hen. The intentions are recorded in the agenda of the session, which this time will take place during the day and, most likely, in the conference room. Unless, of course, Maslakov hides the keys from him and turns off the lights. Let us wish Sergei Vasilyevich not to lose heart and carry his cross to the end. Let’s say “bravo” to Nikolai Nikolaevich! I’ve already tilted everyone, I’ve tilted them like that.

  • September 3rd, 2011 , 04:19 pm

The other day I decided to clear the memory of my mobile phone of photos. We also came across some very interesting photographs. I am posting a small selection on political topics.

1. An artifact from the time of my work in the city council. The picture was made for making an avatar for news on the site.


  • November 22nd, 2010 , 12:44 pm

At a sudden session of the Smolensk City Council, the head of the city Danilyuk announced the cessation of the existence of the United Russia faction in the City Communications Council with a significant reduction in its number. Details are in the update.

Recorded using LiveJournal App for Windows Mobile.

So. In the morning, nothing foreshadowed trouble, except for the very fact of the appointment of an extraordinary session, which became known on Friday evening. The agenda is mundane and unremarkable. Everyone expected that before the start of the session some high-profile issue would be included on the agenda. But nothing of the sort happened. Unless Levant suggested adding “miscellaneous things” to the agenda.
