» Cuban studies. Project "to help the teacher of Kuban studies" (lessons, tests, tsor) IV

Cuban studies. Project "to help the teacher of Kuban studies" (lessons, tests, tsor) IV

please help... Kuban Cossacks in the Patriotic War of 1812. Kubakha ticket.. plz help urgently and got the best answer

Answer from Yona Aleksandrovna Tkachenko[active]
Give me the Cossacks, I will conquer the whole world" - this was said by one of the great tacticians and strategists, a gifted commander, whose opinion the whole of Europe had to take into account. This was Napoleon Bonaparte. What happened is that a whole number of generations did not know Russia, many still do not they know in connection with what and when Napoleon said this. But behind this statement is hidden an interesting page of our history, where there was only room for the valiant performance of one’s duty, heroism, courage and devotion to the homeland and there was no place for betrayal and cowardice. Napoleon excited and stirred up the entire people. Russian soldiers fought steadfastly at the western borders, the inhabitants of cities and villages rose up against the invaders. The Cossacks and peasants of the Kuban showed patriotism and concern for the fate of the Motherland. The Cossacks voluntarily joined the army in the villages and collected money for the needs of the war. They sent horses and food to the active troops. Some units of the Cossack army took part in military operations against the French. The Black Sea Guards Hundred entered the battle on the Neman River and was part of the troops that were the first to take the enemy’s blow. The 4th infantry and 9th combined cavalry regiments were sent to the battlefields of the unfolding war. Near Vitebsk in the summer of 1812, the Black Sea men and Life Cossacks defeated two French cavalry regiments and captured a battery defending Napoleon's headquarters. In one of the battles, a group of Cossacks crossed the Dvina and defeated a French post. An entire regiment of French began to pursue the dashing cavalrymen, but they returned safely to their own. In the battle of Borodino, the Black Sea men participated as part of Uvarov’s corps in a deep raid behind enemy lines and captured enemy batteries. When Napoleon retreated from Moscow, the Cossacks were in hot pursuit of the enemy. Also, the Black Sea Hundred took part in October 1813 in the key battle near the city of Leipzig - the famous battle of nations, in a brilliant attack by enemy cavalry that invaded the central part of the Russian army. The emperor himself ordered a personal convoy, a hundred Black Sea guards, to protect the cavalry company put forward from the attack. Then the hundred took part in a surprise attack by the Life Cossacks under the command of Adjutant General Count Orlov-Denisov of the French cavalry on the left flank, which resulted in huge French losses. For this, Colonel Afanasy Bursak was awarded the Order of St. George, 4th class. In memory of this brilliant deed, by order of Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich, it was immortalized by establishing a temple holiday for the Black Sea Guards Hundred and Life Cossack Regiment on October 4th. The Kuban Life Guards also distinguished themselves at the end of the great war. In March 1814, they were in action near the city of Ferchampenoise - in the destruction of part of the corps defending the Paris road; On the 17th and 18th - near Paris, on March 19th - during the capture of the city of Paris and the entry of allied troops into the city. The Black Sea Guards Hundred were awarded silver trumpets for their distinguished service in battles against the French. And as stated in the highest order at the end of August 1856, in memory of the participation of hundreds in the brilliant counterattack of the Life Cossacks on the French cavalry in October 1813, the St. George standard of the Life Guards was granted to the Black Sea Cossack division. Representatives of other peoples of the country who served in the army were worthy comrades of the Russian soldiers. It is known that several hundred Circassians and Kabardians also took part in the war. First they were under the command of Bagration, and then of Denis Davydov. The Circassians have preserved a legend about a detachment of Shapsugs under the command of the legendary Mohammed Hathe. The famous Russian patriot Denis Davydov and the heroic Circassian Mohammed Hathe saved each other from trouble many times. Commander Kutuzov himself set their courage and friendship as an example

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Information interactive poster: “Kuban Cossacks in the Patriotic War of 1812” Black Sea Hundred: Black Sea men in the Battle of Borodino Heroes in artists’ canvases. Heroic path. History of creation. Reflection. Author: Natalya Viktorovna Belozertseva, teacher of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 10 in the village of Stepnoy, Caucasus region, Krasnodar Territory. Competition “It’s not for nothing that all Russia remembers”

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The history of the creation of the Black Sea Hundred. May 18, 1811 M.B.Baraclay de Tolly Duc de Richelieu “The Emperor wishes to have with him among his cavalry guards one hundred Cossacks from the Black Sea Army from the best people”

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The history of the creation of the Black Sea Hundred. March 1, 1812 Composition: 1 staff officer, 3 chief officers, 14 officers and 100 Cossacks. Afanasy Fedorovich Bursak (Black Sea Cossack Hundred" Borodino 2009)

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Black Sea hundred. Heroic path. Afanasy Fedorovich Bursak V.V. Orlov-Denisov F.P. Uvarov

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A. F. Bursak From the very first days of the Patriotic War of 1812, the Black Sea Hundred took part in battles with the vanguard of the main forces of Napoleonic army on the Neman River. The hundred took part in the battles of June 14 - at New Troki, on the 16th - near the city of Vilno, on the 19th - near Pivovarki. On June 23, the hundred distinguished itself at Kocherzhishki, where it dashed like a wedge into the enemy cavalry and repelled its attack.

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V.V. Orlov-Denisov On June 9, near the village of Voskresensky, a hundred defeated the enemy vanguard (up to 1,500 soldiers), officers and several French soldiers were taken prisoner. On July 15, near Vitebsk, Life Cossacks, Black Sea men and part of the Sumy Hussar Regiment destroyed the 16th Horse-Jagers, almost two rifle companies and took the battery, near which Napaleon was surrounded by his retinue. Before the eyes of the French emperor, in one minute all the artillerymen were killed, and the cannons were thrown into the ravine. This forced Napaleon to pause his offensive.

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The Black Sea Hundred and the Life Guards Cossack Regiment took part in the Battle of Borodino and attacked the left flank of the French army. F.P. Uvarov

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Black Sea soldiers in the Battle of Borodino. The feat of Alexei Danilovich Bezkrovny. A.D. Bezkrovny - “Commander without mistakes”

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Expressing his gratitude, Kutuzov said about Bezkrovny: “This is a Cossack without mistakes” M.I. Kutuzov As part of the Bezkrovny Guard, he participates in heavy and almost continuous rearguard battles. Commanding the Black Sea Guards Officer Hundred, in 1812. A. Bezkrovny distinguished himself in the Battle of Borodino, where, with two platoons of his hundred, despite strong grapeshot fire, he cut into a French battery and captured two officers and nine soldiers. During this desperate attack, his horse was killed under him, and he himself was wounded in the left leg by grapeshot. August 28, 1812 Bezkrovny with the Black Sea hundred, as part of a rifle chain, repelled enemy attacks from 3 pm to 7 pm. Nicholas I

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Heroes on artists' canvases. Raid of the Cossacks M.I. Platov and F.P. Uvarov to the rear of the French troops. Borodino 1812.

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Heroes on artists' canvases. Painting by Viktor Mazurovsky “The Case of Platov’s Cossacks near Mir on July 9, 1812”

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Heroes on artists' canvases. “The French in 1812, captured by partisans (I.M. Pryanishnikov)”

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PURSUIT OF FRENCH HORSE GUARDS NEAR POLOTSK BY HORSE GUARDS ON AUGUST 6, 1812. 1890 Heroes on the canvases of artists.

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Heroes on artists' canvases. FIRST ATTACK ON SEMYONOV FLASHES. 2004 AVERYANOV A.YU.

The Black Sea Cossack Army was formed during the Russian-Turkish War of 1787-1791. By order of Prince G.A. Potemkin on August 20, 1787, began the collection of volunteer teams of Cossacks who served in the former Zaporozhye Sich. By the end of 1787, the name “army of loyal Cossacks” became predominant, and then the only one.

Until 1816, the uniforms and weapons of the Black Sea Cossacks did not have any regulations. By the highest decree of November 13, 1802, the Black Sea Army was ordered to have uniforms modeled on the Don Army. However, no documentary evidence of the implementation of this command could be found. Perhaps the uniforms were worn by Cossack elders.

At the beginning of the 19th century. The clothes of the Black Sea Cossacks consisted of homespun retinues, sewn from homespun coarse cloth of different colors. Some Cossacks wore cloth caftans. The predominant colors of suits and caftans were blue, light blue and green.

Pants made of rough canvas and cloth trousers were widespread among the Black Sea Cossacks; gray, blue and light blue predominated in color. The boots were of two types: yuft and colored morocco. However, the latter were rarely used.

As a headdress, the Black Sea people used hats made of gray and black smushki; low round hats with a narrow (10-12 cm) vertical fur band and a flat fabric top; hats with a fur band and fabric tops, sewn in the shape of a cylinder or a truncated cone; hats with a narrow band and a high pear-shaped crown, consisting of several lobes. The top of the hats was, as a rule, cloth or sometimes corduroy, the predominant color was blue, light blue, less often green. The red top of the caps was used extremely rarely.

The weapons of the Black Sea Cossacks during the period under review were not regulated by law and consisted of a saber or checker, a dagger, pistols, a gun and a pike of a wide variety of designs.

On November 13, 1802, Emperor Alexander I approved the report of the Military Collegium “On the structure of the Black Sea Army.” This report actually became the first Regulation regulating the procedure for military service by the Black Sea Army, which established the number of regiments fielded by the Army for external service, the full-time set of officers, terms of service, the procedure for promotion to ranks, the amount of allowance provided to the Cossacks from the treasury, etc. d.

Military service of the Army consisted of internal and external service. The internal service of the Army consisted of constant protection of the Black Sea cordon line, service in the rowing Cossack flotilla, allocation of part of the military personnel to various institutions under the Military Government, to quarantine and exchange yards, to convoy teams, for flying mail, to 4 detective commands, to salt lakes , to fishing factories, as well as other places in the Army.

External service consisted of sending horse and foot regiments outside the army at the request of the highest military and naval authorities. The outfit for external service was not large.

The military-economic activities of the Cossacks were based on capital, which was used to improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers. The economic complex consisted of income received by the Black Sea Army on fishing grounds, from the sale of wine, fishing, salt mining, oil springs, leech swamps, and grazing cattle, horses, and sheep on military land. These types of activities were carried out by Cossacks during their service. This made it possible to provide the army with weapons and uniforms to be able to serve the Fatherland.

The peculiarities of the formation of the Black Sea military units influenced its combat effectiveness. The service life was 25 - 30 years. Before the start of the Patriotic War of 1812, the formation began: the Life Guards of the Black Sea Hundred - from among the best warriors. The 9th infantry regiment was assembled quickly, the 1st assembled cavalry regiment was formed from Cossacks from different kurens and regiments of the Black Sea Army, which, undoubtedly, could not but affect the losses of Cossack personnel during military operations. The smallest number of casualties was in the Black Sea Hundred, the largest in the 9th Foot Regiment. The social and age composition was heterogeneous and differed in their national, social, and property status, as evidenced by archival documents.

The Black Sea Cossacks began their participation in the Patriotic War of 1812 as part of the Life Guards of the Black Sea Regiment, and began from the first day of the war, starting in retreat from the river. Neman through Vitebsk, Smolensk, Borodino, Tarutino to Maloyaroslavets, with battles as part of the Russian army, in a counter-offensive against the French army to the Berezena River.

One of the famous heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812 is A.F. Bursak.

Father A.F. Bursak was the military ataman of the Black Sea Cossack army Fyodor Yakovlevich Bursak, the threat of the “unpeaceful” Circassia on the eve of the Caucasian War. Bursak Sr. in history is called the last of the Mohicans of Zaporozhye.

His son was brought up in a Cossack environment, coming “from the children of chief officers.” At the age of fourteen, he began serving as an ordinary Cossack on the Caucasian Line, a fortified border line in the North Caucasus. He took part not only in skirmishes with the highlanders on the banks of the Kuban River, but also in the Trans-Kuban campaigns. In them he received his baptism of fire.

At the age of fifteen, Bursak is promoted to centurion esaul, at seventeen years old - to cornet, and a year later - to centurion. In 1807 he became a regimental captain. Not without his father’s patronage, in the same year, in December, being already a “prominent Cossack”, he became the adjutant of the Minister of War, Artillery General Count A. A. Arakcheev, a temporary worker for the then reigning Alexander I.

He received the rank of military (Cossack) colonel in 1810. When, on the eve of Napoleonic's Russian campaign, Arakcheev was replaced as Minister of War by Infantry General M.B. Barclay de Tolly, who remained as his adjutant.

In March 1811, military colonel Afanasy Bursak 2nd was appointed commander of the Black Sea Guards Hundred and was sent to Kuban to form it. The history of this hundred Life Guards Cossack Regiment, composed of Donets, is as follows.

The Minister of War, preparing the Russian army for the expected new war with Napoleonic France, with the approval of Emperor Alexander I, began to expand the ranks of the guard. For these purposes, he ordered the Kherson military governor, Duke Richelieu, to form a hundred Life Cossacks from the “best people” of the Black Sea Cossack army.

Bursak Jr., seconded from the capital, received an appropriate order. He was ordered to recruit a hundred Cossacks of “good condition, good behavior, health, prominent in stature and face.” The height of the guards was supposed to be from 173 to 191 centimeters, and the average age was about 30 years.

The formation of the hundred was completed by mid-July 1811. It included 5 officers, 14 constables, 2 trumpeters and 100 Cossacks. Initially, the armament of the Black Sea Life Cossacks consisted of sabers of various types, rifles (“long-barreled in the Circassian style”) and pistols (“Turkish in the style with a steel frame”). Pikes with a red shaft without a weather vane appeared in their arsenal the following year.

Bursak led a hundred “under his own power” to St. Petersburg on the first day of March 1812. She immediately became part of the Life Guards Cossack Regiment. In the middle of the same month, she set out with a regiment in Vilna to maintain pickets along the banks of the border Neman.

Since the beginning of 1812, the Black Sea Hundred took part in many rearguard skirmishes, most often acting in front of the regular cavalry. Already at the very beginning of the military campaign, its commander “for various avant-garde deeds” was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 4th degree with a bow.

Afanasy Bursak's service record includes many battles and big battles of the Patriotic War, in which he valiantly fought against the French with his Black Sea Cossacks.

In the Battle of Borodino, his hundred took part in the raid of Ataman Platov and General Uvarov, breaking into an enemy battery in two platoons. This was followed by the battle on the Chernishnya River (or at Tarutino). Bursak was awarded the Order of St. Anne, 2nd article, for this deed. Then came Maloyaroslavets and Vyazma.

For the defeat of the French at Dorogobuzh in the Smolensk region, the hundredth commander complains with diamond signs to the Order of St. Anne, 2nd degree. Then came the battles of Lyakhov and Krasnoye. That is, almost to the Berezina, the Life Cossack Black Sea Hundred was among those forces of Ataman Platov that pursued the retreating Napoleonic army, as they say, on the heels.

The most important task of the Black Sea people in the Patriotic War of 1812 was the recapture of 19 guns from the French near Vilna. With the arrival of Emperor Alexander I in the active army, the hundred began to be part of his convoy, beginning the foreign campaigns of the Russian army in this new capacity.

The Black Sea Cossacks - a selected hundred troops - distinguished themselves in the battles of Lützen, Bautzen, Dresden, Kulm, and in the Leipzig Battle of the Nations. Bursak 2nd becomes a Knight of St. George, having been awarded the Military Order of St. George, 4th degree, for a dashing, successful attack on the enemy cavalry.

His Cossacks took part in the capture of Paris, setting up their bivouac on the famous Champs Elysees. The hundredth commander of the Black Sea Life Guards by that time had the Golden Weapon “For Bravery” and the Prussian Order “For Military Merit”.

In August 1813, Afanasy Bursak was renamed from military colonel to army colonel. This was also a reward for valor, since the army rank was then considered much higher than the Cossack rank: they were not yet equal to each other.

After foreign campaigns, service in the capital's guard begins for colonel and St. George's cavalier Afanasy Fedorovich Bursak. He was received at court. In 1815, his position began to be called this: commander of the Life Guards of the Black Sea Cossack squadron number 7, which was part of the same Life Guards Cossack Regiment.

Colonel A.F. Bursak 2nd is appointed commander of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment of the Black Sea Cossack Regiment. His father was no longer alive by that time. He had to retrain the regiment using the combat experience that he gained in action against the French.

In those years, there were constant raids from Circassia against the “fire-breathing” Caucasian fortified line: the protracted Caucasian War began. Bursak and his regiment took part in the Trans-Kuban campaigns in 1823 and 1824, personally being in many heated skirmishes and skirmishes.

The next year, 1825, he was gone. He died tragically, drowning in the deep Kuban. He was buried in the cemetery of the “Zaporozhye” Elizavetinsky Kuren. Later, his ashes were transferred to the military capital - the city of Yekaterinodar.

...In the Black Sea Cossack Army, which at the very end of the Caucasian War became an integral part of the Kuban Army, the name of Afanasy Fedorovich Bursak was known as heroic, primarily for his deeds in the Patriotic War of 1812. This is evidenced by military chronicles and histories of various authors.

It was this grateful historical memory that became the basis for assigning his name, as the eternal chief, to the 1st Black Sea Regiment of the Kuban Cossack Army. This event in the life of the army took place in 1913, when the highest decree of Emperor Nicholas II was issued.

In the Life Guards Cossack Regiment, the hundred were officially called the 4th squadron. A hundred Kuban guards, shoulder to shoulder with the Don and Ural Cossacks, continuously wage rearguard battles with the advancing French cuirassiers and hussars, Polish lancers, covering the junction of the armies of Bagration and Barclay de Tolly. On June 16, 1812, A.D. Beskrovny, commanding two horse platoons, attacked the superior forces of the Polish lancers, overthrew them and drove them a mile away. Having come to their senses, the Poles counterattack, but other hundreds of native Life Guards Cossacks and squadrons of the Sumy Hussar Regiments come to the rescue of the Kuban people. The counterattack was repulsed. After this battle, the Black Sea Hundred receives the right to be called: “His Imperial Majesty’s Own Convoy.” On the fourth and fifth of August - fierce battles for Smolensk...

And here is Borodino, the field of Russian glory. On August 26, 1812, Life Guards Captain Beskrovny, at the head of two platoons of his Black Sea men, carried out a swift cavalry attack on a French battery leading continuous grapeshot fire and captured two officers and nine soldiers. The road to the corps of the Russian Guards Cavalry of Lieutenant General Fedor Uvarov to the enemy rear was open. Historians believe that it was this combat episode that became a turning point during the Battle of Borodino. But Beskrovny himself is wounded in the left leg by buckshot during the attack, and the horse dies under him. Two days later, having not yet recovered from his wound, the brave headquarters captain, commanding two platoons of Black Sea soldiers, held back the advancing enemy troops on foot for several hours and retreated only on orders from above. For this and other feats, Alexei Danilovich was presented with a golden saber with the inscription “For bravery.”

A few months later, in December 1812, Beskrovny, who was appointed temporarily, instead of A.F. Bursak, to command the entire Black Sea hundred, was tasked with the forces of the Life Guards to capture the city of Jursburg, defended by a significant French garrison. A carefully planned and well-organized attack brought success: Jursburg was quickly taken, and the Black Sea guards, continuing a swift raid, reached the Neman, capturing French barges located on the river with large army reserves of bread and fodder oats. For the retreating French army, forced to starve, this was a heavy blow. The next day of the raid, another significant success: in a short oncoming battle, the vanguard of the corps of General Jacques Etienne MacDonald, Duke of Tarentum, was completely defeated.

The 9th Regiment of Foot fought selflessly on the European border at the end of 1812, heroically losing almost half the regiment. In the history of the 1st combined cavalry regiment, archival materials made it possible to reconstruct three routes. The first is the march of the Cossacks from the city of Yekaterinodar to Brest-Litovsk. Their path lay through seven Russian provinces. The second, along the European battlefields, through Silesia and Saxony, the Black Sea soldiers fought their way to Zeitz, which they liberated in a fierce battle, and later participated in battles, including Leipzig, Pointe, Arsis and Paris. The third route has been restored from France to Ekaterinodar.

At the beginning of May 1813, the famous battle of Bautzen (Bautzen) takes place, and again the Cossack Life Guards are at the forefront of the attack. The Russian troops were unlucky in that battle, but the Cossacks did everything they could! At the end of August - beginning of September of the same year, battles followed one after another. And again the brave Kuban residents cover the banner of their native regiment with unfading glory. Again, the Cossack lava uncontrollably and rapidly melts its horses over the fields of distant German principalities, the lightning of the checkers flashes in the dim autumn sun, and again the brave “commander without mistakes” leads a hundred into the attack, as, with the light hand of the Sovereign, Alexei Beskrovny was nicknamed.

The “Battle of the Nations” near Leipzig glorified the Russian Cossacks for centuries. A lightning-fast flank attack by the Life Guards Cossack regiment under the command of General Vasily Orlov-Denisov and the Prussian hussars, commanded by Count Nostitz, against the French cuirassiers of General Victor Latour-Maubourg, who had rushed forward in a dashing attack, prevented the seemingly inevitable capture of the entire high military command of the Allied forces - Russian and Austrian Emperors, Swedish and Prussian Kings, all staff generals. Only a few hundred meters separated the valiant French from the desired victory. A joint counterattack of the Russians and Germans saved the situation; fortune changed for Napoleon.

But, during the pursuit of French cavalrymen, Alexey Danilovich was seriously wounded. The pistol bullet passed close to the heart, crushing three ribs. He then proudly wore the memorial badge of that valiant attack for the rest of his life - three gilded ribs next to countless military orders, Russian and foreign. This sign was granted to the Bloodless by the Emperor himself. According to legend, Alexander the First said then: “The Black Sea people’s commander is not Bloodless, but Immortal!” Seeing through a telescope that Beskrovny was seriously wounded, the Tsar sent his physician Yakov Vasilyevich Villier to help the valiant warrior, asking the doctor to tell Alexei Danilovich, as soon as he came to his senses, that from now on Beskrovny was a guard colonel and commander of the personal imperial convoy! And the entire Black Sea hundred were then awarded the Crosses of St. George.

After the end of the Patriotic War, the Black Sea Hundred formed the personal guard of Emperor Alexander I during the foreign campaigns of the Russian army in 1813 - 1814. The convoy was the first special military unit designed to protect the emperor and his family members.

The combat operations in which the combat units of the Black Sea Cossacks took part were predetermined by the strategy of the regular army. When conducting a historical reconstruction of routes (redeployment) across Russia and Europe, it was established that, depending on the period of stay in the regular army, each military unit of the Black Sea troops took part in key battles. The Black Sea Guards Hundred, from the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812 and at the end of foreign campaigns, showed their courage and valor in a number of battles in Russia: in Vilna, Smolensk, at Borodino, Maloyaroslavets, and in Europe - Lutzen, Pelzantz, Pautzen, Dresden and Kulme. The Cossacks especially distinguished themselves in the general battle on October 4, 1813 near Leipzig. On March 19, 1814, the Cossacks entered Paris.

By the highest rescript of March 9, 1815, Emperor Alexander I ordered Ataman Bursak 1st to send five cavalry Black Sea regiments to Germany as part of the Foreign Army, leaving, however, at the discretion of the Ataman, based on local circumstances, the final decision on the number of regiments sent. On April 11, Ataman Bursak 1st appointed four combined cavalry regiments on a campaign under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Dubonos, military colonels: P.F. Bursak 3rd, Golub and Porokhni. The regiments recruited officers and Cossacks from all regiments of the Army, including foot soldiers. On May 10, the regiments set out from Yekaterinodar and on July 23 arrived in Radzivilov, from where they were sent to the Rhine. August 3 in Holm, Duchy of Warsaw; The marching ataman, Lieutenant Colonel Dubonos, received orders to return to the Army in connection with the end of hostilities, and on the same day the regiments turned back. On October 12, the regiments of Dubonos and Porokhnya arrived in Yekaterinodar, and on October 14 - the regiments of Bursak 3rd and Golub. In 1815, on May 20, the hundred was renamed the 4th Black Sea squadron of the Life Guards Cossack Regiment.

The contribution of the Cossacks of the Life Guards of the Black Sea Hundred, the 9th Foot Regiment and the 1st Combined Regiment in the war with the Napoleonic army is immortalized on the walls of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Black Sea residents - participants in hostilities, were awarded orders and ranks for their bravery and courage in the fight against the French. Many of them received awards not only for major victories in famous battles, but also for participation in the partisan movement. 21 Black Sea residents received St. George Crosses of the 4th degree, one Order of St. George of the 4th degree, eight of St. Vladimir, 263 Cossacks of the 9th Foot Regiment received silver medals “In memory of the Patriotic War of 1812.” For their valor in the fight against the enemy, four Black Sea residents received medals “For Merit”, and five received the Order of St. Anne of various degrees. Such high awards confirm the recognition of the military merits of the Black Sea Cossacks in the Patriotic War of 1812 and foreign campaigns of 1813-1814. war Cossack army army

In honor of the heroic events of the Patriotic War of 1812 and foreign campaigns of 1813 -1814. special military awards were established for participants in the battles: “In memory of the Patriotic War of 1812”, medal “For the capture of Paris”, anniversary medal “In memory of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812”, medal “For love of the Fatherland”, pectoral crosses “ In memory of the War of 1812", signs, Prussian "Kulm 1st Cross".

At the present stage, in the gallery of military glory of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, the memory of the Black Sea people is immortalized on several boards, in the form of mentions of battle sites, names and surnames of Cossacks and officers of the Black Sea Hundred. In the ranks of hundreds, the future Kuban atamans A.D. Bezkrovny and N.S. Zavadovsky covered themselves with immortal glory.

During the foreign military campaigns of 1813 - 1814. The Russian army provided enormous assistance to the peoples of Western Europe in their liberation from Napoleonic rule. It was the main core around which the troops of other coalition members were grouped.

Thus, analyzing the order of service, the functional responsibilities of the Black Sea Cossacks, the external forms of culture of the military class (uniforms, insignia, military regalia) and other aspects of military life, the participation of the Black Sea Cossacks in the Patriotic War of 1812 and foreign campaigns of 1813 - 1814. , it is concluded that the organizational, legal, ideological, military-economic and political-economic measures of the government in relation to the Cossacks of the south of Russia ensured the creation by the beginning of the 19th century. a reliable cordon from the Black Sea Cossack troops.

In 1813 - 1814 the Black Sea people marched victoriously across Europe, and participating in battles in Lutzen, Pelzatz, Bautzen, Dresden, Kulm, Leipzig, reached Paris, from where in May 1814 they began a campaign to St. Petersburg;

During the battles, the Kuban Cossacks demonstrated high fighting spirit and moral qualities. In a combat situation, the Cossacks were often helped out by fraternal relations and the ability to come to the rescue in time. The Black Sea Cossacks in fact showed themselves to be defenders of their Fatherland, including their land, their farms and villages, and their families. In the Patriotic War of 1812 and foreign campaigns of 1813 - 1814. The Cossacks of southern Russia proved that they had excellent mastery of the art of war; the French feared them more than the soldiers of the regular Russian army.

“Give me the Cossacks, I will conquer the whole world,” said one of the great tacticians and strategists, a gifted commander, whose opinion the whole of Europe had to take into account. It was Napoleon Bonaparte. What happened is that a number of generations of Russia did not know, many still do not know, why and when Napoleon said this. But hidden behind this statement is an interesting page in our history, where there was only room for the valiant performance of one’s duty, heroism, courage and devotion to the homeland, and there was no place for betrayal and cowardice. The invasion of Napoleon's army excited and stirred up the entire people. Russian soldiers fought steadfastly at the western borders, and residents of cities and villages rose up against the invaders. The Cossack and peasant population of Kuban showed patriotism and concern for the fate of the Motherland. Cossacks voluntarily joined the army. In the villages they collected money for the needs of the war and sent horses and food to the active troops. Some units of the Cossack army took part in military operations against the French. The Black Sea Guards Hundred entered the battle on the Neman River and was part of the troops that were the first to take the enemy’s blow. The 4th infantry and 9th combined cavalry regiments were sent to the battlefields of the unfolding war. Near Vitebsk in the summer of 1812, the Black Sea men and Life Cossacks defeated two French cavalry regiments and captured a battery defending Napoleon's headquarters. In one of the battles, a group of Cossacks crossed the Dvina and defeated a French post. An entire regiment of French began to pursue the dashing cavalrymen, but they returned safely to their own. In the battle of Borodino, the Black Sea men participated as part of Uvarov’s corps in a deep raid behind enemy lines and captured enemy batteries. When Napoleon retreated from Moscow, the Cossacks were in hot pursuit of the enemy. Also, the Black Sea Hundred took part in October 1813 in the key battle near the city of Leipzig - the famous battle of nations, in a brilliant attack by enemy cavalry that invaded the central part of the Russian army. The emperor himself ordered a personal convoy, a hundred Black Sea guards, to protect the cavalry company put forward from the attack. Then the hundred took part in a surprise attack by the Life Cossacks under the command of Adjutant General Count Orlov-Denisov of the French cavalry on the left flank, which resulted in huge French losses. For this, Colonel Afanasy Bursak was awarded the Order of St. George, 4th class. In memory of this brilliant deed, by order of Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich, it was immortalized by establishing a temple holiday for the Black Sea Guards Hundred and Life Cossack Regiment on October 4th. The Kuban Life Guards also distinguished themselves at the end of the great war. In March 1814, they were in action near the city of Ferchampenoise - in the destruction of part of the corps defending the Paris road; On the 17th and 18th - near Paris, on March 19th - during the capture of the city of Paris and the entry of allied troops into the city. The Black Sea Guards Hundred were awarded silver trumpets for their distinguished service in battles against the French. And as stated in the highest order at the end of August 1856, in memory of the participation of hundreds in the brilliant counterattack of the Life Cossacks on the French cavalry in October 1813, the St. George standard of the Life Guards was granted to the Black Sea Cossack division. Representatives of other peoples of the country who served in the army were worthy comrades of the Russian soldiers. It is known that several hundred Circassians and Kabardians also took part in the war. First they were under the command of Bagration, and then of Denis Davydov. The Circassians have preserved a legend about a detachment of Shapsugs under the command of the legendary Mohammed Hathe. The famous Russian patriot Denis Davydov and the heroic Circassian Mohammed Hathe saved each other from trouble many times. Commander Kutuzov himself set their courage and friendship as an example.

Information interactive poster: “Kuban Cossacks in the Patriotic War of 1812” Black Sea Hundred: Black Sea men in the Battle of Borodino Heroes in artists’ canvases. Heroic path. History of creation. Reflection. Author: Natalya Viktorovna Belozertseva, teacher of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School 10 in the village of Stepnoy, Caucasus region, Krasnodar Territory. Competition “It’s not for nothing that all Russia remembers”

The history of the creation of the Black Sea Hundred. March 1, 1812 Composition: 1 staff officer, 3 chief officers, 14 officers and 100 Cossacks. Afanasy Fedorovich Bursak (Black Sea Cossack Hundred" Borodino 2009)

A. F. Bursak From the very first days of the Patriotic War of 1812, the Black Sea Hundred took part in battles with the vanguard of the main forces of Napoleonic army on the Neman River. The hundred took part in the battles of June 14 - at New Troki, on the 16th - near the city of Vilno, on the 19th - near Pivovarki. On June 23, the hundred distinguished itself at Kocherzhishki, where it dashed like a wedge into the enemy cavalry and repelled its attack.

V.V. Orlov-Denisov On June 9, near the village of Voskresensky, a hundred defeated the enemy vanguard (up to 1,500 soldiers), officers and several French soldiers were taken prisoner. On July 15, near Vitebsk, Life Cossacks, Black Sea men and part of the Sumy Hussar Regiment destroyed the 16th Horse-Jagers, almost two rifle companies and took the battery, near which Napaleon was surrounded by his retinue. Before the eyes of the French emperor, in one minute all the artillerymen were killed, and the cannons were thrown into the ravine. This forced Napaleon to pause his offensive.

Expressing his gratitude, Kutuzov said about Bezkrovny: “This is a Cossack without mistakes” M.I. Kutuzov As part of the Bezkrovny Guard, he participates in heavy and almost continuous rearguard battles. Commanding the Black Sea Guards Officer Hundred, in 1812. A. Bezkrovny distinguished himself in the Battle of Borodino, where, with two platoons of his hundred, despite strong grapeshot fire, he cut into a French battery and captured two officers and nine soldiers. During this desperate attack, his horse was killed under him, and he himself was wounded in the left leg by grapeshot. August 28, 1812 Bezkrovny with the Black Sea hundred, as part of a rifle chain, repelled enemy attacks from 3 pm to 7 pm. Nicholas I

Heroes on artists' canvases. Painting by Viktor Mazurovsky “The Case of Platov’s Cossacks near Mir on July 9, 1812”




18 Question 1 Give examples of valor and heroism shown by the Black Sea people in battles. Question 2 What combat tactics did the Black Sea troops use in the Patriotic War? Question 3 Give a general assessment of the role of the Black Sea Cossacks in the Patriotic War of 1812.

Resources: Literature: Cuban Studies 8th grade; 2011; Three centuries of the history of Kuban, A.V. Maslov, Krasnodar 2000; Atlas “History of Kuban”, Krasnodar, 1997. Internet resources: