» Management "e". Reporting on preventive conversations, monitoring blogs, an effective network in the North Caucasus and failure to prevent pogroms on Manezhnaya Square and Biryulyovo “Many security forces got hit on the head”

Management "e". Reporting on preventive conversations, monitoring blogs, an effective network in the North Caucasus and failure to prevent pogroms on Manezhnaya Square and Biryulyovo “Many security forces got hit on the head”

In June 2018, we published the revealing testimony of Tatyana Yurievna Krotova, a Russian woman who worked at a Hasidic center in Perm and left there due to outrage at the attitude of Jews that she discovered to her towards non-Jews as cattle, which they also practice in their educational courses. (27.6.2018. ).

The ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect "Chabad Lubavitch", Center "E" and the FSB - what connects them?

And in confirmation of the rightness of T.Yu. Krotova was followed by the reaction of law enforcement agencies - news from Periscope.

The Center for Countering Extremism at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory interrogated Perm journalist Tatyana Krotova in connection with an interview she gave about her experience working in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect Chabad Lubavitch. The interrogation was carried out as part of a certain check, the essence and purpose of which the employees of Center “E” do not explain.

Tatyana Krotova gave a video interview in two parts to the Periscope news agency last summer. Previously, she worked for several years as an assistant to Rabbi Shneor Zalman Aharon Deich, an Israeli citizen and envoy of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in the Perm region. In her interview, Krotova shared her observations and impressions from several years in a fundamentalist Jewish religious organization. Among other things, the journalist touched upon the idea of ​​racial superiority of Jews, actively cultivated among Lubavitcher Hasidim, as well as the special relationship of Rabbi Deich with the Center for Countering Extremism and with the regional department of the FSB in the Perm Territory.

Fighters against extremism were especially interested in the circumstances of the recording of the interview, its subsequent publication on the Internet, the tasks that Periscope set for itself, as well as the financial aspect, that is, what funds were used to prepare the publication, and whether Krotova received any fees. The information that no monetary payment to either party was discussed or implied aroused obvious distrust among the “E” people.

Let us recall that the teachings of the Hasidic sect “Chabad Lubavitch” are characterized by experts as racist and misanthropic. Their main holy book, Tanya, directly states that only Jews are people, while the goyim are inferior and are unclean animals. A cell of Lubavitcher Hasidim appeared in Perm at the beginning of the 2000s. Initially, they tried to take over the historical building of the Perm synagogue on the street from traditionalist Jews through a raider seizure. Catherine, but the attempt failed. After this, the Hasidim opened their underground synagogue, not registered anywhere, in a building on the street. October 25, 43, where all rituals are now carried out, including infant circumcision and bloody animal sacrifices. The sect, which engaged in active proselytism among Perm Jews, met with the complete loyalty of the Perm authorities. In particular, in 2016, Chabad, in violation of the law, received a free plot of municipal land next to the Palace of Culture of Railway Workers with a cadastral value of 73 million rubles for the construction of a new synagogue. The Lubavitcher Hasid Boruch (Boris) Milgram served as deputy government of the Perm region for several years. Currently, he is the artistic director of the regional state drama theater (renamed by Milgram to “Theater-Theater”), where sexual perversions have since been actively popularized.

Interview with Tatiana Krotova - part 1:

About the criminal activities of Center E employees


On September 6, I was at Center E at 38 Petrovka. There, a group of four people tried to persuade me to organize extremist activities and organize a criminal community. The options used as threats were “Prison for terrorism” and “plant fuses.”

The following scheme was proposed: my introduction into formal and informal organizations is carried out through my old contacts, after which it was supposed to “increase my authority” through participation in unauthorized and extremist activities, which will be directed by Center E employees. The technologies proposed were “boarding in one paddy wagon” and “boarding in one cell” to establish trusting contact.
Further, it was planned to organize groups in the infiltrated organization that would commit extremist crimes, which in turn would be revealed by employees of “Center E” with the help of an agent.

During the conversation, the employees admitted that their main motive is financial, since for each person “linked to a terrorism case” they receive a bonus of 40,000 rubles.

I signed a non-disclosure agreement on investigative secrets, but I did not sign a non-disclosure agreement on the criminal activities of Center E, as an example of which I cite an attempt to recruit me for criminal purposes.

My work with Igor Puzanov, who is currently accused of terrorism, was supposed to be charged with terrorism. I worked with Puzanov a year before this charge was brought. The job consisted of receiving letters from courts and prosecutors' offices, with whom he conducted official correspondence.

Puzanov is accused of terrorism and admits to his activities. But Puzanov is a mentally ill person, whose unhealthy mania is used by Center E employees when obtaining testimony. Puzanov was treated in a psychiatric hospital, from which he escaped. When I worked with him, I noticed his increasingly intensifying disease syndromes and for this reason I ended my relationship with him. Although his legal talent remained in perfect order. Puzanov called himself the “Dictator of Russia” and the “New Che Guevara,” and felt a very strong need to admire himself. Employees of Center E said that when he was called a “terrorist,” he simply “flourished.” Center E built a terrorism case on this sick man. According to the testimony of all relatives, Puzanov always had very serious mental problems. The Puzanov case is essentially a complete profanation of terrorism.

In light of this recruitment technique, the fabrication of cases against Daniil Konstantinov and Georgy Borovikov becomes clear. They were offered cooperation, but they refused, and, moreover, they interfered with the attempts of “Center E” to launch criminal activities. Their cases now serve as examples of non-cooperation.

It may be worth checking that in the events on Bolotnaya Square, the role of the initial provocateurs was played by people working for Center E. It is possible that these same people organized warring groups of Fa-Antifa, and the like, and therefore these cases should be reconsidered, like other crimes with political overtones.

In the light of my recruitment technique, the motive for the murder of Yuri Chervochkin with the participation of employees of “Center E” (or whatever it was called then) became clear to me. Chervochkin was privy to the details of the plan, according to which I was supposed to act. After non-cooperation, an attack was launched to intimidate and thereby prevent the disclosure of this information. They did not plan to kill, as in the case of Oleg Kashin. The details of the crime do not add up, since the murder was organized not by Center E employees, but by people from the extremist-terrorist group they created. In addition, bats are not used for such murders.

This document is considered an application to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the Internal Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Sergey Morozov.

I never asked for a repost. But in this case, every repost can save someone's life.

Yu. Mukhin: Management "E".
As our deputy reported from Chelyabinsk, he was summoned to department “E” of the local Ministry of Internal Affairs to “get to know him as a deputy of the National Assembly.” This is bad news for this reason. A special intelligence service, and Directorate “E” is a directorate for the fight against extremism, without what the special service is fighting cannot exist, and therefore Directorate “E” will fabricate and fabricate cases of “extremism”. At one time I had to research the issue of intelligence services, and I will give a few points from my book on this topic.

If we turn to history, I can only remember the oldest case of the intelligence service initiating crimes that it must fight. It was described by the Russian official P.I. Melnikov, in his novel “In the Woods” and in a special footnote, emphasized that this case is a fact.

In the 40s of the 19th century, Nicholas I created a special service to combat horse theft. But in the vast expanses of the forested Trans-Volga region, this crime did not exist at all. The peasants there did not have shepherds; horses and cattle were driven into the forests in the morning, and in the evening they themselves returned home. To search for horses in an emergency, bells or bells were tied around their necks. Livestock (cows and sheep) were stolen, peasants called such cattle thieves “wolves” and these “wolves” sold the stolen meat to merchants for corned beef for the Volga barge haulers. But no one has ever stolen horses. However, as soon as the commissioner for combating horse theft arrived in the area, horse theft began almost immediately. These events followed one another so clearly that among the peasants these commissars, and after the abolition of the commissars, the officials who replaced them, received the enduring nickname “horse thieves.” Melnikov himself, apparently, views this incident as an anecdote, as a random coincidence. He also found it difficult to believe that the intelligence service itself could initiate a crime.

Meanwhile, it would be a joke if a commissar to combat it came to a region where horse theft was rampant and the horse theft suddenly stopped. That would be extraordinary! And the fact that it began with the establishment of the special service is just natural. Well, put yourself in the shoes of this commissioner.

He was appointed to this area with a good salary, with apartments sufficient to pay for a mansion, with firewood, food, travel, representative and other money. He is allowed to ride in a troika and with a bell, which means that not only peasants, but also merchants are obliged to give way to him. He is happy. One thing is bad: at least once a year he must send a report on his work to St. Petersburg. What should I write in it? “Horses stolen – 0, horse thieves caught – 0, damage prevented – 0”? Well, how many years will St. Petersburg pay him money in return for such reporting? After all, if there is no horse theft, then in 2-3 years his position will simply be abolished, but will he be appointed to a better position? There are few positions, and there are many people who want to get them... No matter how you look, if you are a commissioner for combating horse theft, then horse theft must exist in your area, even if it has not been here since the time of Tsar Pea.

This does not mean that the commissioner himself rushed to steal horses - why? Yes, and it is dangerous. I think that he toured the surrounding provinces for informational purposes, and there, in prison, he visited horse thieves awaiting trial and whipping, and proudly boasted to them that he had eradicated horse theft in the Trans-Volga region so that peasants did not guard their horses at all. Well, horse thieves flocked to the Volga region to look at the horses grazing at night without guards. And since horse theft has begun, the commissioner for combating horse theft now has something to write about in his reports, and now he can be calm about his fate.

This is the dirty trick of specializing in the fight against anything. On the one hand, specialization, as in any other industry, promises efficiency. But on the other hand, the apparatus of this struggle with victory itself is dying. And these are people. And these people are not at all happy to suddenly change their profession in the middle or at the end of their career and start from the basics and with a small salary. Therefore, they are not interested in winning the declared war - it is important for them to preserve themselves, and not society, since society was smart enough to specialize them.

In this regard, the general police or militia compare favorably with the intelligence services. They always have work, and given the current global decline in morality, there always will be. And even if some local police officer Aniskin completely eradicates crime in his village, he will be awarded a medal, but his position will not be abolished, since everyone understands that at least one policeman must be present just in case.

It’s not in my position to somehow feel sorry for the regime in the Kremlin, but I’m not sure that the Kremlin clearly understands what exactly it is creating. In our history there have been impressive examples of specialization of special services.

In 1881, to fight the Socialist Revolutionary Party, or Socialist Revolutionaries for short, the Tsar managed to create a special service - the Security Department of the Russian Empire. The gendarme department and the police were not enough for the tsar. In 1893, the Security Department was lucky - it was able to recruit 24-year-old Socialist Revolutionary Yevno Azef into its ranks. But an ordinary party member is of little use as an agent, and the Security Department helps Yevno pursue a revolutionary career, which means that it turns a blind eye, or directly helps Azef to commit terrorist acts against members of the tsarist government. Patience and work yielded results and in 1903 Azef headed the Combat Organization of the entire Socialist Revolutionary Party, and in 1905 he became one of its most authoritative leaders. Unfortunately, I cannot say how many royal officials the Security Department allowed Azef to be killed so that he could reach these heights, but having occupied these heights, Azef turned around. It was when he, an agent of the Security Branch, headed the Combat Organization of Socialist Revolutionaries that Socialist Revolutionary terror in Russia reached its maximum extent and maximum effectiveness.

By handing over some of their comrades to the Security Department so that they could have ranks and positions, the revolutionaries, in Putin’s words, “dirtyed the tsarist officials in the toilet.” They killed everyone: the Tsar’s uncle, ministers, governors, police chiefs, and in general everyone who looked askance at the revolutionaries.

The commander of the Life Guards Engineer Battalion, Colonel I. Totleben, dared to expel a revolutionary agitator from the barracks - he was seriously wounded; the commander of the Kronstadt port, Admiral K. Kuzmich, was killed for the same thing; Commander of the Black Sea Fleet Admiral G. Chukhnin – seriously wounded; General Min, commander of the Semenovsky regiment, participated in the suppression of the rebellion in Moscow - killed; Chairman of the Special Meeting for the Protection of State Order, Count A. Ignatiev - killed; Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Army, Lieutenant General V. Sakharov - killed; Advisor to the provincial government of the Tambov province G. Luzhenovsky suppressed riots in the province - killed by the future leader of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries M. Spiridonova; Aul Abramov, who detained her at the scene of the crime, “tortured the girl Spiridonova with his fists and heels” - was killed. The Minister of Internal Affairs and chief of gendarmes V. Pleve was killed, the Tsar's uncle, the Moscow Governor General Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, was killed.

The Social Revolutionaries managed to intimidate the tsarist bureaucracy to the point of animal fear. The commandant of Riga abandoned the garrison and the division entrusted to him, changed into civilian clothes and fled to St. Petersburg. The newly appointed governor of the Turkestan region was met at the station by a small group of workers with an orchestra, which began to play “La Marseillaise” as the governor left the carriage. The governor took off his hat and listened to the revolutionary anthem at attention. Minister of War A. Roediger, dissatisfied with his chief military prosecutor, appointed a new, more decisive one - V. Pavlov. He, however, immediately received a message from the Security Department that he had already been “ordered.” I stopped leaving the house and signed all my cases only at my place. It got ridiculous: his boss A. Roediger couldn’t even call him to meetings and went to his house on business. Six months later, Pavlov went out into the yard for a walk and was killed. The Minister of Internal Affairs P. Durnovo went abroad for treatment, there he was overtaken by the Socialist Revolutionary T. Leontieva, who carried out, in principle, a successful assassination attempt - having confused Durnovo with an outsider, she killed the Swiss Muller. Poor Durnovo sent a telegram to St. Petersburg - can he return? The security department advised its boss to hold off, since, according to his information, 6 people had received an “order” for Durnovo. The Tsar, despite the September cold, sat on his yacht in the Finnish skerries, since Stolypin asked him not to return to St. Petersburg - it was dangerous! Maybe A. Bogdanovich is wrong, but she noted in her diary that in March 1907 alone, revolutionaries killed 650 people. In 1905-1907 2 ministers, 33 governors and 7 generals were killed!

Moreover, taking advantage of his position as an agent of the Security Branch, E. Azef created his own network of agents in Russia of exceptional power. From the memoirs of the former head of the St. Petersburg security department, A. Gerasimov, it follows that when he became Azef’s curator, it turned out that Azef knew about all the tsar’s movements, all his travel plans better than Gerasimov himself, although it was Gerasimov who was responsible for the tsar’s security. Gerasimov conducted an investigation, and it turned out that Azef’s agent was a tsarist official of such a high rank that even Russian Prime Minister Stolypin did not dare to touch him, and Gerasimov was afraid to mention his name in his memoirs. Moreover, here we were apparently talking not only about bureaucratic timidity, but also about the reluctance to reveal Azef himself.

And as a result of such a powerful blow by the Socialist Revolutionaries against the tsarist bureaucracy, the tsar was forced to declare “freedom”, i.e. opened the way for legal revolutionary propaganda in the empire, which was not ready, and indeed unable, to repel this strongest branch of the enemy’s troops, and created the destroyer of Russia - the Duma, which, although it was more decent than the current one, but in the end did its dirty deed.

The Russian Empire was destroyed by many, primarily the Tsar, his greedy dignitaries and so on, so on, so on. And, as you can see, the Security Department, created to protect the Empire, played an important role in its destruction. It's in the passive.

What is the asset of creating this special service? Yes, she saved the Tsar from terrorist attacks, but only so that he would be shot after the revolution. Also, employees of the security department received ranks and awards for the capture of some of the Socialist Revolutionary militants, but the neutralization of these militants did not give Russia anything. Moreover, millions of rubles from the secret funds of the Russian treasury, which security department officials stuffed into their pockets under the guise of allegedly handing them over to secret agents. Not much…

By the way, the Socialist Revolutionaries would have achieved even greater success in achieving their revolutionary goals if they had not been struck by the same stupidity as the Russian tsars - the Socialist Revolutionaries created their own special service to combat the agents of the Security Branch in their ranks. And since with their terror they intimidated not only the tsarist officials, but also the bourgeoisie, they did not lack money. Therefore, the special service of the Social Revolutionaries under the leadership of V. Burtsev bought the necessary employees of the Security Department as easily as the Americans 80 years later bought rubbish, like Kalugin, from the KGB. And although Azef was carefully kept secret by the secret police, Burtsev eventually revealed it. And no, this matter should be resolved quietly and continue to use the Security Department for the cause of the revolution, so Burtsev cackled to the whole world about the victory of his special service! As a result, in 1908 Azef was forced to leave the party. And at the same time, the revolutionary movement in Russia sharply declined. Now this is explained by the fatigue of the masses. Maybe, but, you see, the loss of such an ally as the Security Department also means something.

But let's return to our days. The fate of members of the Kremlin regime, in connection with the creation of Directorate “E”, worries me little, but I want to note that this directorate was created to replace the Directorate for Combating Organized Crime. Why is extremism so frightening to the Kremlin? Let me remind you of the crime situation with somewhat outdated data, but they are good because they do not yet contain any falsifications by Directorate “E”.

Let's make a comparison first.

In 1946, about 170 million people lived in the USSR, and now there are about 140 million people in the Russian Federation.

In 1946, when Bandera gangs were in full swing in the west of the country, military homelessness and instability had not yet been eliminated, 0.546 million crimes of all types were committed in the USSR. And in 2006, in today’s Russian Federation there were 3.8 million of them registered alone – seven times more.

Murders in the USSR in 1946 were 10.3 thousand (in peaceful 1940 - 6.5 thousand), and in the Russian Federation in 2005 the population decline from criminal offenses was almost 60 thousand (30.8 killed, 18 thousand died from wounds and 20 thousand missing) – almost six times more.

Now take a closer look at the numbers. According to data announced by Prosecutor General Ustinov, in 2006, 263 crimes (not murders) were committed that would qualify as “extremist.” Compared to 3.8 million crimes, the percentage is impossible to calculate - less than one crime per 10,000 others. Almost three times less than just contract killings, including journalists.

On March 25, I wrote an article in which I mentioned, almost the only case in the USSR, a case of an attack by a criminal gang on collectors, which occurred in Rostov-on-Don at the turn of the 70s. It was such a sensation back then that they even made a documentary about it. I went online, typed into Yandex and Google only two words “collector” and “killed”, and I only read on the first pages of these search engines:

“04/08/2002. On Monday, the corpses of two collectors were found in the storage facility of the Collection Department of the Novgorod Region - senior collector Viktor Nilov and collector-security guard Valery Gubetsky. ...According to the Internal Affairs Directorate, the collectors died from multiple gunshot wounds. Experts suggest that the criminals fired from a 5.45 mm Kalashnikov assault rifle...

07/10/2002. In St. Petersburg on Wednesday, an armed attack occurred on two collectors transporting salaries of employees of St. Petersburg University. As a result, one of them was killed, the second was hospitalized in serious condition, and 3.5 million rubles were stolen...

03/05/03. Three collectors were killed and one seriously wounded on Wednesday morning in the capital of Buryatia. According to ITAR-TASS, an unknown criminal stole 1.3 million rubles they were transporting...

06.09.04. Last weekend, a team of Sberbank collectors was attacked in the Saratov region. An armored Niva was found burning in forest plantations, two collectors and the driver were killed, three Makarov pistols, an assault rifle and about 1 million 200 thousand rubles were seized...

07/29/07. The capital is looking for two robbers who attacked collectors on Leninsky Prospekt. As a result of the attack, two collectors were killed and a third was wounded. One bystander was injured...

08.12.08. In the capital, robbers shot dead one of the collectors transporting a large sum of cash from MKB-Bank. According to some reports, about 20 million rubles were stolen.

03/25/09. In the north of Moscow, the police are looking for a robber who killed two collectors and stole one million rubles. ...Recently, attacks on collectors and money carriers have become more frequent in Russia. Thus, the capital’s police department has noted an increase in the number of attacks on collectors, money carriers and currency exchange offices, including deaths, since November-December last year. Last year, 103 major armed robberies of money carriers and exchange offices were recorded.”

And the snot of extremism is chewed, chewed and chewed, and not just chewed, but the Department for Combating Organized Crime is being liquidated and the Department for Combating Extremism is being created on the basis of its personnel.

How to understand this?

The only way to understand it is that the Kremlin has become so close to organized crime that it no longer cares about it at all - it only cares about keeping the fascism it founded intact.

I believe that the National Assembly needs to make a statement about this, something like this.

“In the context of the continuous growth of crime, including organized crime, the chronic failure to solve contract killings, including of journalists, the Kremlin, from the cadres of operative employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who fought criminal crime, is creating a Department for Combating Extremism, the crimes of which in Russia are even according to the inflated official data, they are insignificant.

There is only one explanation for this - the Kremlin, at the expense of the health and property of citizens, their rights and freedoms, created for itself an analogue of Hitler’s Gestapo to keep the characters of the current regime in power.

We warn operational workers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, prosecutors and judges that the foundations of the constitutional system of Russia were established by Article 13:

"1. Ideological diversity is recognized in the Russian Federation.

2. No ideology can be established as state or mandatory.

3. Political diversity and multi-party system are recognized in the Russian Federation.

4. Public associations are equal before the law.”

And any attempt by employees of the law enforcement and judicial structures of Russia to question these constitutional provisions will be considered as a violent change in the foundations of the constitutional system with the inevitable corresponding punishment provided for in Article 278 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.”

Deputy head of the Department for Combating Extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Makarov announced upcoming cuts in the structure. According to him, checks are now being carried out in the departments of the center

Photo: Ekaterina Kuzmina / RBC

The deputy head of this structure, Vladimir Makarov, announced the upcoming reductions in the main department for countering extremism (Center “E”) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at a meeting of the Presidential Council for Human Rights (HRC). The meeting was devoted to the problem of terrorism and extremism.

“We work honestly, we are not corrupt officials, not GUEBiPK (main department of economic security and anti-corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. — RBC). The guys really work with enthusiasm. And against this background, they have now decided to lay off us. This is the opinion of certain comrades,” Makarov said, without specifying who he meant by “comrades.”

According to him, “recently” Center “E” and other main operational headquarters “have undergone checks”: “There are 57 thousand people in the country who are short-staffed.” Makarov did not explain what checks he was talking about. In addition to the “E” centers, checks, according to him, are carried out in the departments of the GUEBiPK and the criminal investigation department. The most productive units “that are engaged in the fight against crime” are being cut, Makarov notes.

“In each region, except Moscow and St. Petersburg, where we have 100 people each, 14-15, sometimes 6 people work,” Makarov said.

Makarov also said that Center “E” is “the first central administration” in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, “which was categorically against the stick system and never considered it as a criterion for successful work.” “We say at all seminars that we don’t need sticks. We need to engage in operational prevention - hold conversations with the same bloggers and organizations that come out with inappropriate statements.”

According to him, the police managed to stop “the radicalization of society and the wave of violent crime that we experienced in the late 1990s and early 2000s.” Violent crime, Makarov argues, has dropped sharply, but crime has “moved to the Internet.”

Makarov is convinced that school education in Russia “has not fulfilled any functions for the socialization of youth” and only now the Ministry of Education “has included patriotism and other elements of education in the programs.”

The reduction concerns not only the main department for countering extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but the entire ministry, a source from the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told RBC. This process has been going on as planned since 2011, the interlocutor noted. "Yes indeed. The number of operational workers in the E center has decreased, and the document flow has increased greatly, but this is happening throughout the ministry,” the source added.

During this period, Center “E” experienced three stages of staff reduction. “If I were Makarov, I would not focus on the upcoming reduction, but would rather pay attention to the lack of staffing in the department. There were situations when the duties of the head of the department were performed by a senior detective,” the source said.

During the HRC meeting, the head of Center “E” Timur Valiulin introduced responsibility for parents and teachers of teenagers who take part in uncoordinated political actions, an RBC correspondent reports.

I went to the authorities, like most employees, to help people, to do something good. In fact, when you come across this system, it turns out that everything is completely wrong. Because our system does not need thinking, proactive employees, it needs wooden soldiers of Oorfene Deuce who will stupidly follow orders.

From 2011 to 2014, Dmitry Dzhulay worked as an investigator in the department for combating organized criminal activity in the economic sphere of the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Murmansk region, and then for more than two years - from 2014 to 2016 - as an operative in the regional department for countering extremism (Center "E" ). Now July is a lawyer, he specializes “in defense of economic crimes and official crimes, extremist crimes in the Internet sphere.”

Someone leaves and cannot come to terms with it. Someone stays and continues to push like a tank, and through this they serve until retirement, while someone bends under the system. There are more decent officers in the police, but, unfortunately, they are judged by those units that make it into the news. At least among my colleagues, I can say that much more were honest and decent employees.

“Something in me broke after that.” The Case of the Hole in the Gazebo Roof

I can tell you why I came there (to Center “E” - MZ). I worked as an investigator for economic crimes and at some point I realized that I didn’t want to do this. I can tell you one case, after which I already made a firm decision for myself that I would not work in this department.

They gave me a case, the essence was this: the fire inspector imposed a fine of two thousand rubles on the head of a kindergarten in one of the cities in our region for some nonsense, that she had a hole in the roof of the gazebo on the playground. And the woman is already 60-62 years old, the same age as my mother. And she paid these two thousand rubles fine not from her own pocket, but paid from the account of this kindergarten. As a result, she was charged with part three of Article 160 of the Criminal Code - misappropriation, embezzlement using official position. Despite the ridiculous amount, this is a serious article.

As hard as I tried, I disowned this matter. The boss knew very well about my attitude towards such not very pleasant, from a moral point of view, matters. What did I do? I approached the investigation comprehensively and objectively - as, in fact, a normal investigator should approach it. I began to study whether she was even allocated money for repairs. And it turned out during a conversation with employees of the Ministry of Education that for five years she requested 300 thousand for repairs every year - every year she was refused. She simply couldn't do this repair. Although this does not change the fact that she committed a crime.

I started collecting characteristics - it turned out that she was almost the best manager in the region. I found out that her salary is 13 thousand, and she gets by on these 13 thousand alone, without her husband, son, a disabled person of the first group with Down syndrome and diabetes, and all of these 13 thousand are spent on medicine. That is, for her, even these two thousand rubles - which for you and me, say, to buy groceries for a week - for her this is a huge amount. I reflected all this in the case materials. In essence, this did not change anything, it did not change the qualifications, it did not stop the case, that is, the case still went to court. [But] the manager, thanks to an objectively reflected picture, was given less than the minimum punishment - a fine of five thousand rubles.

But this [case] was the last straw. Well, something broke in me after that. And they just suggested that I go to Center “E”. And I, young, hot-headed - well, the center for the fight against terrorism and extremism - thought that I would detain the Wahhabis, turn them around.

"Black Diggers" and Telephone Terrorists. What did Center “E” do before?

I was tired of the paper work of an investigator, after three years I wanted to somehow dilute it. Well, [working at Center “E”] was really very interesting for the first three years, until our boss changed. We had field work, interesting high-profile cases related to organized crime. I worked in the area of ​​illegal arms trafficking, because on the territory of the Kola Peninsula there were a lot of battles during the Great Patriotic War, and, accordingly, there were a lot of graves, soldiers and weapons. And we have developed “black digging”. I worked on this topic and found it interesting.

I had good sources, good connections in this environment, and I considered these to be significant cases - when you confiscate bags of cartridges, weapons, grenades. I felt like I was doing some good.

[There were] different categories of cases. The identification of extremist crimes was especially welcomed, because after all, we had a department for combating extremism. Basically these are 282nd, that is, statements on the Internet. I identified in the same way - both when Russians scolded non-Russians, and when non-Russians scolded Russians.

But no one screwed up the case on 282 or falsified it. If I noticed that a citizen was writing there that all Russians or non-Russians... should do something terrible with them, I naturally compiled material on such an inadequate citizen. But deliberately provoking someone - this never happened to me. Everything was factual.

I wouldn't say it's such an evil thing. I believe that giving real sentences for pictures or words on the Internet is inappropriate for the crime itself, and that it would be quite possible to limit it to fines in especially severe cases.

There were a lot of crimes based on deliberately false reports of terrorism, when people in a drunken state decided to have fun and called that a shopping center or hotel was mined. This happened sometimes five or six times a month, sometimes several times a week.

We had a wonderful boss, a wonderful team. We were engaged in operational work, everything was coherent and organized. Our region is quite calm. After all, this is the Far North, there are not many visitors. But we had our own “Restrukt” (a community of supporters of the neo-Nazi Maxim Martsinkevich, nicknamed “Tesak”. Members of “Restrukt” were people who were suspected of involvement in drug trafficking - MZ). I did not work along this line - not for the nationalists. But in general, yes, there were cases when people were beaten based on their ethnicity, and all sorts of calls were written on the Internet. But they managed to get rid of them for the most part.

Our [extremist] community was identified by an employee. They wrote about this. A representative of this community emigrated to Ukraine, fought in Ukraine, and was wounded - nationalist Alexander Valov. He was engaged in beating people of Caucasian nationality, promoting all these nationalist values ​​on the Internet.

“Search 282 on the Internet without leaving your chair.” What does Center “E” do now?

Then (in 2016 - MZ) our manager changed. In the first three months of his leadership, ten people out of 15 employees left: some retired, some quit - because no one was able to transfer normally, let’s put it that way.

Real work was replaced by paper work, instead of real crimes and work “in the field” they began to do administrative work and search for 282 on the Internet without getting up from their chair. They demanded administrative help in wild quantities.

I left six months after all this. Because there is a lot of paperwork: reports, certificates, certificates on certificates, reports on certificates, reports on reports, reports on certificates, certificates on reports. 60-70% was taken up by writing instead of real operational work on business. At some point, the working day simply began to end at 22-23, without days off.

I can just tell you how one of our ten employees quit. They rolled out to us at the meeting, gave us sheets of paper with debts for memos, reports, certificates - who has how many. He was given this sheet of 47 points. He looked at him like this - well, he is such a seasoned operator, very literate, honest, decent, he worked as an operator all his life, achieved a fairly large rank, position - he looked at it and wrote a resignation letter on this very piece of paper.

Those who had a pension retired. Those who could get a civilian job went to civilian life. I was young, I didn't care. I received the status of a lawyer and now I work as a lawyer. And those who have a family, those who have a long time until retirement - they stayed to work. There are two such people.

Previously, there were not so many papers, and somehow crimes were solved, and the indicators were quite high, and everything was wonderful. Sometimes he (the boss - MOH) is just too lazy to read the operational file, he forces him to write a review report on 10-15 sheets. Instead of going to communicate, say, with the same sources, informants, to solve crimes, you sit in the evenings, on weekends you print these reports and certificates. Well, yes, there has become a more political bias.

"Adolf Hitler, or "Beat the Redheads!" Cases for pictures on social networks

When I was transferred to Center “E”, I thought that I would fight terrorists, deal with mega-serious matters - and, of course, I was a little disappointed that I had to look for pictures on the Internet. I personally have always been outraged by [this] - well, these administrative regulations themselves, when a person is given 5-10 days of arrest for a VKontakte picture. I would find something to do besides compiling administrations for pictures.

Basically, it was all on the Internet, when people write all sorts of stupid things on VKontakte. It's very easy to find. You just write in the VKontakte search, for example, the name “Adolf Hitler” or “Beat the Redheads!”, roughly speaking. You are given a list of these communities, you open the most massive one, where there are the most participants; [then you need to] sort them by city, and go to the users’ pages and look. You choose which avatars are the most stubborn - with Adolf Hitler, with a swastika - here you go, I found a picture.

According to statistics from the Judicial Department of the Supreme Court, in 2016 Russian courts considered 2,121 cases under Article 20.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (propaganda or public display of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols). The courts returned 174 cases to eliminate shortcomings in the protocols, and in another 67 cases the proceedings were terminated. In such cases, 1,796 people were found guilty: of them, 1,574 received fines totaling more than 1.8 million rubles, and another 221 were sent under administrative arrest.

In cases of dissemination of extremist materials (Article 20.29 of the Code of Administrative Offences), in 2016 the courts considered cases against 1,925 people. 70 were terminated, only 135 were returned due to violations. As a result, 1,679 people received administrative punishment, of which 1,631 people were required to pay a fine, and 43 were arrested. In total, fines for such cases in 2016 amounted to 4.7 million rubles.

For administrative purposes, a variety of people [are involved] - right up to some right-wingers who placed RNE symbols there, a swastika, and random citizens who copied a funny picture with a swastika, but I did not do any administrative activities for such purposes. I tried to [attract] stubborn citizens.

We receive many requests from citizens that at such and such a VKontakte address there is such and such a user who has posted Nazi symbols on his page, please check. And it has to be carried out, because this is an officially registered statement. But now you don’t need much - I went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs website and submitted it using the form.

APPG. “Go steal a can of coffee and file a case against yourself.”

Our minister, if I’m not mistaken, said that we don’t have a “stick system” in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it was abolished. We have such a thing as APPG - the same period last year. That is, if so many crimes were detected last year, then next year you should reveal more. Well, there’s a difference... If you haven’t identified it, then you’re kind of a scoundrel, a quitter and a slacker.

One of the investigators I knew from the ground told me that the boss told them verbatim: there are no crimes, they are not being committed - go steal a can of coffee and open a case against yourself. Well, whether it’s true or not, I don’t know why I bought it.

“In slang it’s called “blinding a cheeky person”.” Why does the Ministry of Internal Affairs keep silent about violations and violence?

It seems to me that this is an exception to the rule. Still, most of the employees with whom I worked are honest, decent people. But it happens that someone, due to his mental abilities, cannot obtain evidence in a normal procedural way, so he is engaged in knocking out. In slang it’s called “to blind a cheeky one.” This has always bothered me very much. As a matter of principle, throughout my entire service I never even raised my voice to detainees, because I thought, well, it’s somehow unprofessional. Either you can defeat the villain with your mind, or you cannot - admit your unprofessionalism.

No one will talk openly about this, because such an employee who gets knocked up will lead to a chain of punishments, dismissals right up to the head of the police department. If he worked in a regional department, then up to the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate - a general, the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate can receive an incomplete service [compliance].

“To ruin a business, you need to know how it is built”

I was disappointed specifically with the work in the authorities. I came for romance, like many young people come, but it turned out that basically you have to do not what you’re supposed to do, but what you’re told. I went to the bar because at some point I got sick of reading news about the arbitrariness of law enforcement officers. As a lawyer, you read that when procedural norms are grossly violated, a healthy desire arises to somehow combat this, to help people who have become victims of lawlessness.

Working in investigative and operational units, knowing the specifics, knowing the mistakes, nuances that employees make, and knowing how to counteract their moves, it certainly helps. To ruin a case, you need to know how it is built, what mistakes are made, what you can cling to in order to pull evidence out of the case.