» Ancient Rus' (V - XII centuries) - Russia, Russia. Prince Yaropolk Svyatoslavich 1015 1026 event in Rus'

Ancient Rus' (V - XII centuries) - Russia, Russia. Prince Yaropolk Svyatoslavich 1015 1026 event in Rus'

Since 753 there has been Old Ladoga, where in 862, according to the chronicle, the legendary Varangian Rurik came at the invitation of the Slavic and Finnish tribes. He moved his residence to Novgorod (first mentioned in the chronicle in 859). Rurik died in 879. After him, Oleg ruled (879-912), who in 882 made Kyiv the capital of Ancient Rus' and in 907 concluded the first treaty with Byzantium.

After Oleg, Rurik’s son Igor (912-945) ruled, who concluded two treaties with Byzantium (941,944). Igor was succeeded by his wife Olga (945-969). She ruled instead of Svyatoslav, who was small at first and then fought almost continuously (945-972). During the struggle for power between the three sons of Svyatoslav (972-980), Vladimir I (980-1015) won, who baptized Rus' (988).

Next to the struggle between the sons of Vladimir I the Holy (1015-1019), Yaroslav the Wise (1019-1054) ruled. His rule became sole after the death of his brother Mstislav in 1036. Yaroslav the Wise in 1036 defeated the Pechenegs on the Alta River, established the Russian Truth, built the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, and installed his own metropolitan (1051). St. Sophia cathedrals were also erected in Novgorod and Polotsk.

After a struggle within the House of Rurik in 1097, at a congress in Lyubech, the princes agreed that each would own the land inherited from his father. The beginning of feudal fragmentation was temporarily overcome by Vladimir II Monomakh (1113-1125) and his son Mstislav (1125-1132). Yuri Dolgoruky (1125-1157), Andrei Bogolyubsky (1157-1174) and Vsevolod III the Big Nest (1176-1212) tried to control most of the Russian lands, but there was no real unity. Andrei Bogolyubsky was killed as a result of a conspiracy. Prince Igor's campaign in 1185 against the Polovtsians ended in complete defeat. In 1187, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” was born.

The Rurikovichs underestimated the danger from the east. Russian troops in 1223 were defeated by advanced Mongol-Tatar detachments on the Kalka River, and in 1237/38 and 1240/42 the Mongol-Tatars ravaged most of the Russian lands, subjugated them and included them in the Golden Horde (1243). The Mongols defeated Russian troops on the Sit River (1238). Salvation for Rus' was the victory of Alexander Yaroslavich (Nevsky) over the Swedish (1240) and German (1242) crusaders.

Biographical code of Ancient Rus'

First quarter

Second quarter

Third quarter

Fourth quarter

Cue, Cheek, Khoreb

Rurik (862-879)

Oleg (879-912), Askold and Dir

Igor (912-945)

Olga (945-969), Svyatoslav (945-972)

Svyatoslav (957-972), Yaropolk, Oleg, Vladimir, Malusha, Dobry and

Vladimir I (980-1015), Anna

Boris and Gleb,


Mstislav, Hilarion

Izyaslav, Svyatopolk

Vladimir II Monomakh (1113-1125), Nestor


Dolgoruky (1125-1157)


Vsevolod the Big Nest (1176-1212)

Vsevolodovich (1218-1238)


Daniil Galitsky

“And the Greeks set one hundred thousand against Svyatoslav, and did not give tribute. And Svyatoslav went against the Greeks, and they came out against the Russians. When the Russians saw them, they were greatly frightened by such a great number of soldiers, but Svyatoslav said: “We have nowhere to go, whether we want it or not, we must fight. So we will not disgrace the Russian land, but we will lie here as bones, for the dead know no shame. If we run, it will be a shame for us. So let’s not run, but we’ll stand strong, and I’ll go ahead of you: if my head falls, then take care of your own.” And the soldiers answered: “Where your head lies, there we will lay our heads.” And the Russians became angry, and there was a cruel slaughter, and Svyatoslav prevailed, and the Greeks fled" (from The Tale of Bygone Years).

History of Russia in stories for children Alexandra Osipovna Ishimova

The Baptism of Rus' from 980 to 988

Could it be expected, dear readers, that this Prince Vladimir, who was responsible for the death of his brother and the misfortune of the poor beauty Rogneda, would later become the kindest sovereign and the first benefactor of his people? These are the miracles God can do with those people who sincerely repent and regret their bad deeds!

From the very beginning of his reign, Vladimir tried with victories and glory to make his people forget his former life. He conquered from the Polish king Galicia , or the cities of Cherven; the Bolgars, the people who lived on the banks of the Volga, defeated; to the north he expanded Russia all the way to the Baltic Sea. In addition to these conquests, he tried to become famous for his good qualities: his heart became kinder, his disposition was calmer. He loved his people very much, cared about their happiness, could no longer punish those who offended him, could even forgive his most cruel enemies, including his wife, Rogneda-Gorislava. This unfortunate empress was saddened so much that she became almost mad with tears. One day she decided to take revenge on Vladimir for all the sorrows that she suffered from him, and already entered with a knife in her hand into the room where he was fast asleep. Fortunately, Vladimir suddenly woke up and in the first minute of anger wanted to punish such atrocity with death. But I saw the tears of my little son Izyaslav and heard the touching words: “Father! If you want to live alone, take your sword and kill before me, so that I do not see the death of my mother.” With these words, the little one asked for mercy on his mother. Vladimir forgave her and, on the advice of the boyars, built a new city for her in her homeland, in the present-day Minsk lands. He named it after his son Izyaslavl and sent them both there.

To calm his conscience, which still reminded him of his murdered brother, Vladimir often made sacrifices to his gods and even made one new idol with a silver head.

But could the insensitive gods console him, no matter how hard he prayed to them? No, he began to understand, like his grandmother Olga, that such gods cannot be true gods, but he did not know which faith was best: in Kyiv there were Mohammedans*, Jews*, Roman Catholics*, and Greeks*. Each of them praised their faith. Vladimir, not knowing who to listen to, decided to send ten people to different lands to find out which people understand the true God best. His ambassadors traveled to many states, and most of all they liked the piety of the Greeks and the holy service in their churches. With admiration they told the Grand Duke about the Greek faith. Vladimir rejoiced that he could finally pray to the true God, and chose to accept the Christian faith from the Greeks.

But to the famous Russian prince, accustomed to always commanding, it seemed humiliating to humbly ask for baptism from the Greeks, the former enemies of his Fatherland, and therefore, sending ambassadors to Constantinople to the emperors Vasily and Constantine, he asked them not only for the Christian faith, but along with it the hands of their sister, Princess Anna. Clever Vladimir knew that, having become the brother of the emperors, he could no longer be ashamed to call them his enlighteners in the true faith.

Since the time of Oleg, the Greeks began to fear the brave Russian princes; Vladimir had already conquered their rich city of Korsun and threatened to march with an army to Constantinople if he was denied the princess’s hand. So, the emperors had to beg their sister to marry the Russian sovereign. The princess wept bitterly, wishing it would be better to die than to part with her family and the Fatherland. But God called her to enlighten the idolaters. Could she disobey Him? The good princess said goodbye to her brothers with tears and went by ship to Korsun, where her groom was waiting for her. In addition to the courtiers, many priests went with her to baptize Vladimir and the Russian land.

V.M. Vasnetsov. Baptism of Prince Vladimir. 1890

In 988, after a long siege, Prince Vladimir took the Greek city of Korsun. In this city, in the Church of St. Basil, the prince received holy baptism. During this sacrament, Vladimir’s sight returned and he saw the temple of God. After baptism, Vladimir married the Byzantine princess Anna and returned to Kyiv.

The people in Korsun happily hurried ashore to meet the beautiful bride, called her their savior, marveled at her beauty and friendliness. But the Grand Duke, who was eagerly awaiting her, was not as happy as his people: at that time his eyes hurt, so he could not see anything. He could only cry over his misfortune and thank the princess for the sacrifice she made.

Anna, as a Guardian Angel sent to Vladimir by God, asked him to be baptized immediately. The Grand Duke listened to the advice of his pious bride and for this he was generously rewarded by God. As soon as the bishop* of Korsun and the priest* of Constantinople in the church began to perform the rite of baptism of Vladimir and the bishop laid his hand on the newly baptized, his sick eyes opened, and he saw God’s temple, where holy singing was heard, saw his lovely bride and fell with her on the kneels to thank the merciful and almighty God! ABOUT! How strongly he felt then that he was praying to the true God, and not to his former idols! The boyars and his squad, amazed at such a miracle, were also baptized into the Christian faith and then cheerfully celebrated the wedding of the sovereign and the princess.

Beautiful Anna no longer cried as she did when she left Constantinople: she, as a zealous Christian, rejoiced that she had saved her husband and his people from the terrible misfortune of being idolaters, because from then on all Russians began to be baptized into the Christian faith.

Prince Vladimir. Titular book 1673

Prince Vladimir (952-1015) from childhood lived in Novgorod under the supervision of his uncle, the epic hero Dobrynya. In 980 he became the sole ruler of Rus'. In the first years of his reign, Vladimir made successful military campaigns, as a result of which he expanded the borders of the Russian state and built many fortresses.

Family of Grand Duke Vladimir I Svyatoslavich: Spouses:

Olava, Princess of Varangia;

Rogneda, Princess of Polotsk; Malfrida, Princess of Bohemia (“Czekhina”);

Predslava, Greek, widow of Yaropolk; Czech Republic is second; Milolika, Princess of Bulgaria; Anna, Greek princess. Sons: Svyatopolk, Vysheslav, Izyaslav, Yaroslav, Vsevolod, Vyacheslav, Svyatoslav, Stanislav, Pozvizd, Boris, Gleb, Mstislav, Sudislav. Daughters: Predislava, wife of King Boleslav III; Pryamislava, wife of the Hungarian Duke Laszlo Sar; Maria Dobrogneva, wife of the Polish King Casimir I.

When the Grand Duke returned to Kyiv with his young wife and his entire court, first of all he ordered all the idols to be burned and chopped down, and the main one, Perun with the silver head, to be thrown into the river. Then he ordered all Kyivians to appear on the banks of the Dnieper the next day. It was then that a wonderful, incomparable sight opened up. The priests consecrated the Dnieper and began the baptism of the people. Adults entered the water; small children were in the arms of their fathers and mothers, while on the shore stood the Grand Duke, his wife, boyars and warriors who had been baptized in Korsun. They stood in quiet reverence and prayed earnestly for the new Christians. At this solemn moment, Vladimir raised his hands to the sky and said: “Creator of heaven and earth! Bless these new children of Yours! Let them know You, the true God, and confirm their faith.”

This is how our ancestors were baptized, and such zeal for God was not only in Kyiv, but throughout the Russian state: everywhere people abandoned idols and joyfully accepted the Christian faith.

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4. The history of the Evangelical Magi reflects the worship of Rus'-Horde to Andronicus-Christ in the 12th century. The first baptism of Rus'. In the era of Christ, in the second half of the 12th century, Rus' accepted Christianity immediately and in full, and did not wait a thousand years, as the Scaligerian-Romanovist theory assures us.

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26. The Baptism of Rus' The modern reader usually imagines the history of the baptism of Rus' according to the Tale of Bygone Years. That is, as we have already shown, according to a source from the early 18th century. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, Rus' was first and finally baptized under the prince

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4, The history of the Gospel Magi reflects the worship of Rus'-Horde to Andronicus-Christ in the 12th century. The first baptism of Rus' In the era of Christ, in the second half of the 12th century, Rus' accepted Christianity immediately and in full, and did not wait a thousand years, as the Scaligerian-Romanovian theory assures us

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48. The Baptism of Rus' The modern reader usually imagines the history of the baptism of Rus' as it is set out in The Tale of Bygone Years. That is, as we showed in volume 2 of this publication - in a source from the beginning of the 18th century. According to the "Tale", Rus' for the first time and finally

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Baptism of Rus'

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Baptism in Rus' An outstanding event in the history of our state is associated with the name of Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich - the baptism of Russia. At first, Vladimir was an ardent supporter of paganism. Having established his power, he placed near the tower courtyard, where others were already standing

Over the course of several centuries, Rus' experienced ups and downs, but eventually became a kingdom with its capital in Moscow.

Brief periodization

The history of Rus' began in 862, when the Viking Rurik arrived in Novgorod, proclaimed prince in this city. Under his successor, the political center moved to Kyiv. With the onset of fragmentation in Rus', several cities immediately began to argue with each other for the right to become the main one in the East Slavic lands.

This feudal period was interrupted by the invasion of the Mongol hordes and the established yoke. In extremely difficult conditions of devastation and constant wars, Moscow became the main Russian city, which finally united Rus' and made it independent. In the XV - XVI centuries this name became a thing of the past. It was replaced by the word “Russia”, adopted in the Byzantine manner.

In modern historiography, there are several points of view on the question of when feudal Rus' became a thing of the past. Most often, researchers believe that this happened in 1547, when Prince Ivan Vasilyevich took the title of Tsar.

The emergence of Rus'

The ancient united Rus', whose history began in the 9th century, appeared after Novgorod captured Kyiv in 882 and made this city his capital. During this era, the East Slavic tribes were divided into several tribal unions (Polyans, Dregovichi, Krivichi, etc.). Some of them were at enmity with each other. The inhabitants of the steppes also paid tribute to the hostile foreigners, the Khazars.

Unification of Rus'

Northeastern or Great Rus' became the center of the struggle against the Mongols. This confrontation was led by the princes of small Moscow. At first they were able to obtain the right to collect taxes from all Russian lands. Thus, part of the money ended up in the Moscow treasury. When he gained enough strength, Dmitry Donskoy found himself in open confrontation with the Golden Horde khans. In 1380, his army defeated Mamai.

But even despite this success, Moscow rulers periodically paid tribute for another century. Only after 1480 was the yoke finally thrown off. At the same time, under Ivan III, almost all Russian lands, including Novgorod, were united around Moscow. In 1547, his grandson Ivan the Terrible took the title of Tsar, which marked the end of the history of princely Rus' and the beginning of a new Tsarist Russia.

VI-IX centuries- Formation of tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs.
9th century- Creation of early state associations of the Eastern Slavs in the area of ​​the Dnieper and Lake Ilmen.
860- Joint sea campaign of the Dnieper Slavs and Varangians to Constantinople (Constantinople).
862-879- The reign of Rurik in Novgorod.
862-882- The reign of princes Askold and Dir in Kyiv.
882-912- The reign of Oleg in Kyiv.
907- Prince Oleg's campaign against Constantinople. The first agreement between Rus' and Byzantium about friendly relations, norms of international trade and navigation.
911- Second treaty between Rus' and Byzantium.
912-945- The reign of Igor in Kyiv.
941- Prince Igor’s first campaign against Constantinople, which ended in failure.
944- Prince Igor’s second campaign against Constantinople. Treaty between Rus' and Byzantium ( Rus lost the right to duty-free trade and was obliged to provide assistance in protecting the Byzantine possessions bordering on it).

945-969- The reign of Princess Olga in Kyiv (after the murder of her husband, Prince Igor, by the Drevlyans).
945-972 (973)- The reign of Svyatoslav Igorevich in Kyiv.
Around 957 - Embassy of Princess Olga to Constantinople. Her adoption of Christianity (under the name Elena).
965- The defeat of the Khazar Kaganate by Prince Svyatoslav (on the Lower Volga). Establishing control over the Volga-Caspian Sea trade route.
968-971- Campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav to Danube Bulgaria. Wars with Byzantium and the Pechenegs.
968 (969)- Defeat of the Pechenegs near Kyiv.
971- Treaty of Rus' with Byzantium.
972 (or 973)-980- Civil strife in Kyiv after the murder of Prince Svyatoslav by the Pechenegs.
980-1015- The reign of Vladimir I Svyatoslavich in Kyiv.
980- Creation of a single pantheon of pagan gods in Kyiv.
985- Prince Vladimir's campaign against the Volga Bulgars.
988-989 - Baptism of Rus'.
990s- Construction of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Church of the Tithes) in Kyiv.

1015-1019- Internecine wars of the sons of Vladimir I for the grand-ducal throne.
1016-1018, 1019-1054- The reign of Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise in Kyiv. Compilation of the code of laws "Yaroslav's Truth" - the most ancient part of the "Russian Truth".
1024- Uprising in the Rostov-Suzdal land; suppressed by Prince Yaroslav.
1024- Division of Rus' between Yaroslav the Wise and his brother Mstislav along the Dnieper: the Right Bank (with Kiev) went to Yaroslav, the Left Bank (with Chernigov) - to Mstislav.
1030-1035- Construction of Spaso-Preobrazhensky cathedral in Chernigov.
1036- The victory of Prince Yaroslav the Wise over the Pechenegs, which ensured peace for Rus' for a quarter of a century (until the Polovtsians arrived in the Steppe).
1037-1041- Construction of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.
1045-1050- Construction of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod.
1051- Prince Yaroslav the Wise appointed the author of the “Sermon on Law and Grace” Hilarion (the first of the Russians) to the metropolitan see in Kyiv. Founding of the Pechersk monastery in Kyiv by the hermit Anthony.
1054- The Great Reign of Izyaslav Yaroslavich in Kyiv. Compilation of “The Truth of the Yaroslavichs” - the second part of “Russian Truth”.

1068- Polovtsian raid on Rus. The campaign of the Russian princes (Yaroslavichs) against the Polovtsians and their defeat on the river. Alta. Uprising of citizens in Kyiv. Izyaslav's flight to Poland.
Around 1071- Uprisings in Novgorod and Rostov-Suzdal land.
1072- Transferring to the new church in Vyshgorod the relics of Princes Boris and Gleb (sons of Prince Vladimir I), killed by supporters of Prince Svyatopolk, who became the first Russian saints.
1073- Expulsion of Prince Izyaslav from Kyiv.
1093- Defeat of princes Svyatopolk and Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh in the battle with the Polovtsians on the river. Stugna.
1096- Victory of Prince Svyatopolk over the Polovtsians in the battle of Pereyaslavl.
1097- Congress of princes in Lyubech.
1103- Dolobsky congress of Russian princes to prepare for the campaign against the Polovtsians.
1103- The campaign of princes Svyatopolk and Vladimir Monomakh against the Polovtsians.
1108- Foundation of the city of Vladimir-on-Klyazma by Prince Vladimir II Vsevolodovich.
1113- Uprising in Kyiv against moneylenders. The calling of Prince Vladimir II Vsevolodovich.

1113-1125- The Great Reign of Vladimir II Vsevolodovich Monomakh in Kyiv. Strengthening the grand ducal power. Publication of the "Charter of Vladimir Monomakh"; limitation of usury.
1116- Victory of Prince Vladimir II Monomakh over the Polovtsians.
1125-1132- The Great Reign in Kyiv of Mstislav Vladimirovich.
1132-1139- The Great Reign of Yaropolk Vladimirovich in Kyiv.
1135-1136- Unrest in Novgorod. Expulsion by decision of the veche of Prince Vsevolod Mstislavich. Strengthening the “boyar republic” and the principle of inviting the prince.
1139-1146- The Great Reign of Vsevolod Olgovich in Kyiv.
1147- First mention in the chronicle.
1149-1151, 1155-1157- The Great Reign in Kyiv of Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky.
1155- The departure of Prince Andrei Yuryevich (Bogolyubsky) from Kyiv to the Rostov-Suzdal land.
1157-1174- The Great Reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky in the Vladimir-Suzdal land.
1168- The campaign of the Russian princes against the Polovtsians.
1169- The capture and plunder of Kyiv by the army of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky.
1174- The murder of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky by conspiratorial boyars.
1174-1176- Strife and uprisings in the Vladimir-Suzdal land.
1176-1212- The Great Reign in the Vladimir-Suzdal land of the brother of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky - Vsevolod Yuryevich (Big Nest).
1185- Unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsians of Prince Novgorod - Seversky Igor Svyatoslavich, which served as the theme for “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”
1190s- Trade agreements of Novgorod with German Hanseatic cities.
1199- Formation of the Galicia-Volyn principality.

980 - 1015 - the time frame that includes the reign of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. This period, being very important for the history of our state, includes many events that influenced the further development of the country. Let's look at some of them.

An important event of this time was the adoption of Christianity by Russia, the reason for which was the need to strengthen the power of the prince and the position of the state in the international arena. It is worth noting that this event was preceded by another reform of Vladimir, during which a pantheon of six gods was formed, led by Perun, but these measures did not bring official results. In Western countries, Rus' was still looked at as pagans and barbarians. The adoption of Christianity increased the country's authority.

A direct participant in this event was Voivode Dobrynya, who led the baptism in Novgorod, restraining the unrest that arose among the population who did not want to renounce their faith.

The consequence of the baptism of Rus' was the strengthening of the power of the prince, the strengthening of the country's influence in the international arena, the development of literacy and the strengthening of the family institution, which forced other states to reckon with Russia.

The spread of culture and literacy in Rus' can be considered important processes of this time period. The emergence of schools and the development of writing were important standards in the history of the state. The reason for this process was the adoption of Christianity, which brought church books to Russian lands and contributed to the emergence of a cultural heritage and spiritual enrichment of people. In this process, the role of Saint Vladimir himself cannot be ignored, since without his decision to baptize Rus', the spread of literacy and education would not have received such a wide scale.

The development of culture and literacy resulted in the emergence of the first churches (the Church of the Tithes), the spread of schools, and the rise in the spiritual level of the population.

This period undoubtedly had a strong influence on the further history of Russia, since the events of this time period laid the foundation for the reforms of Yaroslav the Wise and played a great role in the formation of statehood, strengthening the power of the prince and uniting the people.