» Paul Henri Holbach - quotes and sayings. Paul Henri Holbach - quotes and sayings Holbach quotes

Paul Henri Holbach - quotes and sayings. Paul Henri Holbach - quotes and sayings Holbach quotes
  • The authority of the church lies in the ability of the servants of God, with the help of prisons, soldiers and fires, to convince of the correctness of their decrees, the authenticity of their rights, and the wisdom of their opinions.
  • A God who was so treacherous and cunning as to create the first man and then subject him to temptation and sin cannot be considered a perfect being and must be called a monster of recklessness, injustice, deceit and cruelty.
  • Retribution in the afterlife is nothing more than a ghost, invented to darken the human mind, invented in order to deceive and confuse people, in order to forever deprive them of peace and turn them into obedient slaves of the clergy.
  • All the religions that we see on earth give us only a tangle of fictions and nonsense that disturbs the mind.
  • Every religion is inherently intolerant, both because of its principles and because of its interests.
  • Anyone who seriously thinks about religion and its supernatural morality, who soberly weighs all its advantages and disadvantages, can be convinced that religion and its morality are harmful to humanity and, in any case, contrary to human nature.
  • Genius is vision that grasps at one glance all the points of the vast horizon.
  • Eyes are completely useless organs for a good Christian, since he must close his eyes so as not to stray from the path of salvation... Ears are organs necessary for a Christian, since faith enters through them.
  • The deepest ignorance, boundless gullibility, utter thoughtlessness and ardent imagination - this is what creates pious people, fanatics and saints.
  • To say that religion is inaccessible to reason is to assume that it was not created for rational beings; means to agree that the doctors of divinity themselves understand nothing of the mysteries that they preach every day.
  • Making others happy is the surest way to become happy in this world; to be virtuous means to care about the happiness of one’s fellow humans.
  • Virtue is incompatible with ignorance, superstition, and slavery; slaves can only be kept by fear of punishment.
  • The dogmas of any religion turn out to be absurdity from the point of view of another religion that preaches other, equally meaningless doctrines.
  • The clergy would be very unhappy if their spiritual world were paid for spiritually.
  • The devil... is no less necessary for the clergy than God; The priests derive too many benefits from the struggle between God and the devil to agree to the reconciliation of these two enemies, on the combat of which their existence and their incomes are based.
  • Truth reveals itself only to a healthy spirit in a healthy body.
  • The true religion is always the one on whose side the sovereign and the executioner are.
  • Morality is the only cult, the only natural religion of man on earth, the only thing that should occupy him in this world. Only by fulfilling the requirements of this morality can we consider ourselves to be fulfilling the divine will. If God really made man what he is, then, therefore, God endowed him with both a sense of self-preservation and the desire for happiness. If it was God who created us rational, it means that he wanted us to take into account his reason, figuring out where there is good and evil, useful and harmful. If he made us social beings, it means that he wanted us to live in society and strive for its preservation and well-being.
  • Nuns are holy virgins, destined for the harems that Jesus Christ keeps here on earth.
  • Ignorance is the first prerequisite of faith, and that is why the Church values ​​it so highly.
  • Ignorance of natural causes forced man to create gods; deception turned them into something formidable.
  • Ignorance of nature is the root of those unknown forces before which the human race has trembled for so long, and of those superstitious creeds that have been the source of all its disasters.
  • You can never live happily when you are always trembling with fear.
  • Morality is the science of the relations existing between people and the duties arising from these relations.
  • The expectation of future bliss and the fear of future torment will only prevent people from thinking about becoming happy here on earth.
  • The basis of friendship is the benefits that friends expect to receive from each other. Deprive them of these benefits, and friendship will cease to exist.
  • Superstition should be treated like binge drinking: superstition is a chronic disease that can be cured. True, you can never be sure that this disease will not recur.
  • Renounce forever superstition, which can only bring misfortune; let your only religion be natural morality; let happiness be your constant goal, and reason be your guide, and may virtue help you achieve this high goal; let this virtue be your only god. Loving virtue and living in virtue is the only way to worship God. If there really is a God who cares about his creatures, a God who is just, kind and wise, he will not be angry with you for appealing to reason.
  • To worship a god is to worship a fiction created by the human imagination, or simply to worship something that does not exist.
  • Justice is the basis of all social virtues.
  • Adherence to any belief system is nothing more than the result of habit; It is just as difficult for the mind to abandon its usual way of thinking and to acquire new ideas as it is for the body to act and live without using its inherent abilities and organs.
  • The habit of constantly seeing evil dulls the disgust that is usually experienced.
  • Trying to cure people of vices without eradicating prejudices in them is useless.
  • Religion is nothing more than the art of enticing the limited mind of man with a subject which he cannot understand.
  • Religion is essentially the enemy of human joy and human well-being. What is a saint from the point of view of all religions? This is a person who prays, fasts, engages in self-torture, runs away from the world, which, like an owl, feels good only in complete solitude.
  • Religion is a bridle for people who are unbalanced in character or overwhelmed by the circumstances of life. Fear of God keeps from sin only those who are unable to desire strongly or are no longer able to sin.
  • Religion consoles only those who are unable to comprehend it as a whole; vague promises of rewards can only seduce those people who are unable to reflect on the disgusting, deceitful and cruel character attributed by religion to God.
  • Religion is the art of intoxicating people in order to distract them from the thought of the evil that those in power inflict on them in this world.
  • The priests soon noticed that while they worked for the gods they worked for themselves, that they could freely lay their hands on gifts, vows and sacrifices made to beings who had never made claims to these things.
  • Case is a meaningless word.
  • Conscience is our internal judge, unmistakably indicating how much our actions deserve respect or censure from our loved ones.
  • One only has to look at things with unprejudiced eyes to see that priests are extremely dangerous people. They set themselves the goal of dominating minds in order to be able to rob wallets.
  • Fear has always been and will be the surest means of deceiving and enslaving people.
  • Superstition is a transitory phenomenon; no power can last unless it is based on truth, reason and justice.
  • A person's happiness always lies in the correspondence of his desires to the environment.
  • Accommodation, tolerance, humanity - these basic virtues of any moral model are completely incompatible with religious prejudices.
  • A person will always seek pleasure, because it is in his nature to love everything that brightens up and makes existence pleasant; It will never be possible to make a person love inconvenience and misfortune. Christian morality, as if deliberately invented in order to fetter human nature and enslave it to imaginary ghosts, therefore had no influence on the majority of people. It served only to torment and torment some weak and gullible souls, and could not hold back a single person carried away by strong passion or ingrained habit.
  • Man is a product of nature.
  • A person is superstitious only because he is timid; he is fearful only because he is ignorant.
  • Man is a receptive, feeling, intelligent and judicious being, striving for self-preservation and happiness.
  • For our happiness to be complete, we need the affection and help of the people around us; the latter will agree to love and respect us, help us in our plans, work for our happiness only to the extent that we are ready to work for their well-being; This necessary connection is called a moral duty, a moral obligation.

The devil is no less necessary to the clergy than God; The priests derive too many benefits from the struggle between God and the Devil to agree to the reconciliation of these two enemies, on whose combat their existence and their incomes are based.

Paul Henri Holbach

Religion is essentially the enemy of human joy and human well-being. What is a saint from the point of view of all religions? This is a person who prays, fasts, engages in self-torture, runs away from the world; who, like an owl, feels good only in complete solitude.

Paul Henri Holbach

Fear has always been and will be the surest means of deceiving and enslaving people.

Paul Henri Holbach

Genius is vision that grasps at one glance all the points of the vast horizon.

Paul Henri Holbach

To worship a god is to worship a fiction created by the human imagination, or simply to worship something that does not exist.

Paul Henri Holbach

It was not God who created man in his own image and likeness, but man has always created God in his own image, endowing him with his mind, his own qualities, especially vices.

Paul Henri Holbach

To die for a religion does not mean to prove that this religion is true and divine; this proves at best the faith of the martyrs that their religion is such. Any enthusiast who goes to his death for the sake of religion proves only that religious fanaticism can often be stronger than attachment to life.

Paul Henri Holbach

The more we reflect on the dogmas and principles of religion, the more we are convinced that their sole purpose is to protect the interests of tyrants and clergy to the detriment of the interests of society.

Paul Henri Holbach

The human race in all countries has become the victim of the clergy; they have called religion the systems they have invented to subjugate man, whose imagination they have captivated, whose reason they have obscured, whose reason they are trying to destroy.

Paul Henri Holbach

Accommodation, tolerance, humanity - these basic virtues of any moral system are completely incompatible with religious prejudices.

Paul Henri Holbach

Religion consoles only those who are unable to comprehend it as a whole; vague promises of rewards can only seduce those people who are unable to reflect on the disgusting, deceitful and cruel character attributed by religion to God.

Paul Henri Holbach

The most unreliable thing in any religion is its foundation.

Paul Henri Holbach

Religion is a bridle for people who are unbalanced in character or overwhelmed by the circumstances of life. Fear of God keeps from sin only those who are unable to desire strongly or are no longer able to sin.

Paul Henri Holbach

Religion is nothing more than the art of occupying the limited mind of man with a subject which he is unable to understand.

Paul Henri Holbach

A certain joker correctly noted that “the true religion is always the one on whose side the sovereign and the executioner are.”

Paul Henri Holbach

Morality has nothing to do with religion. Religion not only does not serve as the basis of morality, but is rather hostile to it. True morality must be based on human nature; Religious morality will always be based only on chimeras and on the arbitrariness of those people who endow God with a language that is often fundamentally contrary to both nature and human reason.

Paul Henri Holbach

One might think that religious morality was invented solely for the purpose of destroying society, turning people into primitive savages.

Paul Henri Holbach

Down with reason! - this is the basis of religion.

Paul Henri Holbach

The dogmas of any religion turn out to be absurdity from the point of view of another religion that preaches other, equally meaningless doctrines.

Paul Henri Holbach

To say that religion is inaccessible to reason is to assume that it was not created for rational beings; means to agree that the doctors of divinity themselves understand nothing of the mysteries that they preach every day.

Paul Henri Holbach

A God who was so treacherous and cunning as to create the first man and then subject him to temptation and sin cannot be considered a perfect being and must be called a monster of recklessness, injustice, deceit and cruelty.

In matters of religion, people can be called adult children.

There is injustice in the world.

religion to God.

these things.

Retribution in the afterlife is nothing more than a ghost, invented to darken the human mind, invented in order to deceive and confuse people, in order to forever deprive them of peace and turn them into obedient slaves of the clergy.

All the religions that we see on earth give us only a tangle of fictions and nonsense that disturbs the mind.

Every religion is inherently intolerant, both because of its principles and because of its interests.

Anyone who seriously thinks about religion and its supernatural morality, who soberly weighs all its advantages and disadvantages, can be convinced that religion and its morality are harmful to humanity and, in any case, contrary to human nature.

The choice of religion by a people is always determined by its rulers. The true religion is always the one professed by the sovereign; the true god is the god whom the sovereign orders to be worshiped; thus, the will of the clergy, which guides the sovereigns, always turns out to be the will of God himself.

Genius is vision that grasps at one glance all the points of the vast horizon.

To say that moral ideals are innate or are the result of instinct is the same as saying that a person is able to read without even knowing the letters of the alphabet.

To say that religion is inaccessible to reason is to assume that it was not created for rational beings; means to agree that the doctors of divinity themselves understand nothing of the mysteries that they preach every day.

They say that God is patient. But to endure obvious evil does not mean to reveal powerlessness or even complicity in this evil?

Even the happiest wars do not lead to peace.

Making others happy is the surest way to become happy in this world; to be virtuous means to care about the happiness of one's own kind.

Virtue is incompatible with ignorance, superstition, and slavery; slaves can only be kept by fear of punishment.

The dogmas of any religion turn out to be absurdity from the point of view of another religion that preaches other, equally meaningless doctrines.

Down with reason! - this is the basis of religion.

A friend who is useless to his friend becomes a stranger to him.

The clergy would be very unhappy if their spiritual work were paid spiritually.

The gospel did bring “not peace, but a sword.” From the apostles to our time, the Christian world has been torn by hatred, persecution and rage.

If God abstains for a sufficiently long time from the exercise of his justice and allows evil during the entire existence of our planet, what guarantee can we have that in another world the divine justice will not in the same way be inactive and condone the suffering of its inhabitants?

If there were no evil in this world, man would never think about deity.

If the ministers of the church very often allowed the people to defend the cause of God with arms in their hands, then they never allowed rebellion against real evil and obvious violence.

If the throne is the source of the splendor of the noble class, then it soon becomes an instrument of its decay and enslavement.

The desire to please, loyalty to traditions, fear of seeming funny and fear of people's gossip - these are incentives much stronger than religious ideas.

Truth reveals itself only to a healthy spirit in a healthy body.

One might think that religious morality was invented solely for the purpose of destroying society, turning people into primitive savages.

Morality would be an empty science if it could not show man that his greatest interest is to be virtuous.

Morality is the only cult, the only natural religion of man on earth, the only thing that should occupy him in this world. Only by fulfilling the requirements of this morality can we consider ourselves to be fulfilling the divine will. If God really made man what he is, then, therefore, God endowed him with both a sense of self-preservation and the desire for happiness. If it was God who created us reasonable, it means that he wanted us to take into account reason, figuring out where there is good and evil, useful and harmful. If he made us social beings, it means that he wanted us to live in society and strive for its preservation and well-being.

Morality has nothing to do with religion... religion not only does not serve as the basis of morality, but is rather hostile to it. True morality must be based on human nature; Religious morality will always be based only on chimeras and on the arbitrariness of those people who endow God with a language that is often fundamentally contrary to both nature and human reason.

A sage on the throne would be the happiest of mortals.

We quite often meet the most enlightened people who continue to believe in childhood superstitions... Often even brilliant people become victims of superstition; their inherent power of imagination sometimes only aggravates their delusions and binds them even more to views that they would be ashamed of if they were allowed to resort to their own reason... The most sane people, who reason rationally about any other subject, fall into childhood as soon as it comes to religion .

It was not God who created man in his own image and likeness, but man has always created God in his own image, endowing him with his mind, his own qualities, especially vices.

Ignorance is the first prerequisite of faith, and that is why the Church values ​​it so highly.
It is not enough to be rich, to be happy, you also need to be able to use wealth.

Ignorance of natural causes forced man to create gods: deception turned them into something formidable.

Ignorance of nature is the root of those unknown forces before which the human race has trembled for so long, and of those superstitious creeds that have been the source of all its disasters.

A certain joker correctly noted that “the true religion is always the one on whose side the sovereign and the executioner are.”

No man can be a hero in the eyes of his lackey. It is not surprising that the god from whom the priests make a scarecrow for others scares them little and has almost no influence on their behavior.

No God can do anything with that man who is so foolish as to disregard public opinion, ignore decency, trample upon the laws, and condemn himself to the shame and damnation of his fellow men. Every sensible person will easily understand that in this world the respect and love of others is necessary for his own happiness, and that for all who harm themselves by their vices and incur the contempt of society, life becomes a painful burden.

There is no need to believe in God, and the most reasonable thing is not to think about him at all.

You can never live happily if you are always trembling with fear.
Morality is the science of the relations existing between people and the duties arising from these relations.

Oh that the different states of which the globe is composed were small, and that they were proportionate to the talent of those who govern them!

The expectation of future bliss and the fear of future torment only prevented people from thinking about becoming happy here on earth.

It served only to torment and torment some weak and gullible souls, and could not hold back a single person carried away by strong passion or ingrained habit.

The basis of friendship is the benefits that friends expect to receive from each other. Deprive them of these benefits, and friendship will cease to exist.

Superstition should be treated like binge drinking; superstition is a chronic disease that can be cured. True, you can never be sure that this disease will not recur.

Renounce forever superstition, which can only bring misfortune; let your only religion be natural morality; let happiness be your constant goal, and reason be your guide, and may virtue help you achieve this high goal; let this virtue be your only god. Loving virtue and living in virtue is the only way to worship God. If there really is a God who cares about his creations, a god who is just, kind and wise, he will not be angry with you for appealing to reason.

Worshipers of a jealous, vengeful and bloodthirsty god - this is clearly the god of the Jews and Christians - cannot be restrained, tolerant, or humane. Worshipers of God, who can be offended by the thoughts and beliefs of his weak creations, who condemns to eternal torment and extermination of all who profess a different faith, must also inevitably be intolerant, cruel and vindictive.

To worship a god is to worship a fiction created by the human imagination, or simply to worship something that does not exist.

To believe that we are obliged to believe in things beyond the reach of our reason is as absurd as to say that God requires us to fly without wings.

Justice is the basis of all social virtues.

Adherence to any system of belief is nothing more than the result of habit; It is just as difficult for the mind to abandon its usual way of thinking and to acquire new ideas as it is for the body to act and live without using its inherent abilities and organs.

The natural inequality of people makes equality of their property impossible. All attempts to make the common property of creatures unequal in strength and intelligence, in enterprise and activity of nature, would be in vain.

Trying to cure people of vices without eradicating prejudices in them is useless.

It is rare to see acquisitions and conquests compensate for the expenses expended on them; The policy of sovereigns is usually limited to the acquisition of small things at great expense. The most brilliant successes usually only reduce real strength.

Religion is nothing more than the art of occupying the limited mind of man with a subject which he is unable to understand.

Religion is essentially the enemy of human joy and human well-being. Blessed are the poor! Blessed are those who mourn! Blessed are the suffering! Woe to those who live in contentment and joy! These are the rare discoveries that Christianity proclaims!

Religion is a bridle for people who are unbalanced in character or overwhelmed by the circumstances of life. Fear of God keeps from sin only those who are unable to desire strongly or are no longer able to sin.

Religion consoles only those who are unable to comprehend it as a whole; vague promises of rewards can only seduce those people who are unable to reflect on the disgusting, deceitful and cruel character attributed to
religion to God.

The most unreliable thing in any religion is its foundation.

The priests soon noticed that while they worked for the gods, they worked for themselves, that they could freely lay their hands on the gifts, vows and sacrifices made to beings who had never made demands for everything.
these things.

A government established by force is maintained by force.

Death for a belief is as little proof of the truth or superiority of that belief, as death in battle can in no degree serve as proof of the rightness of a prince, for whose interests many madmen are ready to give their lives.

Conscience is our internal judge, unmistakably indicating how much our actions deserve respect or censure from our loved ones.

One only has to look at things with unprejudiced eyes to see that priests are extremely dangerous people. They set themselves the goal of dominating minds in order to be able to rob wallets.

Fear has always been and will be the surest means of deceiving and enslaving people.

Superstition is a transitory phenomenon; no power can last unless it is based on truth, reason and justice.

Superstition, having taken possession of a person’s soul, can forever disturb its peace.
Only the wildest barbarity, the most vile self-interest, the most blind vanity could suggest a dogma about eternal hellish torment.

Vanity and greed have been the main vices of the clergy in all centuries.
Accommodation, tolerance, humanity - these basic virtues of any moral system are completely incompatible with religious prejudices.

To die for a religion does not mean to prove that this religion is true and divine; this proves at best the faith of the martyrs that their religion is such. Any enthusiast who goes to his death for the sake of religion proves only that religious fanaticism can often be stronger than attachment to life.

Christian morality, as if deliberately invented in order to fetter human nature and enslave it to imaginary ghosts, therefore had no influence on the majority of people.

Man is a receptive, feeling, intelligent and judicious being, striving for self-preservation and happiness.

A person will always seek pleasure, because it is natural for him to love everything that brightens up and makes existence pleasant; It will never be possible to make a person love inconvenience and misfortune.

A person is not free for a single minute of his life.

A person is superstitious only because he is timid; he is fearful only because he is ignorant.

The human race in all countries has become the victim of the clergy; they have called religion the systems they have invented to subjugate man, whose imagination they have captivated, whose reason they have obscured, whose reason they are trying to destroy.

The more we reflect on the dogmas and principles of religion, the more we are convinced that their sole purpose is to protect the interests of tyrants and clergy to the detriment of the interests of society.

The more carefully we study religion, the more we will be convinced that its sole purpose is the well-being of the clergy.

Whatever our theologians may say, it is not difficult to understand that the Christian doctrine was ultimately always established by the authority of emperors and kings; theological dogmas, supposedly most pleasing to God, were taught to the people in every country through armed force; The faith that the sovereign professed always turned out to be true; Those who possessed sufficient power and strength to destroy enemies who were declared enemies of God himself were always considered faithful.

To comprehend the true foundations of morality, people do not need either theology, or revelations, or gods; Simple common sense is enough for this.

For our happiness to be complete, we need the affection and help of the people around us; the latter will agree to love and respect us, help us in our plans, work for our happiness only to the extent that we are ready to work for their well-being; this necessary connection is called a moral duty, a moral obligation.