» Technological map of the lesson on the surrounding world “City and village. Lesson topic message

Technological map of the lesson on the surrounding world “City and village. Lesson topic message

City and village.

The world

2nd grade

Noyabrsk MAOU Secondary School No. 2

Primary school teacher

Stepanova Galina Vladimirovna

Unscramble the words

What photographs show the city?

Work in pairs.

Discuss the difference between a city and a village?

At home.


brick houses.


private houses.

Covered with asphalt.

Country roads.


In the village people are doing

cultivation of crops

plants and breeding


There are many in the city

plants and factories.


The city has developed public transport:

buses, trolleybuses, trams.

In villages they use it for transportation.

buses, bicycles, horses.

The city has many monuments, museums,

cinemas and theaters.

Think about what there is a lot in the city

and what are the villages surrounded by?

The villages are surrounded by forest, in which there are many

mushrooms, berries, herbs.

Fresh air,

environmentally friendly


Little greenery

polluted air.

What can you say about air and greenery

in the city and village?


CITY- a large populated area with many streets and tall buildings, factories, museums and theaters, many shops and vehicles.


VILLAGE (VILLAGE)– a small settlement whose residents are engaged in growing crops and raising domestic animals.

Work according to the textbook.

  • Open the textbook to pages 10-11.

2. Look at the houses in the pictures.

3. What are the similarities and differences

urban and rural houses?

4. What is done in them for convenience


City house.

In a city house, everything is done for human convenience:

  • shop on the ground floor;
  • balcony;
  • central heating;
  • separate rooms for kitchen and bedroom, etc.

Country house.

The rural house has:

  • basement for storing vegetables and winter supplies
  • attic - where you can also equip a place for drying clothes and storing fruit in a homely way.

Work in pairs.

Find three pros and cons in city apartments and rural houses.

  • Page 11, answer questions.
  • Complete tasks 1 and 2 in your workbook.

Pleshakov grade 2 part 1. Workbook

On these pages, present the main materials on the project (photos, background information, etc.). Make and record a plan for speaking at the project presentation. Evaluate your work on the project. Express gratitude to those who helped you or participated in the work with you.

Plan of my speech at the presentation.

1) The city where I live
2) History of my city: year of foundation, development
3) Sights of my city
4) How does my city live now?
5) I love my city

Presentation “The city where I live”

The city where I live is called Moscow. This is a very large, very beautiful and world famous city. Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is even called the heart of Russia and this is true: the President of the country and the Government work in Moscow, all the main government structures are located and the most famous people of the country live.

My city was first mentioned in chronicles in 1147. This means that Moscow is almost 900 years old! At first, Moscow was a small town, lost among the forests, then it became the capital of an appanage principality, and in 1389 Moscow became the capital of the Russian state.

What Moscow has not seen over these centuries: wars and sieges, fires and revolutions, foreign invaders and the crowning of new kings. The streets of Moscow have been rebuilt more than once, but still my city has always been revived and grown, becoming more beautiful and richer.

The whole world admires the sights of Moscow: the Bolshoi Theater, Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral, the Kremlin, Gorky Park and VDNKh, the Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin and the Tretyakov Gallery.

Now more than 12 million people live in Moscow. This is a huge city, attracting more and more new residents, because living in Moscow is not only comfortable, but also interesting. We often host fairs and festivals, the most famous artists come, bike rides, parades and fireworks are held.

And recently a grandiose event took place in Moscow - the World Cup. Guests from all over the world came to our city. It was a real holiday, very bright and memorable.

I love my city. He is the best on the whole planet!

How do I evaluate my work on the project (was the work interesting, easy or difficult, was it completely independent or did it require the help of adults, how did the collaboration with classmates develop, was the work successful).

I really enjoyed working on the project. I learned a lot of new interesting facts about my city and discovered many places where I myself would like to go.
The whole family helped me in my work. Dad found information on the Internet, mother helped prepare the presentation, grandmother looked for photographs, and grandfather shared his memories.

Thanks for your help and cooperation.

Thank you very much to my mom, dad, grandparents for their help! I also want to thank my friends Kolya and Misha. You helped me correct the mistakes in time. And special thanks to my dog ​​Zhula. Without you, my walks around the city would not be so fun.

1. Write down basic information about your city (village).

Name of city (village): Moscow
On which river (lake, sea) is the city (village) located? Moscow
The main street: Tverskaya
Main attractions: Kremlin, Tsar Bell, Tsar Cannon, St. Basil's Cathedral, Red Square, Moscow Zoo, monument to Peter the Great, VDNKh, Bolshoi Theater.

2. Draw the house you live in or stick a photo.

3. Ask adults about the history of your house (for example, when and by whom it was built, when your family settled in it, what has changed in the house since it was built, how the area around the house has changed). If there are photos of your home in the past in the family album, look at them. Compare with how the house looks now.
Here you can paste copies of old photographs of your home or redraw them.

Using the information received, try to compose and write down a story on behalf of the house, as if it were talking about itself and its residents.

I am a house, an ordinary panel house. I grew up in a large wasteland, and with me in this wasteland others grew up, just like me at home. We can say that we are all twin brothers - we are so similar to each other. A variety of residents live in me: young and old, cheerful and sad, well-mannered and not so well-mannered. Most of all, young families with children like to live here, because next to me there is a cozy kindergarten, a large school, interesting playgrounds, and quiet, cozy parks.
Older residents also really like the parks. True, they always praise me for the wide corridors, large elevators, high ceilings and spacious rooms.
I am glad that I am such a young and modern house. My tenants are very happy to live in me.

4. Look at photographs of the same house in the past and present. Compare them. Make up a story based on these photographs (orally).

The world

Unscramble the words

Where is the city depicted?

Work in pairs.

Discuss the difference between a city and a village?


brick houses.


private houses.

Covered with asphalt.

Country roads.

In the village people are doing

cultivation of crops

plants and breeding


There are many in the city

plants and factories.


The city has developed public transport:

buses, trolleybuses, trams.

In villages they use

buses, bicycles, horses.

The city has many monuments, museums,

cinemas and theaters.

Think about what there is a lot in the city

and what are the villages surrounded by?

The villages are surrounded by forest, in which there are many

mushrooms, berries, herbs.

Little greenery

polluted air.

Fresh air,

environmentally friendly


What can you say about air and greenery

in the city and village?

CITY- a large populated area with many streets and tall buildings, factories, museums and theaters, many shops and vehicles.

VILLAGE (VILLAGE)– a small settlement whose residents are engaged in growing crops and raising domestic animals.

Work according to the textbook.

  • Open the textbook to pages 98-99.

2. Look at the houses in the pictures.

3. What are the similarities and differences between cities?

city ​​and rural houses?

4. What is done in them for convenience

City house.

In a city house, everything is done for human convenience:

  • shop on the ground floor;
  • balcony;
  • central heating;
  • separate rooms for kitchen and bedroom, etc.

Country house.

The rural house has:

  • basement for storing vegetables and winter supplies
  • attic - where you can also equip a place for drying clothes and storing fruit in a homely way.

Work in pairs.

Find three pros and cons in city apartments and rural houses.

Karatun Olga Valerievna

primary school teacher

MAOU "Zonalnenskaya Secondary School"

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 7 of the Kokhma urban district


lesson on the academic discipline “The World around us”

on the topic: “City and countryside”

Primary school teacher


Topic: City and village.

Class: 2.

Lesson format: collective creative project.

Lesson objectives:

Educational– systematize students’ ideas about the life of the city and village;

Developmental – develop cognitive activity, observation, speech, thinking, ability to reason, draw conclusions;

Educational – cultivate respect for the opinions of others, the ability to listen, express one’s point of view, love for one’s hometown.

Lesson objectives:

  • systematize students’ ideas about the life of the city and the village, expand students’ concepts of “city”, “village”, “city dwellers”, “villagers”;
  • develop the ability to compare these concepts and name the distinctive features of each of them, highlight the main features, and form conclusions;
  • to cultivate a feeling of love for one’s hometown, respect for its history and traditions, and to awaken a desire to preserve its culture and beauty. Cultivate a desire to take good care of your home.

Planned results (PUR):

Regulatory: understand the learning objective of the lesson and strive to complete it.

  • understand the educational task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it;
  • use the proposed plan for an oral story about an object in the surrounding world;
  • learn to express your point of view, self-regulate your actions;
  • interact in a group when performing educational tasks, perform mutual testing;

determine the truth (falsity) of statements

Cognitive: search, compare and analyze information about towns and villages.

  • navigate your knowledge system, be able to work with information;
  • develop thinking operations: analyze illustrations in order to identify essential features of objects, classify objects of the surrounding world based on analysis and comparison of illustrations;
  • form conclusions from the studied material.

Communicative:work in pairs: find images of a city and a village, describe the interior of a city apartment and a rural house.

  • convey your position, listen and hear your partners;
  • express your point of view and analyze it, answer final questions;
  • construct speech utterances correctly.

Personal results:demonstrate independence and personal responsibility for their work

  • independently determine and rely on rules of behavior common to all people when working;
  • understand the need to acquire new knowledge;
  • present a model of positive behavior of a person who values ​​the role of the village as the custodian of the direct connection between man and nature, the earth-breadwinner;
  • show a sense of pride in your small homeland

Subject results:

  • have an understanding of the concepts of “city”, “village”, “citizens”, “villagers”; name their distinctive features;
  • compare the city and the village using photographs and personal observations;
  • talk about your city (village) according to plan;
  • compare urban and rural houses;
  • talk about your house according to plan.

Knowledge: learn about the characteristic features of the city and village.

Skills: learn to compare objects in the city of Kokhma and villages; features of urban and rural houses, collect information for the project.

Skills: find images of the city and village; formulate conclusions

Lesson type: gaining new knowledge.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, presentation, photographs of the city and village.

Textbook Pleshakov A.A. The world. 2nd grade


1. Org. moment

I am glad to see your faces, your smiles again, and I think that the lesson will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other. Let's smile at each otherto our guests! And let the good mood not leave us all day long. You will learn a lot and learn a lot. Let us wish each other success in our studies.

We are intelligent!

We are friendly!

We are attentive!

We are diligent!

We are in second grade!

We will succeed!

2. Goal setting and motivation.

To find out the topic of our lesson, look carefully at the photo. What is shown in the photo? SLIDE 1

So what are we going to talk about in class today?

Formulate the topic, the purpose of our lesson.

CITY and VILLAGE (words on the board)

Now you will close your eyes and listen very carefully to all the sounds that surround you, thanks to these sounds we will travel to different places. Your task is to guess where you are, what surrounds you, where you can hear such sounds. To do this, we need the classroom to be completely silent and you must be very attentive! If you guessed it, then you don’t need to shout out, you need to quietly raise your hand, and I will definitely ask. You are ready?

(Audio recordings “The Noise of the City”, “Morning in the Village”, “Cock Crow”, “Steps on the Sidewalk”, “Mooing of a Cow”)

– Well done guys, you were very attentive and coped with all my tasks.

3. Learning new things.

Here are various photographs. (a set of photographs for each group). I claim that all these slides depict a city. Who agrees with me?

I see that you want to argue with me.

Divide the photos into groups.

– Let's try to highlight the distinctive features of the city and the village. To do this, the memo that is on your desk will help us.




Multi-storey buildings in which a large number of people live.

Private houses inhabited by one family.

The roads are covered with asphalt.

Roads can be asphalted or country roads.

People work in factories, factories, and factories.

People breed plants and raise animals.

A large amount of transport.

The main mode of transport is a bus, but people can ride horses.

There is little greenery, the air is polluted.

There is a lot of forest around, the air is fresh.

There are many monuments, museums, cinemas and theaters.

Now each of you will choose only those illustrations that depict the city.

What is a city?

CITY is a large populated area with many streets and tall buildings, factories, museums and theaters, many shops and vehicles.

What is a village?

Village VILLAGE (VILLAGE) is a small settlement whose residents are engaged in growing cultivated plants and breeding domestic animals.There is also such a concept - village. How does it differ from the concept of a village? A village is a settlement with a church, a village is without a church.

Definitions on screen.

– What do you think, where is it better to live in a city or a village?

Because there is no clear answer. Rural residents have always strived for the city, they were attracted by factories and factories.

But another process is also observed - city residents are returning to the countryside, where the air is healthier and life is calmer.

Physical education game
- Well done, you did a great job, now let's rest a little. I ask you to get up from your desks, now we are going to play a game.

Rules of the game: I will tell you different words - signs of a village and a city. If we are talking about the city, then you will need to stand on your toes and reach up (because the houses in the city are tall, show me which ones). And if the word I mentioned refers to a village, then you will need to sit down. For example, the word “chicken”, where can you find a chicken, in a city or village? In the village, it means you need to sit down.

So, let's start: Multi-storey building; tram; cow; factory; tractor; trolleybus; well; cinema; axe; duck; circus; personal plot; a lot of cars.

4. Consolidation of what has been learned. Local history.

There are many large and small towns, villages, villages in Russia... they are all beautiful in their own way.

What locality do we live in?

In what region is our city located?

Tell us what you know about him?(Kokhma is a beautiful ancient city with a rich history and unique architecture.)

The glorious history of the city of Kokhma dates back over five centuries. There are several legends about the name of our city:

  • “Koh-maa!” - “Here is the land!”
  • According to another legend, in ancient times a prince named Koch ruled,” hence the name “Land of Koch.”

Our city has come a difficult path from the small village of Rozhdestvenskoye-Kokhma to the city of Kokhma.

What are the people of our city called?

– What river flows in our city? (Lead away)

– Are there factories and factories in our city? Which ones do you know?

What else do you know about our city?

How is our city different from villages and villages?


Let's remember the rules for working in groups.

1 GROUP. Each city has its own coat of arms.Restore the coat of arms of our city.

Coat of arms

The central figure of the coat of arms is a rearing horse, which speaks of the courage of the Kokhom people, who repeatedly repelled the attacks of foreign invaders.

The main craft of the inhabitants of Kokhma was hand-weaving flax. This is reflected in the coat of arms with the symbolic city key:

  • cross-shaped shuttles in the key holder indicate the textile industry (the largest enterprise in the city is JSC Kokhma-Textiles;
  • The key bit made from two intertwined rafters represents Strommashina OJSC, the second largest city-forming enterprise.

GROUP 2. Restore the sights of our city.

3 GROUP. Draw a multi-story building.Find three pros and three cons in city apartments.

4 GROUP. Draw a rural house.Find three pros and three cons in rural houses.

When ready, the results are posted on the board.

Look what we came up with. On the board is a piece of our city.

Poem about KOKHMA.

VI. Summarizing.

Life is equally good both in the city and in the village. Everywhere has its pros and cons. The most important thing is to preserve the beauty and wealth of the city and village.

  1. To love and protect the VILLAGE, CITY, HOMELAND.
  2. Protect nature and increase its wealth.
  3. Protect architectural monuments, protect them from destruction.

– Every city dweller and villager must protect the beauty of their locality and increase its values. Let's decorate our city too.

Take out small pieces of your knowledge from the envelopes - flowers.

If you learned a lot of interesting things and you liked the lesson, then choose a red flower.

Difficulties - blue.

Didn't like the lesson - green.

– What did we get in the end? (Our town.)

– Have we achieved all the goals set at the beginning of the lesson?

– What concepts did you become acquainted with in the lesson? Try to formulate the concepts of “city” and “village”.

Homework:Draw the house where you live. The lesson is over.