» Self-government presentation. Presentation on the topic "student self-government at school"

Self-government presentation. Presentation on the topic "student self-government at school"

Presentation for class on the topic:

Student government

Completed by: Mathematics teacher Galina Nikolaevna Arkhipova, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 41”, Magnitogorsk

“If you want to achieve something significant in this life, it’s not enough to just act - you also have to dream; It’s not enough to just plan - you also have to believe.”

  • introduce students to the concepts of “Co-management”, “Student co-management”, “Leader”;
  • master an active communication style and develop partnership relationships in the group;
  • practice identifying clear and distinct signs of leadership behavior, awareness of leadership qualities;
  • introduce the responsibilities of a class leader.

  • a specific organization of collective activity, the purpose of which is the self-development of the individual.

  • Teaches children the ability to lead and obey.
  • Teaches you to be demanding, objective, and independent.
  • Helps foster a sense of responsibility and collectivism.
  • Develops the right attitude towards criticism.
  • Creates the conditions for the manifestation and development of the abilities of each student.
  • Provides an opportunity to clearly and efficiently organize work in the classroom and school.

  • dominant personality;
  • having a quick reaction to a situation;
  • the one you want to follow;
  • one that is so noticeable that whether to obey it or not is not a question;
  • having maximum influence on others

The mayor of the class, like any leader, must know his responsibilities.

Responsibilities of the Class Mayor:

  • together with the class teacher, draws up a work plan for the quarter (based on student suggestions);
  • is responsible for the work of the Class Asset and reports to the Presidential Council of the school on the work of the class;
  • forms teams (action councils) to prepare and conduct classroom and school events;
  • declares gratitude and imposes penalties;
  • Monitors the execution of orders.
  • Keeps a notebook by the class measure

  • Monitors attendance and readiness for classes;
  • Monitors the keeping of diaries and maintains a progress notebook;
  • Together with the headman, he manages the Class Asset;
  • Leads a class mutual aid society;
  • Replaces the class leader and represents the interests of the class on the School Council in his absence.

Each of you should strive to ensure that the class teacher and classmates feel your help, support and active work in the class.

The work of student (class) self-government depends on the organization of the class activist with whom the class mayor conducts the work.

Therefore, everything depends on you!

  • Alexandrova M.A., Baranova E.I., Volodina E.V., Stepanova E.N. To the class teacher about self-government in the classroom. - Method. recommendations. – TC, M., - 2006
  • Kipnis M. Leadership training – 3rd ed., additional. – M.: Os-89, 2008.-P.35
  • Rozhkov M.I., L.V. Bayborodova Organization of the educational process at school. – M., VLADOS 2001.
  • Rozhkov M.I., Development of self-government in a children's team. M., 2004.
  • http://yandex.ru/
  • http://festival.1september.ru/articles/534831/
  • http://nsportal.ru/shkola

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An urgent problem of modern education and an area of ​​special attention in the system of educational work of the class teacher is the formation of self-government in the classroom.

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Self-government - One of the forms of team management, when preference is given to a democratic, stimulating type of relationship.

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The legal foundations of self-government are reflected in the federal law “On Education”. The basis for the activities of student self-government bodies are: the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Charter of the Municipal Educational Institution Vesyegonskaya Secondary School

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The essence of student self-government is the independent decision by schoolchildren of those issues in the life of the class and school that they are ready and able to solve.

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A favorable environment for the development of self-government is the cooperation of teachers and students. This makes it possible to determine the child’s zone of proximal development.

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What a child can do today in cooperation and under guidance, tomorrow he is able to do independently. By examining what a child is able to do independently, we are examining the development of yesterday. By exploring what a child is able to accomplish in cooperation, we determine the development of tomorrow. Vygotsky L.S.

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is expressed in the ability to independently take initiative, make decisions and implement them in the interests of the class. Manifests itself in: planning and organizing class activities, analyzing work, summing up what has been done and making appropriate decisions. Self management

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Educational - formation of leadership qualities, nurturing independence, collectivism, responsibility. Educational - organization of collective cognitive activity of students, mutual assistance in studies. Labor - self-service, landscaping. Leisure – preparation and holding of cultural events. Goals:

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Tasks of self-government in the classroom: Introducing to universal human values, mastering social norms through participation in the social life of the class and school. Creating conditions for self-expression, self-affirmation and realization of each individual through the presentation of a wide choice of directions and types of activities. Development of creativity and initiative. Creating conditions for the development of relationships, caring about each other, about the school, about the younger ones, mutual respect between children and adults.

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The dream of any class teacher is to create a united, friendly team. The work of the class teacher will be more effective if it is carried out systematically and always remember that there is a powerful tool - the student’s class team cultivates the spirit of the team.

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When planning educational work in the classroom, we use a variety of forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical activity. We must know our students well and have a clear idea of ​​what exactly we want to model.

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We always resolve organizational issues at the very beginning of the year. At the beginning of this school year, we discussed the following issues in class: Everyone has something to their liking The laws of school life Discipline - freedom or necessity Free time - space for developing abilities The role of the team in the formation of personality

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Having divided into groups, we decided: At what stage of development of the team is our class and why? What prevents us from going one step higher?

What will help us become a more united class team? In this case, you can obtain information about the state of relationships in the class and students’ vision of development prospects.

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The class teacher in his work with the class: Fosters independence, responsibility, and entrepreneurship;

Teaches the ability to defend one’s rights and the rights of the class collective;

Teaches the ability to make choices;

Self-government allows students to understand themselves in various social roles, gain communication experience, learn to overcome difficulties, and feel responsible before their classmates.

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Expected difficulties: Low activity of individual students. Workload of students in the educational process and during extracurricular hours.

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The position of the class teacher is based on: unconditional acceptance of the child and a positive attitude towards him;

respect for the individual and maintaining self-esteem in each student;

recognition of the individual's right to be different from others;

recognition of the child's freedom of choice;

assessment not of the individual, but of his activities and actions;

the ability to look at a problem from the perspective of a specific child;

taking into account the individual psychological and personal characteristics of the child.

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Expected results: 1. Active life position of class students. 2.The readiness and desire of students to work in a team. 3.Assimilation and mastery of knowledge and techniques of organizational activities. 4.Development of creative and social projects.

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Student self-government represents the interests of the majority of students in the class. The class needs talent, and therefore everyone’s hobbies and favorite activities help everyone live an interesting, creative life. The class has its own specialists on various issues.

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On the school stage

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Maximum learning, maximum laughter! This way we will achieve success faster, If another class is ahead, We will tell him: “Well, just wait!” Our motto

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The highest body of class self-government is the class meeting. The form of government is the city class council. (class asset) Class Mayor Deputy Mayor Ministers

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We decide the most important issues at a class meeting. Class meeting: Determines development prospects and main directions of classroom life. condemns any issues related to the life of the class, makes the necessary decisions.

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Together with the class teacher, reviews and approves the plan for extracurricular activities.

Elects the class activist, the class mayor, his deputy, listens to and evaluates the work of the activist, discusses the behavior and performance of students.

The meeting is held at least once a month, which is controlled by the class mayor

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Class asset: Organizes the implementation of decisions of the class meeting and class student services (ministries). Provides educational assistance to students with problems. Prepares and conducts class meetings. Displays all important information in a cool corner. The class mayor ensures order and is responsible for discipline in the class.

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Temporary association Purpose – holding a single event Voluntary participation Short-term existence of the group

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This system involves almost all students in the class in the work. But how to make this system work? The students themselves cannot organize the work of each self-government body; they need the support of the class teacher.

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Is it simple? But... How to find a leader capable of leading a great team?

How to attract to work those who do not want to engage in public work? How to create a friendly team that can independently organize their school life?

For effective self-government, it is important to develop a socially significant set of vital skills based on a number of principles: The principle of mastering skills in the conditions of specially organized social activities. The principle of maximum activity in the learning process. The principle of maximum reliability of information. The principle of partnership communication. The principle of interaction between family and school in the process of developing vital skills.

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PRINCIPLES OF SELF-GOVERNMENT Openness and accessibility. (maximum coverage of all events) Voluntariness (free choice of the content of activities, forms of work to achieve personal and collective goals.) Equality and cooperation (relationships based on equal partnership.) Continuity and prospects (creation of permanent and temporary associations.)

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If you cannot be a pine on the top of a hill, Be a little tree in the valley. But only the best tree. Be a bush, if you cannot be a tree. Be the grass by the road and give rest to the weary traveler, If you cannot be a bush. If you are not You can be a whale, Be the most beautiful perch in the lake! If you can't be a captain, Someone has to be a sailor. There is a job for everyone on the ship of life, Just find your job. If you can't be the sun, Be a star in the sky ,Just find your business and try to become the best.

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Good luck to you, dear colleagues, creative success!

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The presentation on the topic “School self-government” can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Social studies. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 9 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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School self-government

GOAL: Formation of the leading qualities of a moral personality through a children's public organization. OBJECTIVES: 1. Instilling in children high civic feelings and love for their homeland; 2. Development of a socially active, morally and physically healthy personality, in changing conditions of social life; 3. Training in technology for collective creative activity.

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Council of Ministers

“Forest Republic” includes six ministries: -Ministry of Education; -Ministry of Law and Order; -Ministry of Culture; -Ministry of Sports; -Ministry of Press; -Ministry of Labor.

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Ministry of Education

designed to develop the cognitive interests of students. Functions: - organizes work to help study; - helps teachers in preparing and conducting subject Olympiads and self-government days; - keeps records and develops a system of rewards for the best students of the school; - increasing the level of knowledge and, accordingly, the level of student achievement; - creation and organization of work of advisory groups on academic subjects, methodological groups; - control over the maintenance of notebooks, diaries, students’ readiness for lessons; - collection of statistical data on academic performance; - work with underachieving or low-achieving students.

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Ministry of Law and Order

is intended for the formation of conscious discipline of students, the formation of their legal culture. Functions: - monitors compliance with the school Charter and the Constitution of the Republic; - makes proposals to amend the Charter and Constitution; carries out checks on the behavior of schoolchildren during and after school hours; - stimulates and encourages excellent implementation of the School Charter and the Constitution of the Republic; - checking attendance at training sessions; - control over order and discipline at school; - work with students who are registered within the school, registered in the OPDN, as well as with their families; - organizing school duty

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Ministry of Culture

is designed to develop the creative abilities of students, identify the interests, abilities and inclinations of students. Functions: - organizes school holidays and extracurricular activities; - organizes creative activities at all levels in the field of moral, spiritual, and civic education; - keeps records and develops a system of rewarding students’ creative achievements; - organization and holding of public cultural events; - organization of leisure and entertainment for children; - children’s real understanding of the basics of a market economy through participation in labor affairs (cleaning school areas, etc.); - organization of children's recreation; - familiarization with world and domestic cultural values ​​and moral norms.

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Ministry of Health and SPORT

is intended to develop a healthy lifestyle in students, introduce them to sports and physical education, and cultivate respect for themselves, their health and the health of others. Functions: - together with teachers, organizes and conducts sports festivals and events; - keeps records and promotes students’ sports achievements; - develops a system of rewards for sports achievements; - promotion of healthy lifestyles; - introduction of health-saving technologies into the educational and educational process; - identification of talented athletes capable of performing at regional, regional and other competitions; - organization of tourism work. .

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Ministry of PRESS

designed to develop the creative and artistic abilities of students. Functions: publishes school newspapers; controls the publication of class newspapers; designs stands, etc.; education of aesthetic feelings in students; informing students, teachers, parents about the life of the school, events, activities, decisions of school government bodies, achievements; organizing the publication of thematic wall newspapers

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Ministry of Labor

intended for the formation and development of labor skills, responsibility for the results obtained, the quality of work, for the world around us. Functions: plans and organizes work to preserve and transform the school and school grounds; organizes school duty; organizes and conducts general cleaning and subbotniks. The main task of the duty officers is to ensure strict implementation of the school routine, full compliance by all students with the uniform requirements accepted at school, and maintaining cleanliness. Each class is on duty for one week, according to the schedule.

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Good luck to you in your initiatives!

Think Propose Act Analyze Evaluate

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.
  • “School should become the most important factor in the humanization of socio-economic relations, the formation of new life attitudes of the individual...” “... society needs people who are able to make independent decisions in a situation of choice, are capable of cooperation, are distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, and are ready for intercultural interaction, have a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, its social and economic prosperity..."

    Student self-government is a form of organizing the life activities of a group of students, ensuring the development of their independence in making and implementing decisions to achieve socially significant goals (explanatory dictionary). Self-government is a democratic way of organizing collective (public) life (N.P. Kapustin). Self-government is one of the modes of joint activity of people, along with leadership and management. (V. Grigoriev)

    Objectives: To activate the creative potential of each student. To unite the children's team, awaken the spirit of competition, competition, empathy, justice, and develop the organizational skills of adolescents and the ability to overcome and resolve conflicts in society in a civilized manner. Benefit society Promote professional self-determination of students.

    What does student self-government provide? For students: development of skills to work in a group, in a team; leads to an increase in the level of learning and quality of learning for students; leads to improved discipline, reduced absences without good reason; choosing a role in student government that matches his inclinations and interests; protects the rights of the child; teaches how to resolve conflict situations in a civilized manner; helps to self-determine in choosing a future path.

    If you can't be a pine on the top of a hill, Be a bush in the valley - but just be the best bush this side of the spring. Be a bush if you can't become a tree. If you cannot be a bush, be grass, Delight the traveler with your beauty, If you cannot be a pike, be just a perch - But be the fastest perch in the whole lake! Everyone can't be a captain, someone has to be a sailor, there is a job for everyone. There is a big job, there is a smaller job, But each of us must do what falls to him. If you can't be the road, be the path, If you can't be the sun, be the star, It doesn't matter if you win or lose, Just do what you can and use the best in you! Douglas Malloch

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    School student government system
    Teacher-organizer of Vorobyovskaya secondary school Elena Aleksandrovna Pozdnyakova Saki district Republic of Crimea Russia

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    Organization of self-government: -Teaches children the ability to lead and obey. Learn to be demanding. Objective, independent. Helps foster a sense of responsibility and collectivism. Develops the right attitude towards criticism. Creates conditions for the manifestation and development of the abilities of each student. Makes it possible to clearly and efficiently organize work in classes and schools.

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    In the modern educational system, self-government is considered an important component of student education.
    Goal: Raising an individual with an active life position, ready to take responsibility for their decisions and the results obtained, striving for self-improvement, self-development and self-expression.

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    School self-government
    - this is a mode of joint and independent life in which each student can determine his place and realize his abilities and capabilities. It is the civic development of a child, the discovery of his talents, abilities, the fulfillment of needs for creativity, friendship, knowledge of the world, etc. is the main thing in creating self-government in the school.

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    Objectives: Creating conditions for the development of individual leadership qualities necessary for better adaptation of students in society, their socialization and personal development. Providing pedagogical support to leaders in the children's team. Formation of knowledge and skills of the basics of organizational activities. Creating an atmosphere of cohesion among student groups, conditions for the development of a civically active individual in the team. Formation of democratic views and beliefs.

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    *The main meaning of self-government is that with its help, participants in school life have the opportunity to influence school policy.

    *Self-government makes school life a subject of joint creativity of all its participants.

    *Schoolchildren do not give self-government bodies the right to command themselves - they give elected self-government bodies the right to represent their interests in school management.

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    The Month of National Cultures has become a tradition at our school
    The activities of the Union are carried out on the basis of openness, democracy, and humanism. The organizational structure of SDO is based on the principle of cooperation between children and adults. The union unites various children's organizations of our school.

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    The main thing in creating self-government is
    It is the civic development of a child, the discovery of his talents, abilities, the fulfillment of needs for creativity, friendship, knowledge of the world, etc. is the main thing in creating self-government in the school.

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    Directions of activity of student self-government bodies:
    : 1. Representative direction - participation of the student council in discussing school problems and making decisions, developing students’ opinions on school life issues, participation in the work of school-wide self-government bodies 2. Conflict resolution - mediation in resolving intra-school conflicts. 3. Information direction - informing schoolchildren about school problems. 4. Patronage direction - organizing the patronage of seniors over juniors. 5. External relations - organizing interaction with extracurricular structures, self-government bodies of neighboring schools, attracting external resources to solve the problems of students and the school as a whole 6. Organizational direction - supporting leisure, socially significant and other initiatives of schoolchildren 7. Human rights direction - protecting the rights of students At school

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    Student self-government requires mandatory interaction between children and teachers. Children need adult help, especially if they have problems in interpersonal relationships. It is a teacher who has pedagogical experience and psychological knowledge who can prevent conflict in a team in a timely manner, direct children’s activities in the right direction, and help the child solve his problems and desire to assert himself.

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    The work of the school parliament

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    Responsibilities of SHUP members

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    Questionnaire on student self-government (grades 5-11)70 students
    How do you understand what self-government is? 1. I don’t know exactly what this is - 25% 2. This is an opportunity for schoolchildren to defend their point of view - 70% 3. This is a formally organized activity for making decisions needed by the school administration - 5%

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    What issues should student government bodies decide?
    1. Organization of leisure time for students - 47% 2. Quality of education at school - 15% 3. Organization and expansion of opportunities for communication with friends and peers - 10% 4. Establishing contacts with other children's, adolescent and youth organizations - 28%

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    Attitude to student self-government at school
    1. I am interested in being a member of a creative union, student self-government - 53% 2. I am glad that one of my friends is involved in this work - 40% 3. I don’t care whether the school has self-government or not - 7 %

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    What area of ​​self-government is most important to develop in school?
    Educational? – 30% Civic-patriotic? - 23% Sports? - 34% Artistic and aesthetic? - 13%

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    Does a school need self-government?
    Self-government helps to develop harmoniously -20% Self-government helps to develop leadership qualities - 33% Self-government diversifies the activities of students - 25% Through self-government, communication with teachers and parents is carried out - 12%

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    Principles of construction and development of student self-government
    1. Election of all bodies of joint and separate self-government of teachers, students and parents. Work of the School Council. 2.Pedagogical guidance. It ensures the development of children's self-government. 3. Division of powers of school self-government bodies and their close interaction. 4. Selection of content, organizational structure, forms and methods of activity based on the specific conditions of the school. 5. Wide publicity and openness in the activities of self-government bodies. 6.Freedom to criticize the exchange of opinions on any issues of school life and the activities of self-government bodies. 7.Systematic turnover of members of self-government, renewal of activities. 8.Humanity towards each individual, priority of the interests of students. 9. The priority of direct democracy over representative democracy.

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    Contents of the activities of self-government bodies
    The content of the work of self-government bodies is determined based on the leading types of activities characteristic of the organization of extracurricular activities at school. These types of activities are: Cognitive activities - subject weeks, meetings with interesting people, intellectual games, debates, conferences, consultations (mutual assistance of students in their studies), development of projects and their implementation. Labor activity - taking care of order and cleanliness in the school, improving school premises, organizing duty; Sports and recreational activities - organizing the work of sports sections, sports days, competitions, health days; Artistic and aesthetic activities - concerts, festivals, holidays, competitions, exhibitions, meetings; Patronage activities - helping the younger ones, caring for the older ones; Information activities - written information about the life of school classes; All activities are planned by the students themselves, and during the implementation of the plan, students are provided with assistance both at the classroom and at the school-wide level.

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    Organization of student self-government:
    1.Teaches children the ability to lead and obey. 2.Teaches you to be demanding, objective, and independent. 3.Helps to foster a sense of responsibility and collectivism. 4. Develops the correct attitude towards criticism. 5.Creates a condition for the manifestation and development of the abilities of each student. 6. Provides an opportunity to clearly and efficiently organize work in the classroom and school. Self-government is a specific organization of collective activity, the purpose of which is the self-development of the individual.

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    Basic forms of student government
    Class asset meetings. Meetings of the school student parliament. Meetings of the Council of Presidents Meetings of the School Council. Participation in the student conference. Participation in student and parent meetings. Participation in the work of creative groups. Conducting round tables. Organization and holding of sports competitions. Organization and conduct of leisure activities.

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    Partnership is: connection, empathy, community, union, responsibility.
    Education is based on the principles: -Orientation towards universal human values. -Democratization of education and upbringing. -Social adequacy of education. -Continuity of pedagogical actions in society. -Creation of a nurturing environment. Reliance on the interests and needs of students, teachers, and society.