» School Office - View Article. Project “School environmental newspaper Create a newspaper on ecology with your own hands”

School Office - View Article. Project “School environmental newspaper Create a newspaper on ecology with your own hands”

http://isjaee.hydrogen.ru- “Alternative Energy and Ecology” - an international scientific journal.

The magazine contains detailed information about the latest projects, developments and research of famous Russian and foreign scientists in the field of alternative energy, educational programs in universities and schools, scientific funds, inventions and discoveries.

http://www.greensalvation.org/index.php?page=bereginya – “Bereginya” - newspaper.

The newspaper accumulates and disseminates advanced environmental experience from most Russian regions.

- “Biosphere” - magazine.

The journal is intended for publication of the results of scientific research and for comprehensive consideration, analysis and discussion of issues relating to: the emergence and evolution of the biosphere; the actual state of the biosphere; natural and anthropogenic processes and trends in the abiotic and biotic components of the biosphere and in the biosphere as a whole; conditions and possibilities for the improvement and preservation of individual ecological systems and the biosphere as a super-large and super-complex ecological system, etc.

http://www.ipdn.ru/rics/ve2/index.htm - “Bulletin of Ecology, Forestry and Landscape Science” – magazine.

“Bulletin of Ecology, Forestry and Landscape Science”, published by the Institute of Problems of Northern Development of the SB RAS since 2000, publishes theoretical, applied and informational works on the scientific disciplines included in its title.

http://www.geo.ru– GEO – magazine.

Magazine in Russian. Annotated contents of all issues since 2007 are available.

http://www.izdatgeo.ru/index.php?action=journal&id=3 – “Geography and Natural Resources” - magazine.

The magazine widely covers the geographical aspects of solving major national economic problems, paying great attention to rational use of natural resources and environmental protection, geographic forecasting, integrated regional developments, modeling of natural processes, and the development of cartographic methods.

http://jess.msu.ru- Reports on environmental soil science – electronic scientific journal.

DEP is a periodic and ongoing scientific publication in the form of an electronic document (group of electronic documents) containing the results of theoretical and (or) experimental research in the field of environmental soil science, which has undergone editorial processing, as well as scientifically prepared documents for publication intended for distribution in unchanged, with output information.

http://www.biodiversity.ru/publications/zpnp/index.html - Bulletin "Reserves and National Parks".

Archive of issues from 1999-2006.

http://www.greenworld.org.ru/?q=nash_bereg – “Our Shore” is a newspaper.

The newspaper of the public environmental organization "Green World" talks about the problems of the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland.

http://priroda.ru/bulletin- “Use and protection of natural resources” - bulletin.

The scientific-practical and information-analytical bulletin “Use and Protection of Natural Resources” is the only magazine in the country that comprehensively covers almost all aspects of environmental management and ecology in the country.

http://www.izdatgeo.ru/index.php?action=journal&id=2 – “Earth Cryosphere” - magazine.

The journal publishes original theoretical and methodological articles on issues of the Earth's cryosphere: new data on the structure of various areas of the cryosphere, information on the structure and characteristics of cryogenic formations, their evolution, problems of cryogenesis, methods and results of modeling cryosphere components, questions of methodology for studying the Earth's cryosphere and others planets.

http://forest.ru/rus/bulletin- “Forest Bulletin” - information publication.

It talks about the work of non-governmental organizations to preserve forest ecosystems, the problems facing forestry and ways to solve them. A large place in the publication is occupied by materials devoted to legislation, problems of sustainable environmental management and relations between the public and government forestry authorities.

http://www.nat-geo.ru-National Geographic Russia – magazine.

National Geographic is a unique popular science geographical magazine, the official publication of the National Geographic Society (USA).

http://www.uniq.spb.ru/eco- “Society and Ecology” - newspaper.

Topics covered by the newspaper: energy, construction, education, youth issues, water, air, soil purification, sports, the fight against drugs, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, introduction of new technologies, support for environmental journalism, municipal solid waste, coverage of environmental holidays, formation of environmental crops, agriculture, and much more.

http://www.biodiversity.ru/publications/odp/index.html - “Wildlife Conservation” - magazine.

The magazine publishes articles on nature conservation. Archive of issues 2001-2006.

http://pandatimes.ru– Pandatimes – a newspaper about nature and business.

The Pandatimes newspaper is a new Internet project of WWF Russia.

http://www.namsvet.ru- Nature and man. XXI century - magazine.

The magazine examines issues of ecology, human health, religion, morality, etc.

http://www.priroda.su – “Priroda.su” - a magazine about the environment.

Popular science notes about ecology, the environment and the relationship between man and nature. Comments, subscription to updates.

http://www.izdatgeo.ru/index.php?action=journal&id=9 – “Flora world of Asian Russia” - magazine.

The journal publishes materials on various problems of general and experimental botany, introduction and acclimatization of plants.

http://www.rus-stat.ru– “Russia in the world around us” - yearbook.

Web version of the analytical publication published by the International Independent Ecological and Political Science University: articles on applied ecology, nature conservation, environmental safety, etc.

http://savesteppe.org/sb- “Steppe Bulletin” - an environmental almanac.

Working bulletin on the conservation of steppe ecosystems and non-destructive environmental management in the steppes.

http://www.ecolife.ru- "Ecology and Life" - popular science magazine.

“Ecology and Life” is the only popular science periodical in Russia that broadly covers the topics of ecology and energy efficiency, climate change and environmental management. The publication combines a high scientific level and provides accessibility to complex problems of science about the nature and climate of the Earth along with a story about the development of a green economy and energy. A significant place in the magazine is devoted to issues of environmental education and the development of worldviews.

http://ekologiya.net– “Ecology and Industry of Russia” – scientific and technical journal.

Processing and purification of industrial waste, instruments and techniques for monitoring and diagnostics. Archive of issue contents since 1999. Requirements for the design of articles, subscription conditions, contacts.

http://ecologia.by– “Ecology at the Enterprise” - production and practical magazine.

Articles about environmental technologies, changes in environmental legislation, interviews with experts in the field of environmental protection. Archive of publications since 2011. Possibility of online subscription.

www.ecoindustry.ru– “Production Ecology” - magazine.

The magazine “Ecology of Production” was created to provide the reader with information and methodological support in the field of industrial ecology. The magazine helps to formulate the main directions of practical activities at an enterprise to control emissions, discharges and waste to reduce the negative impact on the environment.

http://elibrary.ru/issues.asp?id=9265 – “Human Ecology” - magazine.

The main activity of the journal is the publication of the results of scientific research devoted to problems of human ecology and having both fundamental and applied significance.

http://ecosinform.ru- "ECOS" and "Ecos-inform" - magazines.

“Ekos” magazine is a magazine on issues of environmental safety, environmental management and sustainable development.

One day in the life of a flower.

My name is Rose. I used to grow up in a flower pot that stood on the windowsill in the Russian language classroom. I lived there for three years in one place and, thanks to this, I learned a lot about the Russian language. Quite recently an extraordinary adventure happened to me.

During recess, the teacher took the pot in her hands and carried it somewhere. I closed my buds in fear. Having opened the buds, I saw that I was in a new room. It was a biology classroom.

The Russian language teacher handed me over to the biology teacher and left. She put me on the windowsill, poured water on me and went to get ready for the lesson.

6th grade came in. A cheerful and perky noise arose. But the bell rang, the class calmed down and all the guys sat down at their desks. The teacher opened the magazine and asked the students a question: “What did we talk about in the last lesson?”

We talked in the last lesson about families of the Dicotyledonous class. A ringing voice was heard from the last desk.

Fine. Please tell me which family we were considering? – The teacher asked the class.

Family Rosaceae.

“And this is interesting. They’ll probably be talking about me now.” – I thought joyfully.

We open the notebooks, write down the date and topic of our lesson: “Class Dicotyledons. Family Rosaceae." Today we will look in detail at such representatives of Rosaceae as roses and rose hips.

“And exactly!” - My mood immediately lifted.

Petya, what do you know about a flower like a rose? – The teacher turned to the student at the first desk.

Rose is a universal favorite. - He answered.

“I am a universally recognized favorite! This is very good!" - I wanted to jump and dance right in the flower pot.

Soon the bell rang. All the lessons flew by unnoticed, the guys hurried home... I felt sad.

I turned to the window and saw children playing in the snow. It became a little more fun. And then one girl from the 6th grade waved to me. I felt very pleased and decided to wave to her. From the outside it looked like a light draft had touched the leaves of a rose that was growing in a flower pot on the windowsill.

The next day this girl came to biology class. I knew there was a bully in her class. He ran up to me and threw a candy wrapper into the flower pot. The girl, without hesitation, came up, removed the candy wrapper and stroked my petals. It made me feel very warm that such good kids were studying at my school.

This is how I live!

Slovyankov Yaroslav, 6th grade B

"Whom I want to become"

I'm at that age when it's time to think about what I want to become: a lawyer, physicist, driver, stuntman... Or maybe a biologist?

What is biology? Biology is the science of life in all its manifestations. Already in ancient times, scientists tried to observe living organisms, plants, fungi, insects and microbes.

And today, biologists find and study new species of living organisms. I believe that this is very important, since for many years scientists around the world have been working on developing drugs for AIDS, cancer, Ebola, etc. Biologists are trying to invent vaccines to help people save them from serious illnesses. It is hard work. Why? Yes, because biologists spend a lot of time working in laboratories and clinics. They must know a lot and correctly apply their knowledge in the field of anatomy, physiology, and microbiology. And you also need to have a good understanding of chemistry, physics, medicine, and even the Latin language.

Maybe I can become a biologist to benefit people. What if I can invent some kind of medicine or vaccine! And thereby help people!

Sotnikov Dmitry, 5 A class

The main postulate of the country's sustainable development is the harmonization of the relationship between man and the environment. This is possible when environmental problems become personally significant. An important direction of this work is development of ecological culture .

Ecological culture is an integral property of a person, which determines his worldview, moral qualities, orientation, social position, and activities aimed at the inextricable connection of man with the present and future of nature.

Ecological culture is defined as a complex systemic formation of an individual, including not only knowledge and views, but also assessments and beliefs. A highly developed personality is able to act in difficult situations according to his own conviction and take full responsibility for the consequences.

Process the formation of value orientations includes three components :

Knowledge is a system of knowledge, laws, assessments, norms of behavior, values ​​acquired by an individual at the level of environmental beliefs.

Motivations – used for the method of orientation of motivation, personal meaning.

The operations used are generalized methods of cognitive activity, which include methods of analysis and assessment of the environmental situation, as well as the choice of methods of environmentally justified behavior. They are interconnected.

Ecological culture is the highest form of motivational morality, promoting the use of environmental knowledge in a personal way of socio-ecological orientation. In this case, the emotional sphere plays an important role. Ecologically moral and value principles and norms are assimilated if they are experienced as personally significant.

Practical experience in communicating with nature, including educational research on regional environmental problems, is of great importance. At the same time, imagination and observation develop, and methods of irrational environmental management cause internal protest, desire and readiness to protect the environment. When knowledge passes through the sphere of a person’s feelings and experiences, through reflection, analysis, and comparisons with one’s own experience, they develop into beliefs.

A person develops his own attitude to current phenomena and confidence in the need to improve the natural environment. There is an internal need to act in accordance with existing scientific knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as a willingness to translate one’s recommendations into real actions to solve regional environmental problems.

In the course of organizing environmental excursions and practical communication with nature, performing specific work to study the state of the environment and improve it, as well as getting acquainted with examples of rational environmental management, a person gains experience in an ethical and aesthetic attitude towards nature. A prudent attitude towards natural resources is formed, as well as an understanding of the need to develop reasonable needs.

The children's and youth press has become a massive and ubiquitous phenomenon in our lives. Children and teenagers need periodicals, but not only weekly journals with fairy tales and poems, but publications where they themselves collaborate and where topics that are important and interesting to them are discussed.

A school newspaper can now be considered as a means of creating a real strong creative team at school, as a means of forming public opinion, a means of education, etc. For active, inquisitive children, the school newspaper is a kind of catalyst and generator of ideas.

Nina Shchetinina

Creative project – environmental newspaper

Program content: Systematize knowledge about the object of research. Introduce children to the general scheme of activities. Learn to create a joint project. Introduce the rules for designing an environmental newspaper. Show ways to independently acquire knowledge, Make a creative project based on the collected material. Cultivate an interest in learning.

Methodical techniques

Part 1. Discussion of the topic.

Consider how a newspaper is designed (there is a name, sections, headings, articles, an entertaining page, advertisements)

Select newspaper title (teacher-led discussion)

Part 2. Collection of information.

Create a researcher's folder.

Paste a picture of the research object onto the researcher’s folder.

Where can I collect the necessary information? (Ask others, think, observe, conduct an experiment, look in a book, on TV, call the help desk, etc.)

Explain to children how to use the encyclopedia.

Gather available information. (Prepare books, encyclopedias, sets of pictures in advance.)

Watch a video on this topic.

Remember what children know about the object of study (riddles, poems, fairy tales). Write down information on pieces of paper or cards.

Create a crossword puzzle or questions for a mini-quiz

Part 3. Systematization of information

Summarize the collected material, distribute it by topic, select the important, significant, and interesting.

Part 4. Creating a project - publishing a newspaper.

The newspaper is placed on the stand for parents “Life on the Ecodoka Planet”, additional information from the teacher is in the pocket windows.

Publications on the topic:

Educational activity project “Ecological chain” Teacher-developer: Olga Anatolyevna Petrova Educational activities are carried out using the principle of integration, and integration.

Project on environmental education of preschool children “Ecological trail” Relevance of the project Familiarizing children with the world around them is closely related to issues of environmental education. The most important means.

Project "Ecological trail" Project: “Ecological trail”. Project: ECOLOGICAL TRAIL Goal: Raising a conscious attitude of the child through communication with nature. Formation.

During preschool childhood, the foundations for a child’s interaction with nature are laid, and with the help of adults, he begins to recognize it as common.

Project “Ecological path in kindergarten” for senior group No. 4 Project “Ecological path in kindergarten” SENIOR GROUP No. 4 Educator: Salimova. NABEREZHNYE CHELNY 2014 Project “Environmental.

Project “Ecological trail in kindergarten” Relevance. The preschool period is an extremely important stage in a child’s life. It is during this period that physical and mental intensification occurs.

Creative project “Winter” Slide 1 Information card of the project 1. Project: “Winter” 2. Author of the project: Sklyar Oksana Vladimirovna 3. Type of project: cognitive-speech.

In order to expand knowledge in the field of ecology, in particular in matters of saving water resources, I drew for my children and their parents.

Municipal educational institution "Babaevskaya secondary school No. 1"

School environmental newspaper

Read in this issue:

· Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials at our school

· Where did the students of our school spend their summer?

· The hogweed is coming!

· 5th grade students talk about their pets

· Environmental situation in the world: how are things going in prosperous Finland? Report from Helsinki

· Crossword from our readers

· Riddles about autumn

Hello, dear friends!

The holidays are over and the new school year has begun. This year, the school environmental newspaper “Green Leaf” continues its work. This year you will find a lot of interesting information related to the environmental situation in the world, our region, our city, interviews with interesting people, survey results, stories from our readers, crosswords and much more. Our newspaper can be read on the school website ( www. *****), it is available in electronic form in the library. Each of you can become the author of notes, so try your hand!


Wanted correspondents for the school environmental newspaper “Green Leaf”. Requirements: communication skills, ability to work with information sources, computer skills.

This school year the school is working circle of young flower growers. Students take care of the Winter Garden in the school foyer and learn how to properly care for indoor plants.

Our newspaper accepts advertisements in section “I’ll give it to good hands”. If you cannot place kittens, puppies, or hamsters, please contact us and we will print your ad.

For any questions please contact office 56

"Harvest 2011" at school No. 1

They say that the most beautiful time of the year is autumn. Autumn time is beautiful, amazing, multifaceted. At this time, on the streets of our small town we can see colorful leaves that have already said goodbye to their slender trees, puddles in which little ones love to look at their reflection, sparrows cleaning their fluffy feathers. In general, everything is somehow unusual and magical in autumn. At this time, the harvest of our grandmothers in their gardens was ripe - pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots. And the grandmothers and their grandchildren decided to make crafts...

In September, our school hosted the Harvest 2011 competition, in which students from grades 1 to 6 took part. Each of the works was individual and unique. A crocodile was made from ordinary cucumber and zucchini, and butterflies were made from grass and dry leaves...

The jury members had a difficult job ahead - it was very difficult to choose the winners, each work deserved attention. But after long discussions, the results became known. So, friends, drum roll, and...

In the “Bouquet” category, among the first classes, first place was shared by Vladislav Sautin (1 A) and Sofia Gashkova (1 B) - their works earned special praise from the jury. Olga Parfenova (1st B) was awarded 3rd place. Her work was also very beautifully designed. Among 2 classes, Trunova Maria earned 1st place, her work is called “Autumn Bouquet”. 2nd place went to Igor Smirnov (2 B). Birk Alina (5A) was awarded 2nd place. The judges were amazed by her beautifully designed pumpkin vase. Polina Klubova (5 A) earned 3rd place.

So, friends, as you have already noticed, there are a lot of kids in our school who are able to create a “miracle” out of the most ordinary pumpkin and earn praise and applause!

The next nomination in our competition is “Composition”. Let's start with the smallest and most talented - from 1st grade. 1 And this year’s class pleasantly surprised us - they had as many as 7 participants who took prizes. Among them are Osetrova Maria, Suvorova Vika, Moiseenko Polina - they took 3rd place. 2nd place went to Artem Pimenov, he made a composition of cones and spruce needles. Well, the first places went to Olga Alexandrova and Artem Borovkov - the jury members were delighted with their work. In 1B class, Pavel Agayev brought 2nd place. And in 1B - as many as 2 second places (these are Dasha Shvedova and Daniil Anifatov). This is all our pride - the smallest but most distant winners. There is also a winner in class 2B - Diana Lyubimova (3rd place). 3A received 3rd place thanks to Artem Eliseev, Nastya Chernyshova (4B) also received 3rd place.

A striking example of how the beauty of an autumn landscape can be conveyed is the work of 4A class students Dmitry Vinogradov and Polina Kuptsova - their work took 1st place. The work of Igor Mazin received an honorable second place. Competition participants from 6 A, Alena Kozyreva and Irina Timofeeva, also took prizes.

Crafts, which we will talk about now, allow you to feel like a part of nature and enjoy the variety of shades of golden autumn.

The material for crafts can be any natural materials - whatever your heart desires, as long as you have enough imagination and skill. Again, let's begin summing up the results of the competition from the little ones. 1st place and the audience’s applause were earned by Katya Smelkova (1 A), Olya Belyaeva (1 A) and Vika Veselova (1 B), their work was beyond competition. Second places were awarded to Darina Volnova (1 A) and Nikita Grauberg (1 B). 3rd place goes to Yana Balakina (1 B), Oksana Belyaeva (1 B). A very original craft “Cinderella’s Carriage”, which was made from pumpkin, pine cones, and spruce branches by Ekaterina Kolesov (1 B).

Among the participants from 2 classes, the works of Liza Rokotova (2 B), Polina Danilova (2 B) distinguished themselves with particular originality - they received 2 place. Third place went to Grisha Budilov, his craft was very original - Grisha made a spider from potatoes and a hybrid of pumpkin and squash. Nikita Moskalev (2 B) and Zhenya Bronzov (2 A) had no worse crafts; we also sincerely congratulate them.

Among 3rd grade students, Andrey Kononov (3 B), Ellina Kharlamova (3 A), Kostya Mukin (3 B), Daniil Petrov (3 A) won. In class 4B, Dima Petrov received 3rd place. I would like to mention another very talented person. This is Nikita Pirogov (4 V), he became the absolute winner. Evgenia Vlasova (4 A) received 2nd place. I would like to say special words of gratitude to the girls from class 5A. Their work is called “Autumn Fashion”, it is very beautiful and original. And finally, the names of these fashionistas: Evgenia Kornishova, Maria Repina, Elena Andreeva. We wish the girls further creative success!

There is nothing more beautiful than an autumn garden... In autumn, a special atmosphere reigns in it - you go there, and the pleasant smell of fallen leaves and ripe apples envelops you and beckons you. So, the next nomination is called “Wonderful Garden”.

Among the first classes, Vitaly Belyakov (1 A) won in this nomination, 2nd place went to Olga Selezneva (1 A), 3rd place of honor went to Anna Kononovskaya (1 A). The work of Daria Saneeva (2 A), which received 1st place, is sent to the regional exhibition. Looking at her work, you can feel like a part of nature and enjoy the variety of shades of golden autumn.

From time immemorial, autumn has been associated with abundance, generosity and wealth. This is reflected in the work of Nikita Golovanov (3 A), who receives 2nd place.

Among 4 classes, Sergey Melnikov (4 A) took first place, Ksenia Ruban (4 B) took second place. And looking at the works of the following participants, you can get a boost of cheerfulness and good mood - these are the works of Artem Nikiforov (4 B), and Alena Smirnova (4 B), they have 3rd place.

Well, here are the results of this wonderful annual competition of tricks and compositions. I can say one thing – the exhibition was a great success! Many, having visited it, received a great emotional charge. There were a lot of wonderful works. We hope that next year we will have even more participants and even more winners. In the meantime, we wish all participants of the competition creative inspiration, good mood and cloudless autumn weather.

Kireeva Alexandra

The hogweed is coming!

On a bright sunny day, a man was fishing; he was very hot, and so he sat without a shirt. Behind him were large leaves of a plant unfamiliar to him. These were the leaves of Sosnowski's hogweed. And so the man, wanting to rest, lay down on these leaves. As a result, he received a severe burn on his back and was hospitalized at the Babayevskaya Central District Hospital.

On hot days, hogweed leaves secrete essential oil, which, when it comes into contact with the skin, causes severe burns. The affected areas become covered with blisters.

Sosnovsky's hogweed was brought to our region as a promising forage crop. Initially, he was brought to the Dubrovka state farm. Then it was used as a silage crop at the Druzhba state farm. Its seeds quickly spread throughout the territory of the state farm, when the silage was transported to farms, the hogweed settled along the roads, and with manure it ended up in the fields. Nowadays, hogweed can be found along roads, rivers, meadows, and forest edges.

I strongly advise you not to touch the leaves of the hogweed! The plant causes severe chemical burns!

For reference

Hogweed Sosnovsky is a plant of the Hogweed genus that has the ability to cause severe and long-lasting burns.

In the middle of the 20th century it was cultivated as a silage plant. Subsequently, it turned out that it easily runs wild and penetrates natural ecosystems. Its leaves and fruits are rich in essential oils containing substances that, if they come into contact with the skin, can cause a photochemical burn. These circumstances prompted the abandonment of attempts at industrial cultivation. Named after the researcher of the flora of the Caucasus. The popular names of the plant are “Stalin’s revenge” and “Hercules flower”.

A very large (up to 3 meters) plant, biennial or perennial, monocarpic (that is, it blooms and bears fruit once in a lifetime, after which it dies). The stem is grooved-ribbed, rough, purple or with purple spots, bears very large leaves, usually yellowish-green, 1.4-1.9 m long. The root system is taprooted, the bulk of the roots are located in a layer up to 30 cm, individual roots reach a depth 2 meters.

The inflorescence is a large (up to 50-80 cm in diameter) complex umbrella, consisting of 30-75 rays. The flowers are white or pink. One plant can have more than flowers. It blooms from July to August, the fruits ripen from July to September. The shelf life of seeds is 2 years. Sosnovsky's hogweed reproduces only by seed and is not capable of vegetative propagation.

Hogweed leaves, roots and fruits are rich in essential oils that weaken the skin's resistance to ultraviolet radiation. After contact with the plant, especially on sunny days, a severe 1st - 3rd degree burn may appear on the skin. A particular danger is that touching the plant at first does not cause any unpleasant sensations.

If juice gets on your skin, wash it with soap and water and avoid exposure to sunlight for at least 2 days.

(http://ru.wikipedia.org )

Grinev Vitaly

What to do if you get lost in the forest?

Autumn has come. This is the best time to go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. But few people think about the fact that they might get lost. We will give you some useful tips in case you get lost in the forest.

Let's imagine that a person who went out to pick mushrooms has only a basket, a knife, a plastic bag, a watch and a box of matches. The mobile phone may be out of network coverage... How should a person who gets lost in the forest behave? Having lost his orientation, he must immediately stop moving and try to restore it with the help of a compass, watch, or using various natural signs. If this cannot be done, the best thing to do is to organize a temporary parking lot, build a fire, replenish food supplies from nature’s pantry and wait for help to arrive. Having made this decision, it is necessary to find a suitable site for the future camp. The place should be dry and located near a stream or other water source so that there is always a supply of water nearby. It is important that there is fuel nearby (in winter the issue of firewood is very important).

Huts are built mainly from poles tied to a tree, connected to each other, or any other suitable in a given situation. It is best to use fabric as a covering, or even better, polyethylene. In extreme cases, when another shelter cannot be built, or there is no fabric, tree branches can be used.

Next, you should take care of the fire; before lighting it, you need to prepare some fuel. To light a fire, use dry twigs, which are planed so that the shavings remain on them in the form of a “collar.” Thin wood chips, split dry bark (preferably birch), and dried moss are placed on top. Fuel is added to the fire little by little. As the flame increases, larger branches can be placed. They must be laid one at a time, loosely, to ensure good air access. If you forget about this, even a hot burning fire can “suffocate.”

But before starting a fire, you should take all measures to prevent a forest fire. A place for a fire is chosen away from coniferous trees, and especially dried out trees. Thoroughly clear the area about a meter and a half around of dry grass, moss and bushes. If the soil is peaty, then to prevent fire from penetrating the grass cover and causing the peat to ignite, a “cushion” of sand or earth is poured.

You should also remember that there may be dangerous animals in the forest. Sometimes the attack of the beast is explained by the fact that a passing person blocked the passage of the beast. In this case, you must definitely get out of the animal’s path so that he can see you. If you are standing and hear that an animal is walking not far from you, you need to immediately find a retreat path, for example (a tree, a high steep stone).
You should also not make sudden movements, run, or throw stones or sticks towards the animal.

The most important thing for a person who finds himself in an emergency situation is not to panic. But it’s better to warn your loved ones about this when going into the forest. Remember that you should not go into the forest alone, without adults!

Bespotestnykh Konstantin

Mokin Artem

Ecology in Finnish style or what prevents us from living the same way?

This note about the environmental situation in Finland was written by its resident Victoria Nekrasova specifically for the newspaper “Green Leaf”. Victoria’s mother is a native of the village of Pozhara, Babaevsky district, and our guest often visits Babaev, so she has the opportunity to compare how it is with us and how “they do.” So…

Let's face it: we don't love ourselves and our country because we are so indifferent to nature. It is enough to come to the nearest Babaevsky forest and see: yes, we treat ourselves badly - landfills are everywhere, and on what an industrial scale.

However, this applies to all of Russia as a whole, and no one knows how many such unauthorized landfills exist, and do we really care?

Everything, however, can be learned by comparison. Having lived in Finland for several years, each time it becomes more and more painful to come to your native country and watch the flourishing of the garbage period. For the Finns, everything is different. No garbage on the streets, much less in the forests. (By the way, the forest is considered a very good friend here and there is even a saying: the forest is a Finn’s psychologist, but that’s another story.)

Whoever has been to Finland has not seen a single river or lake into which sewage, industrial waste would be poured, household garbage would be dumped... The laws are strict, and the habits developed by tradition are solid, and no one will allow trash to be thrown into the lake, or old ones to be hidden in the bushes things, dump garbage in the wrong place, throw a bag of garbage on the side of the road.

Already in kindergarten, little Finns are taught to respect nature. Using the example of parents, children see, for example, how garbage is sorted at home, which is what I do too. Paper, newspapers, glass, food waste, cardboard, for example, milk cartons, all separately, in different bags. Of course, no one will monitor whether I then dump all the waste into one container or put it in specially designed boxes, but here everyone knows that THIS IS THE MUST BE. Everything is then carefully recycled, so that pollution does not end up in nature, and waste recycling also brings income to responsible companies.

About the thriftiness of the Finns

The recycling system in Finland has been carefully developed and is used, supplementing the country's budget. Stores have machines for beer cans and plastic bottles. For waste that is recycled, businesses are charged a fee for removal and disposal. This is the so-called problematic waste. For scrap metal, according to the law in force in Finland, the price of the car already includes the cost of disposal.

At special points, old clothes are collected, some of which are sent through the Red Cross to some countries in need. Also popular are the forgotten flea markets, that is, second-hand stores, where everything from clothes to dishes can be bought directly from the owner of the items, having previously agreed on a price. The price of a high-quality T-shirt for our money can be about 10-40 rubles, does it make sense after that to go to the store and buy new things? Finns do not have a pathological desire to acquire ultra-modern things; in Finland, a modest way of life and simple clothing are very noticeable.

Education is the key to frugality

One of the aspects of environmental education is the education of thrift. Saving electricity, water, paper, clothing is present everywhere in this country, and frugality is a feature of the Finnish way of life. For example, in homes, steam heating batteries are regulated to the desired temperature by the people themselves using a special device. Children in Finland learn from an early age to throw garbage into different containers, they are taught how to extend the shelf life of things and update them, making them modern again, children are also taught to treat things without partiality. If you ask any Finnish schoolchild, how do they want to live? He will answer: by a clean lake, in nature.

What kind of water do they have?

Water and air are the basis of everyone's health. Finland ranks among the first in the world for the cleanliness of its air and the quality of water that can be drunk from the tap. Helsinki tap water is recognized by experts as the cleanest in the world. It is supplied through the longest tunnel in the world (124 km), carved into the rocks. Helsinki's wastewater treatment plants process 330 thousand cubic meters of wastewater per day. Again, it’s enough for me to compare this with my native Karelia, which is nearby, has the same climatic conditions, and has huge reserves of fresh water. Everything is the same, but not the same. Why is the water in Finland one of the best in the world, and in the capital of Karelia - Petrozavodsk, for example, yellow in color with a strong odor, saturated with organic matter and with a huge content of chlorine, the constant use of which can lead to stomach ulcers and cancer? You can drink it after Finnish water only after boiling, closing your nose and muffling all other senses.

Air quality is constantly monitored by specialists and all indicators of pollution levels are displayed on special screens hanging in every metro car in the capital of Finland, Helsinki: the regions of the capital are colored in different colors in the spectrum from green (very good air quality) to purple (respectively, very poor). As a rule, indicators do not fall further than green and yellow (good).

A large number of tourists in Finland come here precisely because of the cleanliness of the air and water bodies.

Yes, our country is big, there are also many problems. But if each of us thinks about it, if each of us throws garbage in specially designated places, I believe that in this way we can change a lot. Of course, for life to become like in Finland, which is an example for other countries of the world, the efforts of more than one generation are required. But why don't we start right now?

Victoria Nekrasova

Our readers - 5th grade students - talk about their pets


I have Djungarian hamsters at home. There are two of them. Djungarian hamsters have fawn-gray fur with black stripes on the back, and their paws are white.

They love cheese, seeds, cookies, cucumbers, grains, apples. And this is how they eat: they take food in their paws and bite off tiny pieces. If they are full, they put the pieces behind their cheeks, take them to the house and store food in reserve, and if they are hungry, they chew and swallow. After eating, they wash their front paws and face.

Hamsters love to spin on a special animal wheel. There are cases when one hamster tries to spin the wheel in one direction, and the other in the other. Whoever is heavier continues to run, and whoever is lighter flies upward. When he completes the circle, he falls under the feet of the first one, and they both fall.

They also chew on anything they can find: a house, a wheel, the bars of a cage. By this they sometimes show that they are hungry, and sometimes they just play.

I noticed that my hamsters take a very long time to wash themselves. In the evening, when they are waiting for food, they sit in a corner and wash themselves for half an hour.

When it’s warm in our house, they don’t sleep in the house, but sleep under the wheel, in the corner. We put scraps of newspapers for them as bedding. I also recently hung a hammock for them, and they sometimes sleep in it.

These are the kind of pets I have!

Boykova Irina

My dog ​​Bim

My puppy's name is Bim. It is black and white in color. He loves to play, and most of all, to walk. He knows several commands (for example, “sit”). If you show him something tasty, he will sit down and give you his paw! When we go out for a walk with him, he won’t let us put on the collar - he jumps and gallops. And when we go out into the street with him, he rushes forward so much that we have to run after him. When we let him off the leash, Bim runs around like crazy. I tried to teach Bim to bring a stick on command, but he still doesn’t bring it.

I love my Bim very much!

Stasyuk Daryana


I have my favorite animals at home: a kitten and a dog. I especially love watching the kitten.

He loves to sleep a lot and play with a string or ball of thread. And when he plays, he will definitely get entangled in them. I, of course, help him unravel. And then he starts to lightly bite and scratch me.

When the kitten has had enough of playing, he goes to bed. I love him so much!

Golovanova Daria

Parrot Yasha

I want to tell you about my parrot. His name is Yasha. Yasha lives at our house, in my room. My parrot sings songs every day and talks to the birds when he hears them chirping outside the window.

He talks very interestingly: at first loudly, and then quieter, quieter, and then louder again. During the day I let him out to fly. He flies around the house, and when he needs to rest, he looks for a place to land, then flies again. After about two hours, dad and I begin to catch him, we take a broom and my brother’s cap to catch Yasha. But that’s not the case: he flies to another place, but we don’t retreat. The parrot gets tired and flies into the cage, flapping its wing. While Yasha is flying, I manage to clean his cage.

As soon as Yasha gets into the cage, he immediately starts drinking, and then plays with his plastic girlfriend on a spring and looks in the mirror.

In the evening I read a fairy tale to Yasha, he listens to me and falls asleep.

This is my funny parrot, I love him very much.

Kosticheva Yulia

☺☺☺ Our survey ☺☺☺ ☺☺☺Filford the mystery☺☺☺

We asked the readers of our newspaper a question: “The nature of our forest”

“Where did you spend your summer?” Compiled by Ozimin Kirill, 3 “A” class

Julia:“This summer I went to Anapa on the Black Sea))). Liked:)"

Tasks - riddles

Julia: I'm in St.

I was resting in St. Petersburg. I really liked the Gulf of Finland.

Violet:“I was on holiday in Turkey, we went on excursions there.”

Maria:"Cherepovets, camp "Yantar"

Konstantin:"Anapa, sanatorium "Pearl of Russia"

Vitalina:"Cherepovets, camp "Yantar"

Maria:"Anapa, sanatorium "Pearl of Russia"

Eugene: I was at the dacha, scared the snakes and ran from mosquitoes))


about autumn

(The answers are written from right to left):

Autumn has come to visit us

And she brought with her...

What? Say it at random!

Well, of course...(dapotsil)

The cold scares them so much

They fly to warm countries,

They can't sing and have fun

Who gathered in flocks? ...(ycitp)

1. A red-haired little animal jumps and gallops through the trees.

2. In winter and summer, one color.

3. He grows under a coniferous paw, he grows, and with him the hat. He never takes off his hat when we bow.

4. Once the loop gets tangled, it won’t be untangled in a week.

5.He sleeps in a den in winter under a huge pine tree. And when spring comes, he wakes up from sleep.

6. What kind of Christmas tree is this? This Christmas tree is alive; walks along the path in gray clothes.

7. She doesn’t sit still, carrying news on her tail.

8. But here is someone important with a little white leg. He has a red hat with polka dots on the hat.

9. They wear red berets - they bring autumn to the forest in summer. They are friendly sisters, they are called...

10. Along the forest paths there are many white legs in multi-colored hats, noticeable from a distance. Collect, don’t hesitate, this is...

11. Doctor of the forest kingdom, treats without medicine.

12. I don’t argue, I’m not white, brothers, I’m simpler. I usually grow in a birch grove.

13. Fairytale owner of the forest.

14. In the thawed area, a forest fire burns in the spring. The light is timid, like a white snowflake.

15. Who will give honey to the bee? Who blooms in the sun and shakes its colorful head at us in the summer heat?

Cross out the guess words!

See you again!